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Fresco Painting Collection

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Gattinger House, pharmacy, wall painting by Heinrich Bickel

Gattinger House, pharmacy, wall painting by Heinrich Bickel
art form, artistic, artistically, arts, bavarian, bayern, building, building facade, buildings, characteristic, construction, county, culture, custom, depiction, depictions, deserted, drawing

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
excursion destination, ethiopian, belfry, african, construction, deserted, clerical, ecclesiastical, church building, lake tsana, painting, image, christian, no one, ecclesial, religious building

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Frescoes on the outer wall. The Voronet Monastery

Frescoes on the outer wall. The Voronet Monastery
europe's, faith, frescoes, construction, cultural sites, historic, church building, abbey, belief, depicting, painting, cultural site, place, municipal, historical, christian, lists, paintings

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana

Ahamra region, Azoa Maryam round church on the Zeghie peninsula in Lake Tana
ethiopian, cities, construction, depictions, frescos, church tower, churches, church towers, ecclesiastical, church building, depicting, painting, christian, paintings, fresco paintings, drawings

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: The Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants by Michaelangelo Buonarroti

The Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants by Michaelangelo Buonarroti
Part of the fresco series at the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Creation date: 1510|Located in: Sistine Chapel, Vatican Palace, Vatican City

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: The Flight Into Egypt by Giotto di Bondone

The Flight Into Egypt by Giotto di Bondone
Fresco cycle completed circa 1305. Cappella degli Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua, Italy

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Detail of Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

Detail of Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
From 1508-12, Michelangelo painted this fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. | Detail of: The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Detail Showing Plato from The School of Athens by Raphael

Detail Showing Plato from The School of Athens by Raphael
(Original Caption) Vatican City, Rome: Detail of the painting "School of Athens, " by Raphael. Detail of Plato's head and shoulders. Undated photo

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Detail Showing Plato and Aristotle from The School of Athens By Raphael

Detail Showing Plato and Aristotle from The School of Athens By Raphael
School of Athens. Painting by Raphael. BPA2# 3669

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Interior View of the Sistine Chapel

Interior View of the Sistine Chapel
A view of the Sistine Chapel with 15th-century frescoes by Michelangelo

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Cardinals Voting in Sistine Chapel for New Pope

Cardinals Voting in Sistine Chapel for New Pope
(Original Caption) Cardinals gather inside the Sistine Chapel, October 14th. Sealed inside the Sistine Chapel, the 111 Cardinals began voting October 15th to elect a successor to Pope John Paul I

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Mredieval Gothic frescoes in San Miniato al Monte (St)

Mredieval Gothic frescoes in San Miniato al Monte (St)
4 people, arts, attraction, attractions, basilicas, basilika, building, buildings, catholic, central italy, christian, church building, churches, cultural monument, cultural monuments, cultural site

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Mredieval Gothic frescoes in San Miniato al Monte (St)

Mredieval Gothic frescoes in San Miniato al Monte (St)
3 people, arts, attraction, attractions, basilicas, basilika, building, buildings, catholic, central italy, christian, church building, churches, cultural monument, cultural monuments, cultural site

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Saon Nunnery, Manastirea Saon, near Tulcea, Dobruja, Romania

Saon Nunnery, Manastirea Saon, near Tulcea, Dobruja, Romania
2 people, abbey, abbeys, architectural photograph, architectural view, arts, attraction, attractions, balkan, balkan peninsula, belief, believer, believers, building, buildings, christian

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Mural in the Pyramid of Cestius

Mural in the Pyramid of Cestius
altertum, ancient civilizations, ancient times, ancient world, antiquity, archive, arts, attraction, attractions, black, black-and-white, black-white, burial ground, burial site, burial sites

Background imageFresco Painting Collection: Historical depiction of the disputation of St Catherine of Alexandria

Historical depiction of the disputation of St Catherine of Alexandria
1900s, 19th-century, 2 people, accurate, alexandria, anthropoidea, archive, arts, attraction, attractions, big, british, buffy tufted-ear marmoset, buffy-tufted marmoset, building, buildings

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