Japanese Artillery ShellsJapanese troops in Manchuria with a stockpile of 11-inch artillery shells during the Russo-Japanese War, 1905. Original publication: Illustrated London News, pub. 28th January 1905
World War IIFine Art Storehouse Vintage Photo Art: War: World War II
Japanese Enter China Crossing River;Wood(Original Caption) The Japanese forces entering China by crossing the Yalu, 1893. Undated Woodcut
Russians with Red Chinese Forces 1927
Italians Firing On Ethiopian Forces(Original Caption) 2/17/1936-Ethiopia- Italian artillerymen firing on Ethiopian forces during the battle of Tembien
Japanese Soldiers Waiting(Original Caption) 10/1/1941-Saigon, French Indo-China: Japanese soldiers
Dwight D. Eisenhower; Commander Of Allie(Original Caption) 8/18/1943-North Africa: Dwight D. Eisenhower at the beginning of his career as Commander of the Allied Forces in North Africa
Riots Spread In Palestine-British(Original Caption) 08/14/1946-Jerusalem: RIOTS SPREAD IN PALESTINE. Members of the British Forces in Palestine watch at the wailing wall in Jerusalem as Jews come to pray
Captive Nationalist Troops March Down Road(Original Caption) 8/19/1949-Shanghai, China: After the disastrous defeat of the Nationalists by Mao Tse-Tung's Communist forces
War Games At Chigasaki Japan(Original Caption) 10/30/1946-Chigasaki, Japan: Just like the real thing which, happily, is past, is this scene on the beach at Chigasaki, where U.S. occupation forces are staging landing manuvers
Soldiers Fire From Modern Mobile Gun(Original Caption) 6/8/1948-Jerusalem, Israel: Soldiers of the Arab Liberation Army man a modern type mobile gun as they shell Jewish positions in the Bab El Wad area
Illus. French Forces Enter Algiers(Original Caption) Ca. 1830-Algiers, Algeria-Illustration depicting the entry of French forces into Algiers on July 5, 1830
Soldiers Marching(Original Caption) 2/3/1940-Sydney, Austrlia: These pictures were made as the Autralian and New Zealand land forces were leaving their native country
Lava flow, Kilauea volcano, Big Island, Hawaii, USAbig, eruption, flow, forces, hawaii, hot, kilauea, natural, rock, spectac, imageBROKER Collection, 1039023618
The Battle Of Bunker HillBritish military forces reach the top of Breeds Hill where they clash with colonial militia during the Battle of Bunker Hill in an illustration after a painting by John Trumbull, Charlestown
Ancient Roman Pedestal, inscription Genio Coloniae Lepcis Magnae Crescentinae, Leptis Magna, Libya
Surf crashing against rocks on shoreline
Man throwing autumn leaves in the air
Tidal power generator, cross section
Zambezi gorge, Victoria Waterfalls, Livingstone, Zambia
Head of Medusa, Severan Forum, Ruins of the Roman City Leptis Magna, Libya
Thunderstorm, bolt
Lightning over a residential area in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, Europe
Pier of Sellin during a storm tide, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, Europe
A yellow and a black pencil crossing out the letterings Familien, Hartz IV and Rente, German for families, Hartz IV, a German unemployment benefit, and pension
Hafragilsfoss waterfall, Iceland, Europe
GoAzA'afoss waterfall, Godafoss, Iceland, Europe
Legionnaires On ParadeMembers of the French Foreign Legion stationed in Africa stand at attention on the parade ground, early 1900s. (Photo by FPG/Getty Images)
OutpostAmerican soldiers at an outpost in France during World War I, 4th October 1918. One of them is armed with a grenade launcher. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Fall Of SebastopolThe Fall of Sebastopol - the Assault on the Malakoff Tower during the Crimean War, by Gustav Dore, 6th September 1855. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Recruiting SergeantsBritish army recruiting sergeants outside a public house at Westminster in London, 1877. Original publication Street Life in London by John Thomson and Adolphe Smith - pub
Indian CavalryAn Indian cavalry unit advancing on the North-West Frontier towards the Khyber Pass between India and Afghanistan, September 1922. The region is now part of Pakistan
Crimean WarFighting in Sebastopol during the Crimean war, circa 1855. Detail of Franz Roubauds 1904 painting The Siege of Sevastopol (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)