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Hands Collection

Background imageHands Collection: Holding hands

Holding hands
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Mans hand holding childs hand. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)

Background imageHands Collection: Magician pulling rabbit out of hat

Magician pulling rabbit out of hat
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1930s: Hands of magician performing magic trick, pulling rabbit out of top hat. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)

Background imageHands Collection: Piano player

Piano player
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1930s: Mans hands playing piano in dim lighting. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)

Background imageHands Collection: Diagram showing bones, veins and arteries in a human arm and hand

Diagram showing bones, veins and arteries in a human arm and hand

Background imageHands Collection: Tiny Hands Big Pear

Tiny Hands Big Pear
Tiny mannequin hands with painted fingernails holding a large blue polka dotted pear with a pink background

Background imageHands Collection: Footprints in sand

Footprints in sand
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Footprints across rippled sand. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)

Background imageHands Collection: Woman presenting herself as a wet nurse

Woman presenting herself as a wet nurse
1 person, 1900s, 19th-century, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, black, black-and-white, black-white, contemporary, contemporary history, copy, depiction, depictions, digital, digitally, drawing

Background imageHands Collection: Torture, Punishment, Punishment

Torture, Punishment, Punishment
1900s, 19th-century, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, asian, asian ethnicity, asians, asiatic, auf, chain, chains, china, chinese, copy, depiction, depictions, descent, desks, desktop, digital

Background imageHands Collection: Torture, Punishment, Punishment

Torture, Punishment, Punishment
1900s, 19th-century, 2, 5 people, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, asian, asian ethnicity, asians, asiatic, backs, banner, china, chinese, copy, depiction, depictions, descent, digital, digitally

Background imageHands Collection: Torture, Punishment, Punishment

Torture, Punishment, Punishment
1, 1900s, 19th-century, 1st, 2, 5 people, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, asian, asian ethnicity, asians, asiatic, bar, bond, bonds, bottom, bound, chained, china, chinese, copy, depiction

Background imageHands Collection: Torture, Punishment, Punishment

Torture, Punishment, Punishment
1, 1900s, 19th-century, 1st, 2, 3 people, art work, arts, artwork, artworks, asian, asian ethnicity, asians, asiatic, bar, bond, bonds, bottom, bound, chained, china, chinese, copy, depiction

Background imageHands Collection: Painter Eugene Delacroix

Painter Eugene Delacroix
(Original Caption) Portrait of Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delcroix (1798-1863) French painter. Photogrpah ca. 1859 by Nadar

Background imageHands Collection: Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
(Original Caption) 1860-Rare full length portrait of Abraham Lincoln in the summer before he was elected President. He wears a suit and stands with his hand on a Bible that rests on a table

Background imageHands Collection: The Contruction of the Hand Section of the Statue of Liberty

The Contruction of the Hand Section of the Statue of Liberty
Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, the creator of the Statue of Liberty, explains the inner construction of the Hand section of the statue to a visitor

Background imageHands Collection: Torch Of Statue Of Liberty On Display

Torch Of Statue Of Liberty On Display
(Original Caption) 1876-Philadelphia, PA: Torch of the Statue of Liberty on display at the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition. 1876 PHOTO

Background imageHands Collection: Sign of a Secondhand Store

Sign of a Secondhand Store
(Original Caption) Sign on a second handstore in Louisiana. Undated Photograph. BPA 2 #2339

Background imageHands Collection: Indian Statue in Front of Cigar Store

Indian Statue in Front of Cigar Store
(Original Caption) Wooden Indian with hand in front of his eyes, frontal view, in front of University Cigar Emporium. Note luncheon menu with prices at right. Photo ca. 1895. BPA2# 5057

Background imageHands Collection: Early X-Ray of Hand

Early X-Ray of Hand
(Original Caption) X-ray: One of the first X-ray photographs made by Professor Konrad Roentgen in 1898

Background imageHands Collection: Constant Coquelin, Fr. Comedian;

Constant Coquelin, Fr. Comedian;
(Original Caption) Constant Coquelin, French comedian. Photo by Nadar, 1898

Background imageHands Collection: Leslie Howard and Walt Disney

Leslie Howard and Walt Disney
Actor Leslie Howard and producer Walt Disney shake hands after playing in a polo match together

Background imageHands Collection: E.W. Scripps Wearing Top Hat

E.W. Scripps Wearing Top Hat
Edward Wyllis Scripps wears a top hat for a portrait. Scripps founded the first major newspaper chain in the United States and the United Press syndicate

Background imageHands Collection: Louis-Jacques Daguerre; Inventor

Louis-Jacques Daguerre; Inventor
(Original Caption) Louis-Jacques Daguerre (1787-1851); perfected photography invented by Niepce. Photo by Nadar

Background imageHands Collection: London Teenagers Doing The Hand-Jive

London Teenagers Doing The Hand-Jive
(Original Caption) Hand-jive is the latest thing in London's crowded "cafe expresso" bars where teenagers gather to drink many odd varieties of coffee

Background imageHands Collection: Portrait Of Composer Hector Berlioz

Portrait Of Composer Hector Berlioz
(Original Caption) Portrait of composer Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) seated. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Faucet Being Adjusted By Womans Hand

Faucet Being Adjusted By Womans Hand
(Original Caption) Water Faucet being adjusted by a woman's hand.undated photograph. BPA2# 5893

Background imageHands Collection: Portrait Of Feminist Margaret Fuller

Portrait Of Feminist Margaret Fuller
(Original Caption) Portrait of feminist and writer Margaret Fuller (1810-1850). From daguerreotype. Undated

Background imageHands Collection: Man Driving Railroad Trackman'S Handcar

Man Driving Railroad Trackman'S Handcar
(Original Caption) Railroad trackman's handcar worked by "Pump Mechanism." Front view

Background imageHands Collection: F.W. Woolworth Arriving On Mauretania

F.W. Woolworth Arriving On Mauretania
(Original Caption) F.W. Woolworth (1852-1919), Five and Ten Cent Store tycoon, who opened his first store in Lancaster, Pa. 1879. He is shown arriving on the Mauretania on December 12th

Background imageHands Collection: Arthur Rubinstein Seated With Chin/Hand

Arthur Rubinstein Seated With Chin/Hand
(Original Caption) Arthur Rubinsten seated with chin in hand. Photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Lucky Strike Cigarette Advertisement Featuring Grading Leaf by Peter Hurd

Lucky Strike Cigarette Advertisement Featuring Grading Leaf by Peter Hurd
A 1944 advertisement for Lucky Strike cigarettes features a detail of Grading Leaf by Peter Hurd

Background imageHands Collection: Girls (6-7) washing hands in wash bowl

Girls (6-7) washing hands in wash bowl
(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imageHands Collection: Close-Up Of Hand Opening Safe

Close-Up Of Hand Opening Safe
(Original Caption) A close-up of a hand opening a safe. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Man Using Old Fashioned Telephone

Man Using Old Fashioned Telephone
(Original Caption) - Encased in oak and using the blake transmitter and Bell's hand receiver, this was the first telephone built for the Bell System by Western Electronic

Background imageHands Collection: Joe DiMaggio Demonstrates on Swinging a Baseball Bat

Joe DiMaggio Demonstrates on Swinging a Baseball Bat
(Original Caption) What quality is it that lifts Joe DiMaggio, slugging Yankee outfielder, above the crowd? he leads in runs batted in, runs scored doubles and hits

Background imageHands Collection: School; Manual Training Lab

School; Manual Training Lab
(Original Caption) School. Manual training lab. Photograph, ca. 1900

Background imageHands Collection: Statuary At Grand Central Station

Statuary At Grand Central Station
(Original Caption) Statuary at Grand Central Station, NYC: Workman lies atop the eleven-foot arm of Mercury. Undated photograph. BPA2 #2344

Background imageHands Collection: Ceramic Subtrate Wires

Ceramic Subtrate Wires
(Original Caption) Closeup of a ceramic substrate patterned with high-temperature superconducting wires made with a new IBM plasma spray technique

Background imageHands Collection: Percy Grainger, A Pianist & Composer

Percy Grainger, A Pianist & Composer
(Original Caption) Percy Grainger (1882-1961), American pianist and composer. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Mao Zedong Clapping His Hands

Mao Zedong Clapping His Hands
(Original Caption) Mao Tse-Tung on a balcony clapping his hands. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Mascaraed Woman Being Given Face Lift

Mascaraed Woman Being Given Face Lift
(Original Caption) Undated photograph-Woman undergoing a face lift. She wears mascara as the surgeon removes surplus tissue by her ear

Background imageHands Collection: Hands Operating An Ibm Radiotype Machine

Hands Operating An Ibm Radiotype Machine
(Original Caption) A radiotype operator, whose messages are sent automatically to stations of the World War II Signal Corps, up to 5, 000 miles away

Background imageHands Collection: Man Taping Eder Jofre'S Hand

Man Taping Eder Jofre'S Hand
(Original Caption) Brazilian bantamweight boxer, Eder Jofre. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Equation on Blackboard

Equation on Blackboard
A hand which holds a pointer demonstrates a mathematical equation that is written on a blackboard

Background imageHands Collection: Ballik'S Ingeniously Constructed Hand

Ballik'S Ingeniously Constructed Hand
(Original Caption) Ballik's ingeniously constructed iron hand, 1811. Drawing at right shows the hand in use

Background imageHands Collection: Coutiers In Garden Of Versailles

Coutiers In Garden Of Versailles
(Original Caption) 1680-Coutiers: 2 gentlemen in garden of Versailles, one with pointing hand. Engrvaing, 1680

Background imageHands Collection: Drawing Studies of Arms, Hands, and Feet by Leonardo da Vinci

Drawing Studies of Arms, Hands, and Feet by Leonardo da Vinci
Study of a hand placed palm downwards. Drawing by Leonardo da Vinci

Background imageHands Collection: Art Carney Washing Hands

Art Carney Washing Hands
(Original Caption) Art Carney Comedian in undated photo

Background imageHands Collection: Woman In Paper Curlers Plays Solitaire

Woman In Paper Curlers Plays Solitaire
(Original Caption) A woman in paper curlers plays solitaire as a hand breaks through wall and reaches for her. Movie still

Background imageHands Collection: Puppets Kukla And Ollie/Tv Show

Puppets Kukla And Ollie/Tv Show
From the Kukla, Fran and Ollie television program, 1947-1957

Background imageHands Collection: The Deaf and Dumb Alphabet Print

The Deaf and Dumb Alphabet Print
The deaf and mute alphabet. Engraving. BPA 2 #2336

Background imageHands Collection: Jack Dempsey Seated, Hands Bandaged

Jack Dempsey Seated, Hands Bandaged
(Original Caption) Jack Dempsey (1895-1983), American heavyweight fighter, seated with hands in boxing bandages. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Political Cartoon of the Severed Head of Louis XVI

Political Cartoon of the Severed Head of Louis XVI
(Original Caption) Cartoon "Matter for reflection for crowned jugglers"

Background imageHands Collection: Inauguration Of Geroge Washington

Inauguration Of Geroge Washington
(Original Caption) The Inauguration of George Washington. Undated engraving

Background imageHands Collection: Blackjack Game

Blackjack Game
(Original Caption) Photo shows a hand working and a hand looking at the player's card at a gambling table (Blackjack) in a casino. Undated

Background imageHands Collection: Crying Baby in High Chair

Crying Baby in High Chair
(Original Caption) Baby in high chair, crying as it is spoon-fed

Background imageHands Collection: Woman and Man With Hands Over Ears

Woman and Man With Hands Over Ears
(Original Caption) Woman and man with their hands over their ears. Models: S. Honiss and Patricia Garfield. Undated photograph. BPA2# 4635 (RELEASE ON FILE) Gendreau Collection

Background imageHands Collection: Magician Pulling a Rabbit out of a Hat

Magician Pulling a Rabbit out of a Hat
(Original Caption) Rabbit being pulled from top hat by magician. Undated photo

Background imageHands Collection: Man Holding Nose

Man Holding Nose
(Original Caption) Man with his hand to his nose. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Ready To Break Wish Bone

Ready To Break Wish Bone
(Original Caption) Superstitions: Hands breaking wish bone. Undated photograph.BPA2# 2916

Background imageHands Collection: Winning Poker Hand

Winning Poker Hand
A poker player holds a winning hand of three aces and two kings

Background imageHands Collection: Man Making Fist

Man Making Fist
(Original Caption) Close-up of a man making a fist. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Woman Calling Out

Woman Calling Out
(Original Caption) A woman holds a wide, open-mouthed smile as she cups her hand to her mouth in a calling gesture. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Silhouetted Champagne Toast

Silhouetted Champagne Toast
(Original Caption) Silhouette of two toasting wine glasses. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Man Looking at Pocket Watch

Man Looking at Pocket Watch
(Original Caption) Man looking at his pocket watch. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Hand Holding Burning Match

Hand Holding Burning Match
(Original Caption) Photo shows a hand holding a lit match on a black background. Undated

Background imageHands Collection: Hand Turning Safe Combination

Hand Turning Safe Combination
(Original Caption) A hand turning the combination dial on a safe. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Boy Crossing Fingers

Boy Crossing Fingers
(Original Caption) "Keep your fingers crossed." Photo shows two fingers crossed. Undated

Background imageHands Collection: Shell Game

Shell Game
Close-up of hand moving walnut shells in shell game

Background imageHands Collection: Manual Control for Pacemaker

Manual Control for Pacemaker
An external, manually operated control for General Electric's Cardiac Pacemaker is displayed here

Background imageHands Collection: Judge's Hand Hammering Gavel

Judge's Hand Hammering Gavel
(Original Caption) Photo shows a hand holding a gavel, just having banged it on a wooden block. Undated

Background imageHands Collection: Close-Up Of Jack Dempsey'S Fists

Close-Up Of Jack Dempsey'S Fists
(Original Caption) A close-up of the hard-hitting fists of Jack Dempsey. Ca. 1930-1940

Background imageHands Collection: The Mounts Of The Hand/Palmistry/Drawing

The Mounts Of The Hand/Palmistry/Drawing
(Original Caption) Palmistry. The mounts of the hand. Undated drawing

Background imageHands Collection: Teddy Roosevelt Campaign Buttons

Teddy Roosevelt Campaign Buttons
(Original Caption) Teddy Roosevelt campaign of 1904, showing candidate as roughrider; Humorous metal pin based on Teddy's pince-nez, and a hand of cards showing the candidate's basic aims

Background imageHands Collection: Lithograph with United Mine Workers of America Emblem

Lithograph with United Mine Workers of America Emblem
(Original Caption) Emblem from a United Mine Workers of America colored lithograph poster, 1890. BPA2# 3103

Background imageHands Collection: Bed Chamber Music by Salvador Dali

Bed Chamber Music by Salvador Dali
(Original Caption) Standing by the bed is an old-fashiioned phonograph with a pair of women's legs disappearing into the horn

Background imageHands Collection: Gladys Swarthout in Flamenco Costume

Gladys Swarthout in Flamenco Costume
(Original Caption) Gladys Swarthout, mezzo-soprano, as "Carmen." She is leaning against a wall, holding a fan and is wearing a flamenco costume. Undated photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Shrunken Heads of a Man and Woman

Shrunken Heads of a Man and Woman
Anthropologist holding male and female shrunken heads from Ecuador. (Photo by �� Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageHands Collection: Advertisement for Gas Light

Advertisement for Gas Light
(Original Caption) Women's hand turning on a gas light. Undated. BPA 2# 2496. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageHands Collection: Engraving Of The Transfusion Of Blood

Engraving Of The Transfusion Of Blood
(Original Caption) 1667-The Transfusion of Blood, A. D. 1667. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageHands Collection: Willie Pep Has Hands Taped In Dressing R

Willie Pep Has Hands Taped In Dressing R
(Original Caption) In his dressing room, Willie Pep has hands taped by trainer Bill Gore as Fred Brown of Pep's training camp watches. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageHands Collection: Campaign Buttons for Roosevelt

Campaign Buttons for Roosevelt
(Original Caption) Roosevelt campaign buttons, 1904. On top, button propounding racial equality, an issue never shown in a campaign button up to this time. Photograph

Background imageHands Collection: Glenn H. Curtiss Leaning on Airplane

Glenn H. Curtiss Leaning on Airplane
(Original Caption) 1909-Rheims, France- Glenn H. Curtiss at the aviation meet in Rheims, France

Background imageHands Collection: Comedian Ed Wynn Poses On Hands & Knees

Comedian Ed Wynn Poses On Hands & Knees
(Original Caption) Portrait of American comedian Ed Wynn (1886-1966) posing on his hands and knees. Undated photograph. BPA2 #2037

Background imageHands Collection: Scene from Birth of a Nation, 1915

Scene from Birth of a Nation, 1915
The controversial landmark film The Birth of a Nation, directed by D.W. Griffith (1875-1948), made cinema history for its length, cost, directorial techniques, and epic scope

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