3D Plate Tectonics Labelled illustration3d illustration of a cross-section to explain subduction and plate tectonics
Plate tectonics, illustration3d illustration of a cross-section to explain subduction and plate tectonics
Victorian satirical cartoon, Depression hiding behind a smiling maskVintage engraving of a Victorian satire on Depression hiding behind a smiling mask, 19th Century
Devils Cataract and Main Falls - Aerial ViewVictoria Falls, Zambezi River, Zimbabwe/Zambia
Spanner turning bolt, front view
Illustration of the factors causing neap tides, Moon exerting pull on sea, Sun counteracting Moon s
Jet airplane engine
Ancient Roman Pedestal, inscription Genio Coloniae Lepcis Magnae Crescentinae, Leptis Magna, Libya
Great Fountain Geyser surrounded by large terraces erupts every 8-12 hours with 100 plume of water and steam, Firehole Lake Drive, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Sunset on the Ontonagon River Falls #1Fall color reflects on a waterfall at Bond Falls in the Michigan Upper Peninsula. Bond Falls State Park Middle Branch Ontonagon River East of Paulding Michigan
Forces involved when wheel and axle lift weight
Forces involved when screw is turned
Surf crashing against rocks on shoreline
Man throwing autumn leaves in the air
Tidal power generator, cross section
Eruption forming cloud above rocky landscape
Iluustration of man downhill skiing
Digitally generated illustration of young man balancing on surfboard with arms raised, and arrows showing gravity force
Illustration of voltmeter attached to battery, showing electromotive force on dial
Illustration of the factors causing spring tides, Sun in line with Earth and Moon, adding the Sun s
Illustration of a car accelerating around a bend
Illustration of upthrust balancing weight of ship and keeping it afloat
Zambezi gorge, Victoria Waterfalls, Livingstone, Zambia
Head of Medusa, Severan Forum, Ruins of the Roman City Leptis Magna, Libya
Strokkur Geyser, Geysir, IcelandRising sun lights tower of boiling steam erupting from Strokkur Geyser
Strokkur Geyser erupting at sunrise
Rock hollowed-out by the force of the waves, Great Arch at Fanad Head, County Donegal, Ireland, Europe
Thunderstorm, bolt
Lightning over a residential area in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, Europe
Pier of Sellin during a storm tide, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, Europe
A yellow and a black pencil crossing out the letterings Familien, Hartz IV and Rente, German for families, Hartz IV, a German unemployment benefit, and pension
Hafragilsfoss waterfall, Iceland, Europe
GoAzA'afoss waterfall, Godafoss, Iceland, Europe
Rocket shipUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Rocket ship. (Photo by George Marks/Retrofile/Getty Images)
Balloon PostA balloon leaves Paris by night, carrying mail out of the city during the siege by Prussian forces, December 1870