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Hymenopteran Insect Collection

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), internal anatomy, cross-section

Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), internal anatomy, cross-section

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bees, (Apis mellifera) honeycomb and life cycle, expanded cross-section and insets

Honey bees, (Apis mellifera) honeycomb and life cycle, expanded cross-section and insets

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Workers of Leafcutter Ants -Atta cephalotes- carrying leaf pieces into their nest

Workers of Leafcutter Ants -Atta cephalotes- carrying leaf pieces into their nest, Tambopata Nature Reserve, Madre de Dios region, Peru

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Brood comb with drone brood surrounded by worker bees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-

Brood comb with drone brood surrounded by worker bees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Illustration, red Leafcutter Ant (Atta sp)

Illustration, red Leafcutter Ant (Atta sp)
Illustration, red Leafcutter Ant (Atta sp.) carrying partially eaten leaf in its mouth, side view

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Cross-section diagram of abdomen of Wasp (Hymenoptera)

Cross-section diagram of abdomen of Wasp (Hymenoptera), including sting and venom sac, side view

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Insect in flight, cross section diagram showing horizontal and vertical muscles

Insect in flight, cross section diagram showing horizontal and vertical muscles

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Sawfly species (Allantus scrophularia)

Sawfly species (Allantus scrophularia)

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Gall of a Gall Wasp or Gallfly (Cynipidae)

Gall of a Gall Wasp or Gallfly (Cynipidae), on the leaf of an Elm tree (Ulmus), Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Sawfly, larvae (Craesus septentrionalis)

Sawfly, larvae (Craesus septentrionalis)

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Worker bees on sealed brood comb

Worker bees on sealed brood comb

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bees -Apis mellifera var carnica-, worker bees and male drones on bright honeycomb

Honey bees -Apis mellifera var carnica-, worker bees and male drones on bright honeycomb

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Mammoth wasp -Megascolia maculata flavifrons- searching for nectar on a thyme bush

Mammoth wasp -Megascolia maculata flavifrons- searching for nectar on a thyme bush, near Lake Kerkini, Greece, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Bee -Apis sp. - on Borage -Borago officinalis-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Bee -Apis sp. - on Borage -Borago officinalis-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Bee -Apis sp.- on Borage -Borago officinalis-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Two honey bees, left, Carnian -Apis mellifera var carnica

Two honey bees, left, Carnian -Apis mellifera var carnica-, right, a hybrid Italian Bee -Apis ligustica bast.- on honeycomb with a propolis coating

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Colony of Honey Bees -Apis mellifera var carnica- on fresh honeycomb with honey

Colony of Honey Bees -Apis mellifera var carnica- on fresh honeycomb with honey

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Bumblebee with transparent wings

Bumblebee with transparent wings

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: An eye of a bee, cross-section diagram

An eye of a bee, cross-section diagram

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Two wasps, 3D graphics

Two wasps, 3D graphics

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Hoverfly on Wolfs bane, Mountain arnica (Arnica montana)

Hoverfly on Wolfs bane, Mountain arnica (Arnica montana)

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee (Apis) on the stamen of a hibiscus flower (Hibiscus syriacus), with water drops

Honey bee (Apis) on the stamen of a hibiscus flower (Hibiscus syriacus), with water drops

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee (Apis) approaching a hibiscus flower (Hibiscus syriacus), with water drops

Honey bee (Apis) approaching a hibiscus flower (Hibiscus syriacus), with water drops

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Sawfly, larva (Craesus septentrionalis)

Sawfly, larva (Craesus septentrionalis)

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Larvae of the Sawfly (Craesus septentrionalis), developmental stage of an insect

Larvae of the Sawfly (Craesus septentrionalis), developmental stage of an insect

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Larva of the Sawfly (Craesus septentrionalis)

Larva of the Sawfly (Craesus septentrionalis)

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis mellifica- feeding on Goat Willow

Honey bee -Apis mellifica- feeding on Goat Willow, Pussy Willow or Great Sallow -Salix caprea-, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis mellifica- in flight at Goat Willow

Honey bee -Apis mellifica- in flight at Goat Willow, Pussy Willow or Great Sallow -Salix caprea-, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Swarming bees -Apis mellifera-

Swarming bees -Apis mellifera-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Nest of European Paper Wasp -Polistes dominula-, Tuscany, Italy, Europe

Nest of European Paper Wasp -Polistes dominula-, Tuscany, Italy, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Hornet -Vespa crabro- resting on a leaf, Limburg, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Hornet -Vespa crabro- resting on a leaf, Limburg, Hesse, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: German or European wasp -Vespula germanica

German or European wasp -Vespula germanica-, on Stonecrop -Sedum telephium-, Untergroenigen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Hornet -Vespa crabro-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Hornet -Vespa crabro-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on an Alpine aster -Aster alpinus-

Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on an Alpine aster -Aster alpinus-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Carnolian Honeybee -Apis mellifera var

Carnolian Honeybee -Apis mellifera var. carnica-, on comb with capped brood cells and pollen cells

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Newly developed honeycomb with worker bees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-

Newly developed honeycomb with worker bees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honeybees -Apis mellifera var. carnica

Honeybees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-, on brood comb with freshly laid eggs in honeycomb cells

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Brood comb with drone brood surrounded by worker bees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-

Brood comb with drone brood surrounded by worker bees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Long-horned bee -Eucera tuberculata

Long-horned bee -Eucera tuberculata-, male searching for nectar, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Carnolian honey bee -Apis mellifera var carnica

Carnolian honey bee -Apis mellifera var carnica-, on blue flower of mountain knapweed or cornflower -Centaurea montana L.-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis mellifera var nica-, drone on drone brood, larvae shortly before pupation

Honey bee -Apis mellifera var nica-, drone on drone brood, larvae shortly before pupation

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bees -Apis mellifera var carnica- in flight on pistil and pollen of a poppy flower

Honey bees -Apis mellifera var carnica- in flight on pistil and pollen of a poppy flower, Oriental Poppy -Papaver orientale-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis mellifera var carnica

Honey bee -Apis mellifera var carnica-, in flight over pistil and and pollen tubes of an Oriental Poppy -Papaver orientale-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a Field Scabious -Knautia arvensis

Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a Field Scabious -Knautia arvensis
Honey bee -Apis sp.-, on a Field Scabious -Knautia arvensis-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis mellifera- on a Scabious flower -Knautia

Honey bee -Apis mellifera- on a Scabious flower -Knautia-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Western honey bee -Apis mellifera- collecting pollen

Western honey bee -Apis mellifera- collecting pollen, attaching pollen on its rear legs, next to an Oriental poppy -Papaver orientale-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a purple flower

Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a purple flower
Honey bee -Apis sp.-, on a purple flower, Phacelia, Scorpionweed or Heliotrope -Phacelia sp.-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis sp. -, clinging onto the purple flower

Honey bee -Apis sp. -, clinging onto the purple flower
Honey bee -Apis sp.-, clinging onto the purple flower, Phacelia, Scorpionweed or Heliotrope -Phacelia sp.-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey been -Apis sp. - in search of food

Honey been -Apis sp. - in search of food
Honey been -Apis sp.- in search of food, purple flower, Phacelia, Scorpionweed or Heliotrope -Phacelia sp.-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Bee -Apis sp. -, on a purple flower

Bee -Apis sp. -, on a purple flower
Bee -Apis sp.-, on a purple flower, Phacelia, Scorpionweed or Heliotrope -Phacelia sp.-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Western honey bees -Apis mellifera-, a large swarm of bees taking possession of a beehive

Western honey bees -Apis mellifera-, a large swarm of bees taking possession of a beehive

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bees -Apis mellifera-, worker bees on the drone brood cells

Honey bees -Apis mellifera-, worker bees on the drone brood cells

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bees -Apis mellifera-, worker bees caring for the brood

Honey bees -Apis mellifera-, worker bees caring for the brood, on brood cells, larvae, circa 8 days, in honeycomb cells

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Western honey bee -Apis mellifera- on pumpkin flower, Hokkaido, Japan, Asien

Western honey bee -Apis mellifera- on pumpkin flower, Hokkaido, Japan, Asien

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee -Psithyrus Vestalis- Untergroeningen

Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee -Psithyrus Vestalis- Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Insects meeting whilst collecting nectar on flower of Elecampane or Horse-heal -Inula helenium

Insects meeting whilst collecting nectar on flower of Elecampane or Horse-heal -Inula helenium-, Small Tortoiseshell -Aglais urticae, Nymphalis urticae- and honey bee -Apis mellifera-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis mellifera- collecting nectar on flower of Elecampane or Horse-heal -Inula helenium

Honey bee -Apis mellifera- collecting nectar on flower of Elecampane or Horse-heal -Inula helenium-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis mellifera- nibbling on the open honey comb with leaking honey

Honey bee -Apis mellifera- nibbling on the open honey comb with leaking honey, after the wax lid was removed with the wax comb

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Yellow-banded Sweat Bee -Halictus scabiosae- collecting nectar

Yellow-banded Sweat Bee -Halictus scabiosae- collecting nectar, Untergroningen, Abtsgmuend, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Bee -Apis sp. - on Creeping Zinnia -Sanvitalia procumbens solaris

Bee -Apis sp. - on Creeping Zinnia -Sanvitalia procumbens solaris
Bee -Apis sp.- on Creeping Zinnia -Sanvitalia procumbens solaris-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a zinnia or miniature sunflower -Sanvitalia procumbens solaris

Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a zinnia or miniature sunflower -Sanvitalia procumbens solaris
Honey bee -Apis sp.-, on a zinnia or miniature sunflower -Sanvitalia procumbens solaris-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Western honey bees -Apis mellifera- perched on a sunflower -Helianthus annuus

Western honey bees -Apis mellifera- perched on a sunflower -Helianthus annuus-, detailed view of the blossom, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a yellow daisy, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a yellow daisy, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Honey bee -Apis sp.-, on a yellow daisy, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey bee -Apis sp. - on a Purple Coneflower -Echinacea purpurea

Honey bee -Apis sp. - on a Purple Coneflower -Echinacea purpurea
Honey bee -Apis sp.- on a Purple Coneflower -Echinacea purpurea-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Tawny Mining Bee -Andrena fulva-, Untergroningen, Abtsgmuend, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Tawny Mining Bee -Andrena fulva-, Untergroningen, Abtsgmuend, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Bumblebee -Bombus sp. - collecting nectar and pollen on a sunflower

Bumblebee -Bombus sp. - collecting nectar and pollen on a sunflower
Bumblebee -Bombus sp.- collecting nectar and pollen on a sunflower, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Wasp -Vespula-, Biberach an der Riss, Upper Swabia, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Wasp -Vespula-, Biberach an der Riss, Upper Swabia, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Gasteruptiid Wasp -Gasteruption jaculator-, female, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Gasteruptiid Wasp -Gasteruption jaculator-, female, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Blood Bee -Sphecodes albilabris- on Hemp-agrimony -Eupatorium cannabinum

Blood Bee -Sphecodes albilabris- on Hemp-agrimony -Eupatorium cannabinum-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Violet Carpenter Bee or Indian Bhanvra -Xylocopa violacea- on a Willow Gentian -Gentiana asclepiadea

Violet Carpenter Bee or Indian Bhanvra -Xylocopa violacea- on a Willow Gentian -Gentiana asclepiadea-, Bavaria, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Carrot Wasp -Gasteruptiidae sp

Carrot Wasp -Gasteruptiidae sp.- with an ovipositor longer than its abdomen, Goegap Nature Reserve, Namaqualand, South Africa, Africa

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- covered with pollen from collecting honey on a Dandelion -Taraxacum sect

Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- covered with pollen from collecting honey on a Dandelion -Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on honeycomb

Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on honeycomb

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey Bee -Apis mellifera var carnica- being fed by two other bees

Honey Bee -Apis mellifera var carnica- being fed by two other bees

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Potter wasp -Eumenes sp. -, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Potter wasp -Eumenes sp. -, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Potter wasp -Eumenes sp.-, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Bee -Apiformes- on a sunflower -Helantus-

Bee -Apiformes- on a sunflower -Helantus-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Bee -Apiforme- on a white clover flower

Bee -Apiforme- on a white clover flower

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Bee -Apis sp. -, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Bee -Apis sp. -, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Bee -Apis sp.-, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Gall of the Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp or Asian Chestnust Gall Wasp -Dryocosmus kuriphilus

Gall of the Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp or Asian Chestnust Gall Wasp -Dryocosmus kuriphilus-, Switzerland

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: European Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on a Sunflower -Helianthus-

European Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on a Sunflower -Helianthus-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: European Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on a red Sunflower -Helianthus-

European Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on a red Sunflower -Helianthus-

Background imageHymenopteran Insect Collection: Honey Bees -Apis mellifera- on honeycomb with capped cells holding honey

Honey Bees -Apis mellifera- on honeycomb with capped cells holding honey, winter bees, Bavaria, Germany

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