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Hungry Collection

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of a Segnosaurus eating leaves, Cretaceous period

Illustration of a Segnosaurus eating leaves, Cretaceous period

Background imageHungry Collection: Man at table carving roast, (B&W), portrait

Man at table carving roast, (B&W), portrait

Background imageHungry Collection: Panting Depicting Young Beggars

Panting Depicting Young Beggars
Painting by Meyer von Bremen depicting two poor children begging for food or money in 19th century Germany

Background imageHungry Collection: Trading Card Advertisement for Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk

Trading Card Advertisement for Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk
(Original Caption) 1887:Early Borden advertisement of their condensed milk, showing the benefit of their product to infant upbringing. Lithograph

Background imageHungry Collection: Young Children Waiting for Bones from Meat Saloon Worker

Young Children Waiting for Bones from Meat Saloon Worker
(Original Caption) How Some People Live--A Second-Hand Meat Saloon In Alaska Street, Philadelphia

Background imageHungry Collection: Garbage Picker in 1922 Berlin

Garbage Picker in 1922 Berlin
(Original Caption) Berlin, Germany: "Thrush with the peck" - a waste barrel plunderer. This is the joking name for waste barrel plunderers in the time of war

Background imageHungry Collection: Soup Line in New York During Depression

Soup Line in New York During Depression
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Feeding New York hungry from a doorstep on East 62nd Street. Photograph. Depression era

Background imageHungry Collection: Men Waiting for Bread

Men Waiting for Bread
(Original Caption) Unemployed workers in Paris wait on bread line

Background imageHungry Collection: Men Distributing Bread and Coffee to the Needy

Men Distributing Bread and Coffee to the Needy
(Original Caption) William I. Sirovich and Heywood Brown, shown above with the Reverend Raymond Norman, are dealing out bread and coffee to hungry and jobless at St

Background imageHungry Collection: Bela Lugosi and Helen Chandler in Dracula

Bela Lugosi and Helen Chandler in Dracula
Bela Lugosi, as Dracula, about to claim a beautiful victim in a scene from the famous movie

Background imageHungry Collection: Bela Lugosi and Helen Chandler in Dracula

Bela Lugosi and Helen Chandler in Dracula
(Original Caption) Bela Lugosi, as Dracula, about to claim a beautiful victim in a scene from the famous movie

Background imageHungry Collection: Franklin Roosevelt Eating Sandwich While Campaigning

Franklin Roosevelt Eating Sandwich While Campaigning
(Original Caption) Governor Roosevelt campaigns in New England...Here is Governor Franklin D

Background imageHungry Collection: Group of Puppies Eating

Group of Puppies Eating
(Original Caption) Dinner is Served. Momma Collie looks on complacently as her brood of pups throw table manners to the winds to make short work of the meal

Background imageHungry Collection: Roosevelt visits Civilian Conservation Corps Camps

Roosevelt visits Civilian Conservation Corps Camps
President Roosevelt sure was hungry when he arrived at Camp Big Meadows after his motor trip thru the historic Shenandoah Valley, VA

Background imageHungry Collection: Parisian Man Scavenging for Food

Parisian Man Scavenging for Food
(Original Caption) Seeking Sustenance

Background imageHungry Collection: Ruby Mercer Eats Turkey the Correct Way

Ruby Mercer Eats Turkey the Correct Way
(Original Caption) 12/13/1937: Well-known radio and Metropolitan Opera star Ruby Mercer demonstrates the wrong way to eat turkey

Background imageHungry Collection: U.S. Marine Enjoying His Meal

U.S. Marine Enjoying His Meal
(Original Caption) 8/21/42-London, England: You might not think it to look at this picture, but they do serve regular meals to U.S. Marines stationed in London

Background imageHungry Collection: Sailor Carrying Tall Sandwich

Sailor Carrying Tall Sandwich
(Original Caption) 7/4/1944-Saipan, Mariana Is.: You never can tell when your comic strip education will come in handy

Background imageHungry Collection: Chinese Children Eating Rice Hungrily

Chinese Children Eating Rice Hungrily
(Original Caption) 5/5/1946-Hunan Province, China: Hunan Province, once known as the "Rice Bowl of Central China, " no longer has rice, nor any other foodstuff

Background imageHungry Collection: Zookeeper Giving Hippo Bundle of Hay

Zookeeper Giving Hippo Bundle of Hay
(Original Caption) 7/12/1947-New York, NY- Believed to be the oldest hippopotamus in the world, "Pete, " a native New Yorker who was born in the Central Park Zoo in 1903

Background imageHungry Collection: Starving Germans Digging Through Garbage

Starving Germans Digging Through Garbage
Starving German Civilians Scavenge for Food

Background imageHungry Collection: They Have to Force Her to Eat Newspaper Illustration

They Have to Force Her to Eat Newspaper Illustration
Magazine illustration showing prisoner being force-fed in Police Gazette

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of Impoverished Children Receiving Food

Illustration of Impoverished Children Receiving Food
(Original Caption) Distributing food at the Five Points Mission

Background imageHungry Collection: Engraving of a Coffee Shop on Cortlandt Street

Engraving of a Coffee Shop on Cortlandt Street

Background imageHungry Collection: Trading Card Advertisement for Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk

Trading Card Advertisement for Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk
(Original Caption) 1887-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS; An early Borden advertisement with four babies seated around a table with a can of condensed milk

Background imageHungry Collection: Hungrey Refugee Eating Bark

Hungrey Refugee Eating Bark
(Original Caption) 1/10/1949-PORTRAIT OF HUNGER

Background imageHungry Collection: Hungry Children in Berlin

Hungry Children in Berlin
(Original Caption) Hungry Children. Berlin's Growing Army of Hungry Children..... Berlin, Germany

Background imageHungry Collection: Little Girl Eating Big Steak

Little Girl Eating Big Steak
9/1951-Argentina: Plentiful meat situation. Men cooking with crude cooking device

Background imageHungry Collection: Yogi L.S. Rao Chewing Phonograph Record

Yogi L.S. Rao Chewing Phonograph Record
Yogi L.S. Rao chews and swallows a phonograph record

Background imageHungry Collection: Rosemary Clooney Eating a Hot Dog

Rosemary Clooney Eating a Hot Dog
Singer Rosemary Clooney, best known for her co-starring role in White Christmas, eating a hot dog

Background imageHungry Collection: Pouting Man with Tiny Breakfast

Pouting Man with Tiny Breakfast
(Original Caption) This hungry victim of his wife's campaign to attack his swelling waistline looks gloomily at the "meal" she has set before him

Background imageHungry Collection: Patty McCormack and Kevin Coughlin Sharing Sundae

Patty McCormack and Kevin Coughlin Sharing Sundae
(Original Caption) Nine-year-old Patty McCormack, who is making a hit as a child murderess in the Broadway drama, The Bad Seed, shares a banana split with her stage door Johnny

Background imageHungry Collection: Child Eating a Loaf of Bread

Child Eating a Loaf of Bread
(Original Caption) Original shopping plans didn't include French bread on the menu, but since junior has already nibbled at it

Background imageHungry Collection: Kitten Watching Fish in a Bowl

Kitten Watching Fish in a Bowl
(Original Caption) Pet Show: Boys Club of New York held its annual pet show this morning at the Tompkins Sq. Clubhouse. Junior, a 3 month old kitten watches the fish swim around

Background imageHungry Collection: Stacy Rogers Eating

Stacy Rogers Eating
(Original Caption) One Way of Earning a Living. London: Wading through her gigantic lunch, 25-year-old Stacy Rogers is having a feast because she is being paid to eat

Background imageHungry Collection: Eddie Arcaro Eating Huge Plate of Food

Eddie Arcaro Eating Huge Plate of Food
(Original Caption) Jockey Eddie Arcaro, forced to watch his diet during his racing career, digs into a giant dish after announcing his retirement at a press conference April 3rd

Background imageHungry Collection: Comedian Buddy Hackett Preparing a Hot Dog

Comedian Buddy Hackett Preparing a Hot Dog
(Original Caption) USA: Prevention Of Ounces. The moment Buddy Hackett entered Nathan's famous hot dog stand, he knew he was doomed

Background imageHungry Collection: Mark Lester Holding a Bowl

Mark Lester Holding a Bowl
Mark Lester, actor, holding a bowl in a scene from the movie Oliver!

Background imageHungry Collection: Gorilla Helping Himself at Refrigerator

Gorilla Helping Himself at Refrigerator
(Original Caption) "Tamoo, " a 25-pound gorilla who's a regular member of the Joseph H. Scheunmann home here, takes some dessert from the refrigerator to soothe his growing appetite

Background imageHungry Collection: Boy in cub scout uniform looking hungrily at turkey on table. (Photo by H

Boy in cub scout uniform looking hungrily at turkey on table. (Photo by H
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Boy in cub scout uniform looking hungrily at turkey on table

Background imageHungry Collection: Boy sitting at table with hands folded for grace prayer, looking at roast turkey

Boy sitting at table with hands folded for grace prayer, looking at roast turkey
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Boy sitting at table with hands folded for grace prayer, looking at roast turkey

Background imageHungry Collection: Don Quixote Make shift to stay your stomach

Don Quixote Make shift to stay your stomach
Vintage engraving of a scene from Don Quixote, Make shift to stay your stomach with that till dinner be ready. Illustrated by Gustave Dore

Background imageHungry Collection: Murrain of beasts

Murrain of beasts
Vintage engraving by Gustave DorA from 1870 showing a scene from the Old Testament Murrain of beasts

Background imageHungry Collection: Boa Constrictor

Boa Constrictor with a Rabbit

Background imageHungry Collection: Bowl of Spaghetti and Meatballs

Bowl of Spaghetti and Meatballs

Background imageHungry Collection: Dog dreams of steak

Dog dreams of steak

Background imageHungry Collection: Boy with ice cream and steak

Boy with ice cream and steak

Background imageHungry Collection: Girl and snacks

Girl and snacks

Background imageHungry Collection: Monster Hand Holding Rice

Monster Hand Holding Rice

Background imageHungry Collection: Victorian satirical cartoon on greed

Victorian satirical cartoon on greed
Vintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon, 19th Century. The Satires of Cynicus. The earlist lesson we learn by heart, Is how to take each others part

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 16

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 16, Manna and Quail, God provides meat and bread for the starving Israelites in the desert

Background imageHungry Collection: Victorian satirical cartoon the greedy monk

Victorian satirical cartoon the greedy monk
Vintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon the greedy monk. 19th Century. The Lord is my shepherd - I shall not want

Background imageHungry Collection: Acrobatic Little Hamster

Acrobatic Little Hamster
Little dwarf hamster hanging on for dear life

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of a snake chasing a rodent, side view

Illustration of a snake chasing a rodent, side view

Background imageHungry Collection: Black Bear and Chum Salmon, Alaska

Black Bear and Chum Salmon, Alaska
USA, Alaska, Kake, Black Bear (Ursus americanus) catches spawned out Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in Gunnuk Creek

Background imageHungry Collection: Golden Orioles -Oriolus oriolus

Golden Orioles -Oriolus oriolus-, adult male feeding chicks in the nest with a grasshopper, in an acacia tree, Bulgaria

Background imageHungry Collection: Hartlaubs gulls, Cape Town, South Africa

Hartlaubs gulls, Cape Town, South Africa
Hungry Hartlaubs Gulls (Larus hartlaubi) hover overhead for scraps of food

Background imageHungry Collection: Dinner time

Dinner time, Animal humor

Background imageHungry Collection: Food slicer machine

Food slicer machine
Antique illustration of food slicer machine

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) foraging for food on beach

Illustration of Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) foraging for food on beach

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of adult feeding fish to hungry young Seagull on nest on top of cliff

Illustration of adult feeding fish to hungry young Seagull on nest on top of cliff

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of hungry goldfish with open mouth

Illustration of hungry goldfish with open mouth

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of a prehistoric ominivorous mammal eating a dinosaurs egg

Illustration of a prehistoric ominivorous mammal eating a dinosaurs egg

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of a Segnosaurus attacking a termite nest, Cretaceous period

Illustration of a Segnosaurus attacking a termite nest, Cretaceous period

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of a Palm nut vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) feeding on nuts of oil palm

Illustration of a Palm nut vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) feeding on nuts of oil palm

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of egg-eating snake swallowing an egg

Illustration of egg-eating snake swallowing an egg

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of pair of Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) dropping stones on ostrich eggs to crack them open

Illustration of pair of Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) dropping stones on ostrich eggs to crack them open

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of a small boy picking up food from a refrigerator

Illustration of a small boy picking up food from a refrigerator, some of it spilled on the floor

Background imageHungry Collection: Illustration of a thrush feeding its young in nest

Illustration of a thrush feeding its young in nest

Background imageHungry Collection: Rights for the Ice

Rights for the Ice
Two polar bears fight over a seal carcass in the Svalbard Archipelago

Background imageHungry Collection: Pacific Swallow (Hirundo tahitica)

Pacific Swallow (Hirundo tahitica), young begging for food in nest under eave, Taiwan, Asia

Background imageHungry Collection: Eastern Wolf -Canis lupus-, female with a begging pups

Eastern Wolf -Canis lupus-, female with a begging pups, eight weeks, captive, Montana, United States

Background imageHungry Collection: European Green Woodpecker -Picus viridis- feeding young at nest in tree hole, Germany

European Green Woodpecker -Picus viridis- feeding young at nest in tree hole, Germany

Background imageHungry Collection: Blue Tit -Parus caeruleus-, nestling fallen from the nest

Blue Tit -Parus caeruleus-, nestling fallen from the nest, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe

Background imageHungry Collection: Begging nestlings, Barn Swallows -Hirundo rustica-, Thuringia, Germany

Begging nestlings, Barn Swallows -Hirundo rustica-, Thuringia, Germany

Background imageHungry Collection: Young Alpine Marmot -Marmota marmota- begging for food

Young Alpine Marmot -Marmota marmota- begging for food, Grossglockner, Hohe Tauern National Park, Tyrol, Austria

Background imageHungry Collection: Sand Martins -Riparia riparia

Sand Martins -Riparia riparia-, young birds in breeding holes, Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany

Background imageHungry Collection: Red-backed Shrike -Lanius collurio

Red-backed Shrike -Lanius collurio-, male feeding young birds in the nest, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Background imageHungry Collection: Lesser Gray Shrike -Lanius minor- adult feeding young in the nest

Lesser Gray Shrike -Lanius minor- adult feeding young in the nest, Hortobagy, Hungary, Europe

Background imageHungry Collection: Golden Orioles -Oriolus oriolus

Golden Orioles -Oriolus oriolus-, young bird, chick, precocial bird, begging at the nest in an acacia tree, Bulgaria

Background imageHungry Collection: Baby, girl, six months, fed with baby food, Germany

Baby, girl, six months, fed with baby food, Germany

Background imageHungry Collection: Baby, girl, six months, with spoon in her mouth, Germany

Baby, girl, six months, with spoon in her mouth, Germany

Background imageHungry Collection: Baby (6-9 months) lying on bed, drinking from bottle, (B&W)

Baby (6-9 months) lying on bed, drinking from bottle, (B&W)

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