Merlin bird perching on branch
Waxwing bird on branch
Scrub Jay on grass
Woodpecker on tree
House Finch on blurred green background
White tailed Kite food exchange
Kinglet bird on branch
White-tailed Kite
Turkey VultureCHRP
Northern Shoveler flying
Owl in portraitBurrowing Owl in portrait
Faced ibisWhite faced ibis
Northern flicker on surface
Egret bird at sunsetEgret at golden hour
KestrelAmerican kestrel
HummingbirdAllens Hummingbird (Female)
Northern harrier on flight
Northern harrier food exchangeMale Northern Harrier drops its catch to female during nesting season
White kiteWhite tailed kite
Juvenile Fox
Coyote Hills Regional Park with blue sky
Red vermilion flycatcherJuvenile vermilion flycatcher
VultureTurkey vulture
White tailed kite on flight
Western Meadowlark sit on the mountain side
Hummingbird on flight
Wilson warbler on branch
GoldfinchLesser goldfinch in portrait
Goldfinch on branch
Barn Owl flying in mid air
Crested Oropendola sitting on branch of tree
OropendolaCrested Oropendola sitting on branch
Eagle on tree Branch in Fremont
Annas Hummingbird perching on branch
Great Blue HeronProfile of great Blue Heron
White-faced IbisClose up of white-faced Ibis
Vermilion Flycatcher perching on branch against blue sky
Harrier food exchangeNorthern Harrier food exchange in sky
Northern Harrier
Burrowing OwlA Burrowing Owl in flight
The Small TrophyA Red-tailed Hawk about to enjoy its fresh catch of the day
Lunch is servedA White-tailed kite coming to a perch with its fresh catch
Enough AlreadyPerhaps this is what the young hawk was shouting at the rain as he was stranded on a perch and getting pounded quite badly. Taken at Coyote Hills Regional Park in Fremont, California
Angry HawkA young hawk was agitated by the pouring rain. Taken at Coyote Hills Regional Park, Fremont, CA
Majestic Young HawkA young red-tailed hawk perching majestically in the rain at Coyote Hills Regional Park of Fremont, California
Spreading HawkA juvenile red-tailed hawk spreading its wing on a perch in the rain at Coyote Hills Regional Park of Fremont, California
Northern Harrier FlybyA female Northern Harrier in flight pose
Townsends WarblerA Townsends Warbler on a perch
YellowlegsA Yellowleg of Coyote Hills Regional Park, Fremont, CA
The RushingA courting ritual known as The Rushing of the Western Grebe during nesting season