Jesus Praying in the GardenVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Praying in the Garden
Map of Palestine in the time of Jesus ChristVintage engraving of Map of Palestine in the time of Jesus Christ
Israel, Jerusalem, Church of the Holy SepulchreJerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Greek Golden Icon (Orthodox Church), Virgin Mary with Jesus
Antique Map - Biblical PalestineAntique Map from 1864 of Biblical Palestine
Antique map of holy land including Syria and Lebanon
Antique map of the Middle East with Egypt, Syria, and Israel. Date unknown
Antique map of the Middle East by Halma
Israel, Jerusalem, the Basilica of Holy SepulchreJerusalem, White stone Square of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre at dawn, Bell Tower and Ancient Door
Israel, Jerusalem, Church of the Holy SepulchreJerusalem, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Tomb of Jesus Christ under the Great Dome, Old City (Unesco Heritage), Holy Land
David and Goliath" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing David and Goliath
Jesus blessing the Little ChildrenVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus blessing the Little Children
Jesus before Pontius PilateVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus before Pontius Pilate
Jesus in the Garden of GethsemaneVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
Achan is stoned to death[url=
Destruction of the Sennacherib Army" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the destruction of the army of Sennacherib
The NativityVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing the nativity scene of the baby jesus in his cradle
The true cross by Gustave Dore (1832 aa 1883)The Crusaders are roused by the sight of the true cross
Jesus and the Raising of LazarusVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus and the Raising of Lazarus
Jesus Healing the LunaticVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Healing the Lunatic
The AscensionVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of The Ascension of Jesus
Daniel" The prophet Daniel, a scene from the bible. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."
The angel and Saint JohnThe angel showing Jerusalem in ruins to Saint John. A scene from the bible. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker
Jacob dreams[url=
Hospitality of Barbarians to Pilgrims" Vintage engraving showing Goths, Huns and Vandals offering hospitality to christian pilgrims who are going to the Holy Land."
Gideon Choosing His SoldiersVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Gideon Choosing His Soldiers
Death of AbimelechVintage engraving from the 1870 of a Scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Death of Abimelech. Abimelech was the son of Judge Gideon
Samson carries away the city gatesVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Samson escaping from the city carrying the city gates
Disobedient Prophet slain by a LionVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Disobedient Prophet slain by a Lion
Slaughtering the Prophets of BaalVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Slaughter of the Prophets of Baal
David showing Saul that he had spared his lifeVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing David showing Saul that he had spared his life
Murrain of beastsVintage engraving by Gustave DorA from 1870 showing a scene from the Old Testament Murrain of beasts
Angel sent to deliver IsraelVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Angel sent to deliver Israel
Apparition of Heavens ArmyVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Apparition of the Army of Heaven
Baruch" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Baruch ben Neriah who was the scribe, disciple, secretary
Jesus falling with the CrossVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ falling with the Cross
The new Jerusalem[url=
Amos prophesies[url=
The brothers bring Jacob to Egypt[url=
Childrens’Crusade" The Childrens Crusade" by Gustave Dore (1832 - 1883)
Troubadors" Troubadors sing the glory of the Crusades" by Gustave Dore (1832 - 1883)
Judith showing the head of HolofernesVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Judith holding the head of Holofernes
Black and white depiction of the Annunciation[url=
Deborah sings the blessings on Jael[url=
Elijah raises the son of ZarephathVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Elijah raiseing the son of the widow Zarephath
Saul attempts the life of DavidVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Saul attempts the life of David
Mattathias appealing to the Jewish RefugeesVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Mattathias appealing to the Jewish Refugees
Jesus with the DoctorsVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ as a young boy talking with the doctors
John the Baptist PreachingVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness
messengerbad news
David Mourning the Death of AbsalomVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing David Mourning the Death of Absalom his son who was killed after leading a rebellion against his father
Saint Peter in the House of CorneliusVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Saint Peter in the House of Cornelius
Jesus in the garden[url=
Render unto Cæsar[url=][img][/img][/url] Jesus talks of the tribute money
Death of the Sons JerubbaalVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Death of the Sons of Jerubbaal
IsaiahVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Isaiah. He lived approximately 2700 years ago and was a prophet in the 8th-century BC Kingdom of Judah
Jonathan destroying the Temple of Dagon" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jonathan destroying the Temple of Dagon
The Death of Jesus ChristVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing The Death of Jesus Christ
Peter at Cornelius’house[url=
Jonathan and the army of ApolloniusVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jonathan in the presence of the army of Apollonius
The Transfiguration of Jesus ChristVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ
God gives the law[url=
Prodigal son in his fathers armsVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Prodigal son in his fathers arms
Death of AhabVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Death of Ahab. He was king of Israel and the son and successor of Omri according to the Hebrew Bible
The AnnunciationVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Annunciation
God saves Jerusalem from the plague[url=
Samuel Blessing SaulVintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Samuel Blessing Saul
Peter and John at the Beautiful GateVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Saint Peter and Saint John at the Beautiful Gate
Jacob wrestles with the angel[url=
Jesus Sermon on the MountVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ giving the sermon on the Mount
The Prodigal Son[url=
Isaac meets RebekahVintage engraving by Gustave DorA from 1870 showing a scene form the Old Testament Isaac meets Rebekah
Heliodorus cast downVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Heliodorus cast down..Heliodorus was a minister of Seleucus IV Philopator ca
Samson and the gates of Gaza[url=
Spreading the Gospel[url=
David and GoliathDavid with a head of Goliath from Guido Reni (1585-1646), engraved and published in the Pictorial Sunday Book in 1845
Palestine antique in the time of Jesus ChristPalestine in the time of Jesus Christ
Map of Palestine and Jerusalem, lithograph, published in 1881Detailed topographic map of Palestine and Jerusalem. Facsimile from my archive, published in 1881
The Marriage at Cana of Galilee (Victorian engraving)Jesus performing the miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana of Galilee
Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades, published in 1881Map of Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades. Wood engraving after a manuscript in the Royal Library of Belgium (National Library) in Brussels, published in 1881
Map showing the mountain ranges of PalestineVintage engraving of Map showing the mountain ranges of Palestine, 19th Century
Probable Settlement of the Descendants of Noah (steel engraving)A creased and stained steel engraving of a map which shows The Countries of the Ancient World Exhibiting the Probable Settlement of the Descendants of Noaha, from A System of Geography
Map of Canaan as divided amoung the tribesVintage engraving of a Map of Canaan as divided amoung the tribes
Joshua and the Israelites Enter the Promised LandIlustration of a Joshua and the Israelites Enter the Promised Land