Soldiers In Training(Original Caption) Yenan, China: BEFORE THEY FACE THE ALLIES: This is an authentic scene in Yenan of People's Guerilla Fighters in training
Woman Brandishes Rifle Before Crowd(Original Caption) Rhodesia- A woman brandishes Soviet-made assault rifle. Comrade Felix, Assistant Commander to Comrade Mick Jagger stands on her left
Pancho Villa and Troops(Original Caption) Pancho Villa Galloping along his column. Photograph 1914. BPA2# 4144
Emiliano Zapata Posing with His Men(Original Caption) Portrait of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata (C) and his men. Photograph, 1914. BPA2# 5732
Russian Girls Ready to Serve in Guerilla Units(Original Caption) While German forces tighten the siege of Sevastopol, volunteer Russian women warriors take up the "Tommy-gun" in defense of their country
Female Guerrillas TrainingFemale Yugoslavian guerrillas train for battle after recovering from their wounds. They are veterans of General Tito's forces
Everybody Wants to Get Into the ActAs they take the Leyte town of Carigara, these Filipino guerillas have a field day when asked to pose for this picture. This is one of the last photos by Frank Prist, Jr
Leader Of Philippine Guerilla Forces(Original Caption) 2/20/45-Leyte: Col. R.K. Kangleson, leader of Philippine guerilla forces congratulates Cliff D. Robertson one of his top assistants after merger with Gen. MacArthur troops
Jewish Refugees Disembark(Original Caption) 6/3/1946-Haifa, Palestine: Their long fight to gain admission to Palestine ends as these Jewish refugees disembark at Haifa harbor
Partisan Guerilla Target Shooting(Original Caption) 3/27/1947-Kastanofitenk
Cemetery for Greek Soldiers(Original Caption) 1/26/1948- Northern Greece: For those who fell in Greek fighting. Greek Army soldiers place markers over graves of comrades who fell in battle against guerilla forces
Greek Rebel After Being Captured(Original Caption) Northern Greece: Captured Greek Rebel. This guerilla is typical of the Communist rebels being rounded up by regular Greece Army troops in the hills of Northern Greece
Captured Guerrilla Sniper Surrendering(Original Caption) 1/26/1948-Northern Greece- With arms raised
Infantrymen Storming SniperGreek soldiers attempt to capture a guerrilla sniper during a 1948 mop up operation along the Greek and Albanian boarder. | Location: Boarder of Greece and Albania
Guerrillas Gets Last Cigarette(Original Caption) 1/26/1948- Northern Greece: it may be his last smoke
Boy Holding Used Cartridge String(Original Caption) 10/31/1983-Tejutepeque, El Salvador-A little boy plays with used cartridges in the town of Tejutepeque in Cabanas province
Guerrillas Paint Election Protest Sign(Original Caption) 3/16/1984-Sesori, El Salvador-Guerrillas paint a sign protesting the upcoming elections in Sesori, 56 miles (90 km) east of San Salvador
Salvadorean Guerrillas Pose with Anti-Vote Banner | Location: Jucuapa
San Salvadorean Guerrilla Talks with Civilians(Original Caption) 5/7/1984-Jucuaran, El Salvador-A Salvadoran guerilla lectures civilians at a village near Jucuaran 5/6 on why the Salvadorean guerillas are against the election
President Reagan With Jonas Savimbi(Original Caption) 1/30/1986- Washington, DC: Reagan meets with Angolan guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi in the Oval Office
General Emilio Aguinaldo and ArmyGeneral Emilio Aguinaldo and his army, during the insurrection against the United States in 1900
Pancho Villa &His Revolutionaries(Original Caption) Ca. 1909-1920-Pancho Villa (1878-1923), Mexican bandit and revolutionary leader, lined up with some of his followers
Abimael Guzman Reynoso/Close-Up/Headshot(Original Caption) Ayacucho, Peru-: Abimael Guzman Reynoso, 49, seen in undated photo
Two South Korean Female Guerrillas Manning Machine Gun(Original Caption) 8/17/50-South Korea: Two girl guerrillas, Chong Sunjin (left) and Hao Chi Okk, man a machine gun in the South Korean fields, alongside guerrillas armed with rifles
Carlos Armas And Military Aides Waving(Original Caption) 6/26/1954-Esquipulas, Guatemala- Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas, leader of the anti-communist forces striving to oust the red-tinged government of Guatemala, is shown (L)
Algerian Rebel Army In Training(Original Caption) 7/26/1957-Algeria- Men of the Nationalist Algerian Army train rigorously on French lines with modern arms
Che Guevara in BoliviaThis is the last photo of Che Guevara and it was taken a few weeks before his death, according to The Complete Bolivian Diaries of the Che Guevara and Other Captured Documents
Jim Brown and Raquel Welch in 100 Rifles(Original Caption) While football player turned actor Jim Brown fires his pistol at the camera
Fatah Member Learns to Use Assault RifleDressed in guerrilla gear, a young Fatah member receives instruction on how to handle his weapon
Guerrillas Run Past Review Stand at Parade(Original Caption) 7/17/1969-Baghdad, Iraq- A contingent of muffled
Guerrillas Congregated to Make Weaponry(Original Caption) E. Pakistan, India Border: Bangla Desh guerrillas making crude bombs near border between E. Pakistan and India
Crowd Cheers Bangladesh IndependenceA crowd cheers a truckload of pro-independence Mukti Bahini guerrillas two days after the Pakistani surrender at the end of the Bangladesh War of Independence, 18th December 1971
Robert Mugabe Talks at Press Conference(Original Caption) 2/11/1978-Rome, Italy- Black Rhodesian guerrilla leader Robert Mugabe addresses a news conference in Rome 2/11
Black Guerrilla Leader Joshua Nkomo(Original Caption) UNITED NATIONS: Black guerrilla leader Joshua Nkomo is at the United Nations March 8th to offer his views on the Rhodesian situation
Sandinista Looking At Sky(Original Caption) 9/14/1978-Leon
Sandinistas Prepare For National Guard(Original Caption) 6/24/1979-Managua, Nicaragua: Manning recently captured FAL and Galil assault rifles, Sandinista guerrillas prepare for a National Guard assault on their barrio Blandon stronghold
Sandinista Guerrillas In Nicaragua(Original Caption) 7/25/1979-Masaya
Suspects of the Aldo Moro Kidnapping and MurderFive of 21 suspected Red Brigades urban guerrilla gang ordered to trial ½ by Italian authorities for the kidnapping and killing of Aldo Moro in 1978
Afghan Rebels on Horseback(Original Caption) 1/11/1980-Near Herat, Afghanistan: Afghan rebels snipe at Soviet-held positions near Herat
Car Fires in BelfastYoung Belfast men gather around burning vehicles in a debris-strewn Belfast street. The fires were set as a harassment tactic against the British soldiers stationed in Belfast to restore order
Waist Up Of Soldier Shooting Machine Gun(Original Caption) 1/15/1982-Jocoaitique
FLMN Commander Juan Ramone Medrano(Original Caption) 1/16/1982-Usulutan, El Salvador-Juan Ramone Medrano, known as Comandante Baltasar, commander of the southern zone of the eastern front of the FMLN
Rebel Soldiers Talk To Townspeople(Original Caption) 2/1/1983-Berlin, El Salvador-: Rebel leaders explain the motives of their attack on the city of about 12, 000 before a crowd of about 1, 000 residents
Guerrilla Woman With Gun Stands Guard(Original Caption) 3/24/1983-San Jorge
Guerrilla Carrying M-60 and Ammunition(Original Caption) 4/30/1983-Santa Rosa de Lima, El Salvador-A leftist guerrilla totes a heavy M-60 machine gun and artillery into Santa Rosa de Lima