Reptiles lithograph 1888Illustrated Natural History of the Three Kingdoms Illustrierte Naturgeschichte der drei Reiche Franz StrAÔé¼ssles - Wilhelm Nitzschke, Stuttgart 1888
European roller -Coracias garrulus- in flight with prey, grass snake -Natrix natrix-, Kiskunsag National Park, Hungary
Black-headed ground snake (Rhynchocalamus melanocephalus). This is a small harmless snake, which is endemic to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East. It belongs to the Colubridae family
Grass snake -Natrix natrix- in the water, Lake Balaton, Hungary, Europe
Grass snake -Natrix natrix- with a captured Belica or Moderlieschen -Leucaspius delineatus-, Lake Balaton, Hungary, Europe
Grass snake (Natrix natrix), ringed snake or water snakeIllustration of a grass snake (Natrix natrix), ringed snake or water snake
The grass snake (Natrix natrix)Illustration of The grass snake (Natrix natrix)
Grass snakes -Natrix natrix-, four males courting a large female, Lake Balaton, Hungary, Europe