Bible manuscript, Codex Sinaiticus, facsimile, published in 1882Sample of Greek Bible manuscript, Codex Sinaiticus, Hebrew 13, 9. Facsimile, published in 1882
Death of Samson engraving 1870The Dore Gallery by Edmund Ollier - Cassel, Petter and Galpin (London-New York) 1870
Palaeography Egyptian hieroglyphics lead to Hebrew and Samaritan charactersTitle: Table shewing the probable derivation of Hebrew & Samaritan characters from Egyptian hieroglyphics. Pl. V
King Saul Anointed by SamuelIllustration of a King Saul Anointed by Samuel
The flag of Israel and Jerusalem on the walls of JerusalemThe Walls of Jerusalem surround the Old City of Jerusalem. They were rebuilt in 1535 by Suleiman the Magnificent, sultan of the Ottoman empire
Moses engraving 1894Great Men and Famous Women
Maisel Synagogue in the former Prague Jewish Ghetto, Bohemia, Czech RepublicMaisel Synagogue, one of the historical monuments of the former Prague Jewish Ghetto, Bohemia, Czech Republic
East Side JewsA Jewish area in New Yorks East Side, circa 1930. (Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Crossroads in the Jezreel valley and Mount TaborOn the road between Tel Megiddo/ Har Megiddo -Armageddon, A Unesco world heritage site, and Mount Tabor.The Jezreel valley, the site of numerous biblical events.Mount Tabor is an inselberg
GhardaAOa SynagogueThe ruins of the old GhardaAOa Synagogue, Algeria
Jewish CemeteryThe ancient Jewish Cemetery of GhardaAOa, Algeria