Cast of GunsmokeThe cast of the television show Gunsmoke are, clockwise from top left, James Arness as Marshal Matt Dillion, Ken Curtis as Deputy Festus Haggen, Amanda Blake as Kitty Russell
Yale Football Team PortraitThe Yale University football team poses for their portrait
Family with Open Coffin(Original Caption) Last look at a loved one in Muncie, Indiana. Coffin lid is opened outside family home so that photographer has enough light for this wet plate memento
Laying Down Railroad TracksPhoto shows the start of laying down railroad. undated photograph
Revolutionary Leader Francisco Madero and His Men(Original Caption) Francisco Madero. In April, 1910, a revolution took place in Mexico, headed by Francisco Madero, who is shown seated
Railroad Construction Crew(Original Caption) Construction crew with wood burning balloon-stack locomotive at a crossing of the Green River, West Slope of the Cascades, 1885. Photograph. BPA2# 3991
Cabinet Of President James Buchanan(Original Caption) Cabinet of President J. Buchanan (center) Standing at left to right: Lewis Cass (Sect. of State), Buchanan, Howell Cobb (Sect. of Treasury) Hos Holt (Postmaster General)
Group of Slaves Outside Cabin(Original Caption) A group of slaves outside their log cabin lodging. Undated photograph
Union Infantry at Bull RunUnion Soldiers and officers of Company C of the 41st New York Infantry Regiment at camp near Bull Run, Virginia
Drummer Boys of the 61st New York Infantry During the Civil War(Original Caption) Picture shows the Drummer Boys of the 61st New York Infantry
Company E in Formation(Original Caption) 1865- Company E, Fourth Colored Infantry, at Fort Lincoln. Photograph by William Morris Smith
Buffalo Bill Cody with Group of Native Americans(Original Caption) Buffalo Bill with a group of his Indian friends. Photograph, 1870
British Soldiers at the SphinxBritish soldiers lounging on the Sphinx. To the left is the Pyramid of Khafre, to the right, the Great Pyramid
Bedouins Rest with Their Camels
Group Portrait of Early History Harvard Glee Club(Original Caption) Massachusetts: Group Picture. Young men of the 1870's members of the Harvard Glee Club
Group of Men From North Africa
John Bridgeman Behind Sioux DelegationMembers of the Red Cloud delegation, left to right: Red Dog, Little Wound, John Bridgeman (interpreter), Red Cloud, American Horse, and Red Shirt. Oglala Sioux Photograph before 1876
Group of Bedouin MenGroup of Bedouin men
Soldiers Posing for CameraPrussian General Helmuth Graf Von Moltke, center clean shaven, with his staff
Survivors of the Greely Expedition(Original Caption) Greely Expedition To Greenland. Survivors of expedition (only six members survived, one died on the way back to the U. S.), 1884
Mormon Family with Two Wives and Nine ChildrenMormon family with two wives and nine children, 19th century photograph
Harvard HastyPudding Club Posing Outside Building(Original Caption) Massachusetts: Harvard University. Group picture of HastyPudding Club, class of 1875. Photograph from Class Album
Harvard University Magenta Editors Posing Together(Original Caption) Massachusetts: Group Of Young Men. Editors of the Magenta, Harvard University fraternal publication. Class of 1875
Railroad Ticket OfficeThe ticket office and ticket agents of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad in a large unnamed Western City. After 1876 this railroad was reorganized as the subsidiary St
Black Men at Cotton Barn(Original Caption) Negro crew in front of barn used for cotton ginning. Photograph by B.W. Kilburn in 1879. Photograph. (Original Caption)
Tennis Team Posing in Front of Homes(Original Caption) New Jersey: Tennis teams of the 1880's. On background, suburban Victorian houses. New Jersey
Boy and Men in Sweatshop(Original Caption) Interior of a small New York City sweatshop. Note young boy in foreground. Photo by Jacob Riis, circa 1880s
Family Posing on Lawn(Original Caption) Prosperous Victorian Family - three generations united in garden setting
Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Troupe(Original Caption) USA: Cody's Original Wild West Show
Geronimo Meeting with General CrookA conference with Geronimo, with General George Crook on the right, and Geronimo on the left
Harriet Tubman With Family, Friends, & NeighborsPortrait of American abolitionist Harriet Tubman (c1822 - 1913) (left) as she poses with her family, friends, and neighbors on her porch, Auburn, New York, mid to late 1880s
Miners Outside Gold Mine(Original Caption) Miners posing at the Republic Gold Mining Company in De Kaap, South Africa. Photo circa 1888
West Point Class of 1888(Original Caption) West Point class of 1888, of which John J. Pershing was President. Informal Group Portrait
New York Giants Baseball TeamNew York Giants of 1889. Undated photograph
Women's FashionsA group of fashionably dressed women in the early 1900s
Bride and Groom with Attendants(Original Caption) Bridal group, Ca. 1890. Man seated. Photograph. BPA2 #5424
Railroad Workers(Original Caption) The men who built the railroads. Pick and shovel crew near Webster Springs, West Virginia. Photograph, ca. 1890
Late 19th Century Family Portrait(Original Caption) Portrait of a large family, circa 1890
Typical American FamilyPicture shows an American family with two generations. They are posing for a portrait; two are seated and three are standing. Undated photo circa 1890s
Trading Center of Emerging Frontier Settlement(Original Caption) 1890-Courtland, KS: Trading center of emerging frontier settlement. First house in Courtland, Kansas. Photograph, 1890
Thomas Alva Edison and Family(Original Caption) Family portrait of Thomas Alva Edison with his son, daughter and wife. Undated photograph
Cowboys Around The Chuck Wagon(Original Caption) Cowboys around the chuck wagon. Photograph, ca. 1890. Eddy Drug Co
Carl Benz and Family with Automobiles(Original Caption) Family outing, 1891. Carl Benz and his family are shown with their automobiles
James Naismith with the First Basketball Team(Original Caption) The first basketball team, consisting of nine players and their coach on the steps of the Springfield College Gymnasium in 1891 are shown. Dr
Young Cecil B. DeMille Posing With Military School Peers(Original Caption) Cecil B. DeMille is shown with his classmates on the porch of school at Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, about 1893. DeMille is the second from left in the front row
Queen Victoria and FamilyQueen Victoria with her children and grandchildren. Kaiser Wilhelm II is pictured at left in the front row
Picnic in Woods at Rush Lake(Original Caption) Picnic at Rush Lake near Rush City Minnesota, 1897
Marines in Philippines(Original Caption) This picture, made at Cavite, shortly after Admiral George E
Theodore Roosevelt with Rough Riders(Original Caption) Left to Right: George Dann, Major Brodie, General Joseph Wheeler, Chaplain Brown, Col. Leonard Wood, and Lt. Col. Teddy Roosevelt
Cheerleaders Posing In Uniforms(Original Caption) Cheerleaders posing for photograph. Undated Photo
European Peasant Mother and DaughtersTypical European peasant family- group of mother with four girls. Undated Photograph. BPA 2 #1774
Sailor Holding His Two SonsCoast Guard sailor Jesse Sizemore is the proud father of two boys, Gary and Richard. This is the first time he has seen his sons as he has been serving in the South Pacific
Al Jolson with Minstrel Troupe and Band(Original Caption) Group portrait of minstrel troupe at outdoor stage, picturing Lew Dockstaders (front row center) and Al Jolson (second from left). Photo circa 1900
Counsel For Harry Sinclair In Teapot Dom(Original Caption) Teapot Dome Scandal: Counsel for Harry Sinclair, l to r, G. T. Stanford, Harry Sinclair, J. W. Simpson, Bill Zevely, Martin W. Littleton. Photograph
Blackfeet Warriors Standing On Rock Croppings(Original Caption) Glacier National Park, MT-Native American warriors at Glacier National Park, on the shore of St. Mary Lake, Montana. Undated photograph from the Gendreau Collection
Armenian OrphansArmenian orphans in Miss Edith D. Cushman's orphanage
Armenian OrphansMiss Edith D. Cushman and Major Davis G. Arnold with orphans
Cleveland Dodge in group
Portrait of young women on parade trailer
Interior of Metal Factory of 1900s
Yale University Baseball Team Photo
King Haakon With Wife and Son
Gustave Eiffel and Others Posing(Original Caption) Eiffel Tower during construction. Eiffel, a family and fellow entrepreneur pose for a picture. Photo illustrates technological laws against which Eiffel fought
Journalists Touring Eiffel Tower(Original Caption) Eiffel Tower inspection tour by prominent French journalists, many of whom had felt "it couldn't be done."
Cincinnati Reds Player(Original Caption) Members of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team. (Left to right): Paul Derringer, pitcher; Ernie Lombardi, catcher (now with the N.Y. Giants); and Bucky Walters, pitcher
Young Richard Nixon Shown with Parents and Siblings(Original Caption) This photo is from the files of Richard Nixon. Nixon's father, Francis A
Portrait of the Hoffa Family(Original Caption) Hoffa family left to right. James Hoffa Jr. son; Mrs. Hoffa; Barbara, daughter; and Charles O'Brien (family friend)
Portrait of Earl Warren and Family(Original Caption) Governor Warren was Attorney General of the State of California and past President of the National Association of Attorneys General when he posed for this family portrait in 1942
Lady All-American Tennis Players(Original Caption) Group picture of Lady All-American Tennis Players. Photo by Gilbert and Bacon. Undated
Yale University Athletic Team(Original Caption) Portrait of a Yale athletic team (tug of war?), circa 1890
Mormon Family with Two Wives and Nine Children(Original Caption) Mormons. Typical Mormon family, PA. Two wives and nine children. Photograph of the 1870's
Krous Women in Ceremonial Dress(Original Caption) Liberia - Krous or Krousmen women in holiday costumes. Some have tattoed arms. Undated photograph
William Shatner, DeForest Kelley, and Leonard Nimoy(Original Caption) William Shatner (L), DeFrost Kelley (C) and Leonard Nimoy went 200 years into the future each week on "Star Trek
Germany's New Cabinet Members(Original Caption) Germany's new Cabinet in executive session for first time. Left to right, seated: Curtius, Dr. Gustav Stresmann, Chancellor Mueller, Groener and Wirth
Turn of Century Class Photo
Sweden's Prince Carl with ChildrenPrince Charles of Sweden with two young children. Photo ca. 1900's
Queen Mary with ChildrenQueen Mary (1867-1953), the queen-consort of England, and wife of George V, with her children, Prince John and Princess Mary
Sailing Crew Posing on Deck(Original Caption) Washington: Four masted bark Bengarin crew, state of Washington
Captain Hempel and Henry FordCaptain Hempel (Wempel) of the Scandinavian Liner Oscar and Henry Ford the peace advocate on the bridge as they sailed for Europe
Cast from Television Show Gilligan's Island(Original Caption) The cast of the television show, Gilligan's Island, that ran from 1964 to 1967
Publicity Photo of Green Acres Cast(Original Caption) Publicity photo of the cast of Green Acres left to right: Pat Buttram as Mr
Detail of American Signatories from Declaration of Independence"Declaration of Independence" - detail of the painting by John Trumbell. Undated color slide
Akhenaton and Nefertiti with Their Three Children(Original Caption) King Amenophis and his family under sun's rays. Analter piece from a temple in El-Armarna
Portrait of overweight Family(Original Caption) Farmar's fat family. Total weight : 3773 pounds. Photograph taken outside of circus tent