Scarecrow in blue coat and yellow hat standing in a field
Farm workers in rice field harvesting crops
Tractor pulling a plough
Combine harvester
Man in loincloth ploughing with harnessed oxen, side view
Row of greenhouses
Arrows illustrating circular movement of key twisting to open rectangular metal tin, front view
Red combine harvester
Cross section of hydroponic water garden
Chicken run, group of hens with rooster pecking grains, enclosed by hedges and fences, with eggs laid in nesting boxes, fresh water tub supplied through pipe, view from above
Farm workers tending fields and harvesting crops, tractor and trailer loaded full with cabbages in foreground, farm buildings in background
Farm workers in a rice field, before, during and after harvest
Illustration, sheaf of wheat standing upright
Illustration, plough turning over soil and creating furrows
Illustration, red tractor, side view
Illustration, fruit trees and wooden field gate by country path leading to secluded farmhouse, rolling hills with hay bales in background