Print After a Drawing of an Artillary Park by Leonardo da Vinci1872-Greeley, Horace: Incident of Mr. Greeley's Western Tour. An enthusiastic citizen of Hamilton, Ohio, stops Mr. Greeley's carriage and presents his child to be kissed. Drawing
Detail of The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
Creation of Adam by Michelangelo BuonarrotiCreation date: 1510|Located in: Sistine Chapel, Vatican Palace, Vatican City
Self-Portrait by Leonardo da Vinci
Portrait of Guiliano de Medici by Sandro Botticelli(Original Caption) Botticelli: (1444-1510), Portrait of Guiliano de Medici
Study of a Man in Profile and Soldiers on Horseback by Leonardo da VinciA study for the mural The Battle of Anghiari by Leonardo da Vinci. The mural, located in the Palazzo della Signoria in Florence, was never completed and was destroyed in the mid-1500s
Drawing Studies of Arms, Hands, and Feet by Leonardo da VinciStudy of a hand placed palm downwards. Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci
Arno Landscape by Leonardo da Vinci1473. Pen and ink over a partially erased pencil sketch. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
Drawing of Flying Machines by Leonardo da VinciORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Drawing of flying vehicles by Leonardo Da Vinci. Undated
Drawing of anatomical studies by Leonardo da VinciAnatomical studies. Undated drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci
Study for the Trivulzio Monument by Leonardo da VinciDrawings of an unrealized funeral monument for Gian Giacomo Trivulzio. | Located in: Royal Library
Drawing of a Nude Seen from Behind by Leonardo da Vinci(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Examining the Mona LisaA French official examines the restored Mona Lisa at the Uffizi Gallery
Study for Perspective with Animals and Figures by Leonardo da VinciThis drawing is a perspective study for Adoration of the Magi, an unfinished work by Leonardo da Vinci. Located in: Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy
Drawing of a Manually Driven Flying Machine by Leonardo da VinciLeonardo da Vinci sketch for a helicopter. Man in center powers rotating wings. BPA#2 2846
The Flight Into Egypt by Giotto di BondoneFresco cycle completed circa 1305. Cappella degli Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua, Italy
Saltcellar with Neptune and Tellus by Benvenuto Cellini (Saltcellar Side)1540-1543. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria
Drawings of the Eye by Leonardo da Vinci"STORIES OF THE EYES." DA VINCI. UNDATED SKETCH
Printed Copy of Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci(Original Caption) Pastel-toned copy of Leonardo da Vinci's painting, Mona Lisa, 1503-1506
Detail of Creation of Adam by MichelangeloFrom 1508-12, Michelangelo painted this fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. | Detail of: The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
Detail of Leo X and the Cardinals by RaphaelPortrait of Pope Leo X with Cardinal Rossi and Giulio de Medici. Painting by Raphael, ca. 16th Century. Florence, Palazzo Pitti Gallery
Drawing of a Storming Wagon and a Tank-Like Vehicle by Leonardo da Vinci(Original Caption) Drawing by da Vinci from his book on submarines and inventions. Undated
Simoneta Vespucci by Pietro di Cosimo(Original Caption) Cleopatra (69-30 BC), Queen of Egypt 51-30 BC. Painting by Pietro Di Cosimo (1462-1521). BPA2# 4529
Giant Catapult by Leonardo da VinciMedium: Pen and ink on paper|Creation date: ca. 1499|Located in: Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy
Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci(Original Caption) Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. BPA2# 1663
Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci1472-1475. Oil on wood panel, 98 x 217 cm. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, Italy, Florence, Italy
Detail of a Drawing of the Proportions of the Human Body by Leonardo da VinciLeonardo Da Vinci: "Comparative Study in Anatomical Proportion." Undated illustration
Drawing of Flowers and Diagrams by Leonardo da Vinci(Original Caption) Leonardo Da Vinci's handstudy drawing of plants in Paris is shown. This is an undated illustration
Battle of the Ten Naked Men by Antonio del Pollaiolo(Original Caption) Antonio Pollajuolo: "Nude Men Fighting". Illustration showing naked men fighting with swords and other hand weopons in a forest. Undated copper engraving. BPA2#5366
Drawing of an Anatomical Figure by Leonardo da VinciLeonardo Da Vinci: Anatomical figure from his note books. Undated illustration. BPA2# 2848
Print After a Drawing of Five Characters in a Comic Scene by Leonardo da VinciSketch of five grotesque heads, by Leonardo da Vinci. Undated illustration
Drawing of an anatomical study by Leonardo da VinciAnatomical drawing by Leonardo DaVinci. Depicts a longitudinal section of the human body, including veins and organs. Undated illustration
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci(Original Caption) Leonardo Da Vinci's "The Proportions of Man, " is shown in this manuscript illustration
The Resurrected Christ by Sandro Botticelli(Original Caption) Painting of the Resurrected Christ
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci(Original Caption) Leonardo da Vinci: The proportions of man. Manuscript illustration
The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist by Leonardo da VinciThis drawing is a full-scale study for the painting of the same subject now in the Louvre. | Located in: National Gallery, London
Pope Julius II by Raphael(Original Caption) London, England: This painting of Pope Julius II, in London's National Gallery was formerly believed to be a copy