Zeus - supreme god of Greek mythology, published c. 1830Zeus - the supreme Olympian god of Greek mythology
La Fontaines Fables - JupiterVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Jupiter or Jove, the king of the gods and the god of sky and thunder
La Fontaines Fables - Jupiter and the ThunderboltsVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. Jupiter and the Thunderbolts
Apollo and DianaVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Apollo and Diana, c.1502
Abduction of Proserpine on a UnicornVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Abduction of Proserpine on a Unicorn, 1516
Satyr FamilyVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Satyr Family, 1505
Battle of the Gods against the Titans, Greek MythologyIllustration of a Battle of the Gods against the Titans, Greek Mythology
Zeus King of the godsIllustration of a Zeus King of the gods
JupiterAntique illustration of a roman god -Jupiter
Mars and CupidAntique illustration of a Mars and Cupid
A diagram illustrating the constellation of Orion complete with image of a hunter raising a bat and shield
Temple of Juno in AgrigentoRuins of Temple of Juno in Valley of the Temples in Agrigento