Two Northern Gannets -Morus bassanus- touching beaks to greet each other, Heligoland, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Illustration of Captain Cook arriving in Hawaiian islanders with canoes greeting Captain Cook
Man welcoming chefs, smiling
Robot waving
Eucalyptus WatercolourPlant Prints, 1160172030
Men shaking handsUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Men shaking hands
First Meeting of Stanley and Livingston(Original Caption) 1/10/1872-Lake Tanganyika, Central Africa- The meeting of Livingstone and Stanley, at Ujyi, Lake Tanganyika. Drawing based on Dr. Livingston's own material
Girls Holding "Cheer Up!" LettersWearing jack-in-the-box costumes, young girls hold signs spelling out the phrase, "Cheer Up!"
Turkey On Postcard/"Thanksgiving Greetin(Original Caption) Postcard has a turkey on a shield with the American flag on it and reads "Thanksgiving Greetings." Undated
A Christmas Motive Greeting(Original Caption) Christmas Motive on a typical 1890's style, "Peace on Earth" from a colored lantern slide
Thomas Edison Welcoming Lindbergh(Original Caption) Thomas Edison welcoming Charles Lindbergh. BPA2# 751
New Year'S Eve Greeting Card(Original Caption) Picture shows a New Year's greeting card with a young woman carrying a New Year's flag. Undated lithograph
Mary Brian On Valentine's DayAmerican film actress Mary Brian (1906 - 2002) posing with St. Valentine's Day hearts and greetings, circa 1925
Sir Herbert Samuel(Original Caption) 9/18/1920-Jaffa, Palestine: Sir Herbert Samuel, the First British High Comissioner for Palistine, Has arrived at his post, according to a dispatch from Jaffa
Will Hays Greeting Photographers(Original Caption) 1922-Will Hays, U. S. Postmaster General greeting news photographers. Photograph, 1922
Crowds on Street to Greet Pasha(Original Caption) 2/19/1923-Smyrna, Turkey- This photo depicts the joyous reception tendered to Mustapha Kemal Pasha by the Turkish residents of Smyrna
John D. Rockefeller Sr.meeting some young Floridians to whom he gave some of his thrift dimes. The oil king is having a vacation at his summer home at Ormond Beach
Thomas Edison Greets Herbert Hoover(Original Caption) 9/17/1928-West Orange, NJ-: Photo shows Thomas A. Edison greeting Herbert Hoover on his arrival at the Edison Laboratories here. Mr
Mule Haas Home Run in 1929 World SeriesA bat boy greets Max Bishop and Mule Haas following Haas ninth-inning home run in Game 5 of the 1929 World Series at Snibe Park. Haas ninth inning shot, his second of the series, tied the score at 2
Passengers Being Greeted on Tarmac(Original Caption) A view of passengers disembarking from an United Airlines airplane and being greeted on the tarmac as seen through a hangar entrance. Ca 1940-1950
Citizens Welcome Revolutionary Troops(Original Caption) 12/8/1930-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil-Revolutions were rife in South America during 1930, and one of the most stirring was the overturn of the Brazilian government
Henry Ford Greets Thomas A. Edison(Original Caption) 2/24/1931- Fort Myers, FL- Unheralded Henry Ford, motor magnate, arrives for his usual winter stay at Fort Myers, FL
Dramatic Scene on Tokyo Railway Platform(Original Caption) 12/6/1931-Tokyo, Japan- A dramatic scene on the railway platform at Tokyo, when a train, laden with hundreds of Japanese soldiers passed through, en route to Manchuria
Chaim Weizmann Being Welcomed HomeZionist leader Dr. Chaim Weizmann is joyously welcomed home by a throng of Zionists at Waterloo Station, upon his return from a visit to South Africa
Hans Wagner And Baseball Officials(Original Caption) 5/1/1933- Photo shows officials greeting Hans Wagner, one of the greatest hitters in the history of baseball. Pictured (L to R) are: former President of the Phillies L.C
Hans Luther Arrives with German Delegates(Original Caption) 5/5/1933- Washington, DC- Left to right Captain Vernou, Naval aide to President Roosevelt; Dr
Ameilia Earhart Being Greeted at Airport(Original Caption) 7/5/1933-Los Angeles, CA- Ameilia Earhart, greeted by Cliff Henderson, Managing Director of the National Air Races, upon her arrival at the Los Angeles Municipal Airport
Irving Thaeberg And Louis B. Mayer(Original Caption) 8/23/33-Pasadena, California: Irving Thaeberg and Louis B. Mayer at the Santa Fe Depot in Pasadena where the Thaebergs were greeted by Mr
Eleanor Roosevelt Greets Jose Iturbi(Original Caption) 11/8/1933-New York, New York- Mrs. Franklin D
Ataturk Greets the Shah During Visit(Original Caption) 6/27/1934-Ankara, Turkey-: Ataturk (Mustafa Kemal) (L), greets the Shah of Persia during the Shah's visit to Turkey
President Roosevelt in Car Greeted by Son Elliott(Original Caption) 8/26/1934-Hyde Park, NY-Elliott Roosevelt, son of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Joe Louis Being Greeted by Manager(Original Caption) 8/4/1936-New York, NY- Joe Louis returned to New York City, Aug. 4, to start training for his fight with former world's champion Jack Sharkey
Olympic Athletes Meeting Boxer Max SchmelingOlympic athletes at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin surround heavyweight boxer Max Schmeling as he visits the Olympic Village in a convertible. August 7, 1936
President Roosevelt and Chief Noal Bad Wound Shaking HandsDuring a visit through the western drought area, President Roosevelt shakes hands with Chief Noal Bad Wound, a Sioux Indian
Alf Landon Speaks to Crowd Surrounding Train(Original Caption) 9/13/1936-Worcester, MA- Here is a view of the crowd that turned out at Worcester, MA, to greet Governor Alf M. Landon, when his train passed through en route to Portland, ME
Milton Berle Greeted by Betty Grable(Original Caption) 2/22/1937- Hollywood, CA- Milton Berle, New York Radio, Vaudeville and night club entertainer, being greeted on his arrival in Hollywood to launch his film career, by Betty Grable
Battalion Of Soldiers Welcome New Boeing(Original Caption) 3/2/37-Langley Field, Virginia: A battalion of soldiers turns out as "honor guard" to welcome the Boeing "Flying Fortress, " Uncle Sam's newest
Roosevelt with Lyndon B. Johnson(Original Caption) 05/13/1937-Galveston, Texas: AS PRESIDENT ENDED FISHING TRIP
Mr. and Mrs. R.J. ReynoldsMr. R.J. Reynolds of Winston Salem, N.C. greets his first wife, Elizabeth McGaw Dillard, at the Pearl Harbor Clipper base in Honolulu. She flew to meet him there after he had crossed in his yacht
Fans Welcoming Band Leader Artie ShawFans line the front of a Broadway theater in preparation for band leader Artie Shaw's triumphant return to the stage following his naval service in World War II
Family Greeting Father at Door(Original Caption) Family greeting father at door of home. BPA2# 1781
Orson Wells as Charles Kane in Citzen Kane(Original Caption) Charles Kane (Orson Welles) is greeted home by his newspaper staff in a scene from the 1941 RKO production of "Citizen Kane." Undated movie still
Marshal Petain Greeted by Veterans(Original Caption) 3/31/1941- St. Etienne, France- When Marshal Petain (left) visited the industrial city of St. Etienne in unoccupied France recently, French war veterans gave him a lusty welcome
Mussolini Greets Japanese Naval Aides(Original Caption) 5/20/41-Rome, Italy: Photo shows Mussolini as he received the Japanese military naval aides at the Venezia Palace in Rome
Frances Perkins Greeting US President Franklin D. RooseveltThe first woman presidential cabinet member, Frances Perkins, is shown greeting President Franklin D. Roosevelt upon his return to the White House from the 1943 Tehran Conference
Charles De Gaulle and Henri Giraud(Original Caption) 5/30/1943-North Africa- On hand to greet fighting French General, Charles de Gaulle, when he arrived in North Africa on May 30th, was General Henri Giraud(left)
Welcoming Home Party for Jimmy Dimaggio(Original Caption) 7/12/1943-New York, New York- Everyone in the block where three-year-old Jimmy DiMaggio lives
Civilians Greet Red Soldiers(Original Caption) 02/29/1944. Civilians Greet Red Soldiers as Liberators of Kiev U.S.S.R....Russian veterans stormed into Kiev which had been left afire by the withdrawing Germans
Mayor of Cherbourg Greets American Liberators 1944
Soldier Receives Welcome Home Kisses(Original Caption) 8/5/44-France- Sgt. Howard Dugdale of Des Moines, Iowa receives a kiss of welcome from an elderly French man and woman after American troops had liberated the town
Parisians Greet Allied Troops(Original Caption) 11/1944-Paris, France- Liberation of Paris. Happy young Parisians greet Allied troops
Merry Christmas from Soldiers in Pacific(Original Caption) 12/27/1944- Marianas- Aviation engineers working on a B-29 base in the Marianas, pause in their work long enough to wish the folks back home a Merry Christmas
Yvonne De Carlo on New Year's Day(Original Caption) 1/2/1945-Hollywood, CA- Getting off to an early start, Universal movie star Yvonne De Carlo, gives us a photogenic New Year's greeting between scenes of her "Salome
Stars Smile A Greeting At Their Arrival(Original Caption) 1/29/45-Washington, DC: Stars of stage, screen
Floral Welcome for Peace DelegatesGardeners at San Francisco's Golden Gate Park work on the plot in which flowers will spell out the city's welcome to delegates to the forthcoming United Nations conference
Chiang Kai Shek with George Marshall(Original Caption) 1/8/1946- Nanking, China: Chiang Kai Shek greets United States General George Marshall at Nanking
Van Johnson Being Greeted By Fans(Original Caption) 1/28/1946-Washington, DC: Bobby-soxers waited for hours for the train that brought their film idol, Van Johnson
Woman Welcomed To New Country By Husband(Original Caption) 2/11/46-New York: Charming Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, until recently, of England, is warmly welcomed to her new country by husband, Captain J. Fitzgerald
People Welcome Back the Forty Second Regiment(Original Caption) 7/2/1946-Hawaii: The 42nd Regiment arrive back home after WWII. They are greated by cheering friends and loved ones on the dock throwing leis
General Douglas MacArthur Handshaking with Lieutenant General Chu Shih-MingGeneral Douglas MacArthur and Mrs
Members of Arab Higher Committee(Original Caption) 6/1/1947-Lydda, Palesteine- His Royal Highness, Emir Faisal, son of the King of Saudi Arabia, and his Foreign Minister
Harry S. Truman Greeting American Children in Brazil(Original Caption) 9/11/1947-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: If the kids had any voting power, President Harry Truman would win his re-election by a juvenile landslide
Diana Dors Wearing Christmas Greeting(Original Caption) 10/30/1947-London, England- Diana Dors, British film player, holds an early Christmas greeting in French. The costume doesn't look very wintery
Debutantes Greeting Cadets at Cotillion(Original Caption) 12/23/1947-New York, NY: Debutanrte Cotillion and Christmas Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Photo shows cadets and young men of society being greeted by the young debutantes
Giant Greeting Group of Circus Midgets(Original Caption) 4/5/1948-New York, NY-: Johann Petursson (L), eight-feet-eight-inch giant from Iceland, gets acquainted with the Doll Family
Fanny Blankers-Koen Leaving Town Hall(Original Caption) 8/12/48-Amsterdam, Holland: A rousing reception of the kind usually reserved for royalty, is accorded to a Dutch housewife, Mrs
President Reagan and Nancy Reagan With Irish ChildrenPresident Reagan and his wife Nancy pat the head of three-year-old Feargal O'Brien at Ashford Castle, after visiting University College Galway
Ryne Sandberg Greeted As Crossing Home(Original Caption) 9/12/1984-Chicago, Illinois-Chicago Cubs; Ryne Sandberg is greeted at the plate by Henry Cotto (28) after hitting a 3-run homer in the 6th inning of the game
Gov. George Deukmejian and Tarra the ElephantGov. George Deukmejian and his wife Gloria meet Tarra the elephant at the LA Police Labor Day picnic. At right is trainer Carol Buckley
Jacques Chirac Greets George ShultzFrance's Prime Minister Jacques Chirac shakes hands with U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz during luncheon hosted by Chirac at U.N. Plaza Hotel. September 24, 1986
President Reagan Greeting ThatcherAmerican President Ronald Reagan greets British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as she arrives by helicopter at Camp David
Jonas Salk and Luc Montagnier HugAIDS researcher Luc Montagnier hugs Jonas Salk, developer of the polio vaccine, after they were both presented medical research awards by the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation
Ronald Reagan Greets Soviet Sailors(Original Caption) 3/17/1987- Washington, DC- President Ronald Reagan greets some of the shipwrecked Soviet survivors 3/17 during a visit at the White House
Margaret Thatcher's White House Welcome(Original Caption) 11/16/1988-Washington, DC- President Reagan escourts British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, as she reviews the honor guard during a White House welcoming for her
German Soldiers Greeting Us Soldier(Original Caption) - German soldiers greet US soldier a few minutes after the armistice went into effect. Photograph, ca. World War I
Caught in the Act Drawing by W.J. Wirth(Original Caption) "Caught in the Act." Gentleman tipping his hat to two young ladies while peddler woman seemingly picks his pocket
Willie Mays Being Greeted By Nyc Cabbies(Original Caption) New York, New York- Willie Mays being greeted warmly by cab drivers in front of the Roosevelt Hotel
James Cagney W/Sister At Train Station(Original Caption) James Cagney, star of "Johnny Come Lately" is greeted by his sister Jeanne, upon his arrival to New York. Undated photograph
Italian Valentine'S Day Card(Original Caption) Picture shows an Italian Valentine's Day Card that reads, "Sempre Uniti, " which translates into, "Always Joined." Undated
Aladdin Received the Princess Book Illustration
Illustration of Benjamin Franklin's Return to Philadelphia by Benjamin West Clinedinst(Original Caption) Benjamin Franklin is shown landing at the Market Street Wharf on his return from France, 1785
Postcard W/Turkeys/"Thanksgiving Greetin(Original Caption) Postcard reads "Thanksgiving Greetings" and shows grouse and turkey standing on and by a wall and a brook. Undated illustration
Greeting Card W/Chickens/Flowers/Illust(Original Caption) Greeting card shows two chickens in a barn, has flowers in its corners, and reads "Easter Greetings." Undated illustration
Drawing Of A Handshake(Original Caption) Drawing of a handshake. Undated