Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), internal anatomy, cross-section
Honey bees, (Apis mellifera) honeycomb and life cycle, expanded cross-section and insets
Workers of Leafcutter Ants -Atta cephalotes- carrying leaf pieces into their nest, Tambopata Nature Reserve, Madre de Dios region, Peru
Brood comb with drone brood surrounded by worker bees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-
Illustration, red Leafcutter Ant (Atta sp)Illustration, red Leafcutter Ant (Atta sp.) carrying partially eaten leaf in its mouth, side view
Cross-section diagram of abdomen of Wasp (Hymenoptera), including sting and venom sac, side view
Insect in flight, cross section diagram showing horizontal and vertical muscles
Sawfly species (Allantus scrophularia)
Gall of a Gall Wasp or Gallfly (Cynipidae), on the leaf of an Elm tree (Ulmus), Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Sawfly, larvae (Craesus septentrionalis)
Worker bees on sealed brood comb
Honey bees -Apis mellifera var carnica-, worker bees and male drones on bright honeycomb
Mammoth wasp -Megascolia maculata flavifrons- searching for nectar on a thyme bush, near Lake Kerkini, Greece, Europe
Bee -Apis sp. - on Borage -Borago officinalis-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, EuropeBee -Apis sp.- on Borage -Borago officinalis-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Two honey bees, left, Carnian -Apis mellifera var carnica-, right, a hybrid Italian Bee -Apis ligustica bast.- on honeycomb with a propolis coating
Colony of Honey Bees -Apis mellifera var carnica- on fresh honeycomb with honey
Bumblebee with transparent wings
An eye of a bee, cross-section diagram
Two wasps, 3D graphics
Hoverfly on Wolfs bane, Mountain arnica (Arnica montana)
Honey bee (Apis) on the stamen of a hibiscus flower (Hibiscus syriacus), with water drops
Honey bee (Apis) approaching a hibiscus flower (Hibiscus syriacus), with water drops
Sawfly, larva (Craesus septentrionalis)
Larvae of the Sawfly (Craesus septentrionalis), developmental stage of an insect
Larva of the Sawfly (Craesus septentrionalis)
Honey bee -Apis mellifica- feeding on Goat Willow, Pussy Willow or Great Sallow -Salix caprea-, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Honey bee -Apis mellifica- in flight at Goat Willow, Pussy Willow or Great Sallow -Salix caprea-, Allgaeu, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Swarming bees -Apis mellifera-
Nest of European Paper Wasp -Polistes dominula-, Tuscany, Italy, Europe
Hornet -Vespa crabro- resting on a leaf, Limburg, Hesse, Germany, Europe
German or European wasp -Vespula germanica-, on Stonecrop -Sedum telephium-, Untergroenigen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Hornet -Vespa crabro-, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on an Alpine aster -Aster alpinus-
Carnolian Honeybee -Apis mellifera var. carnica-, on comb with capped brood cells and pollen cells
Newly developed honeycomb with worker bees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-
Honeybees -Apis mellifera var. carnica-, on brood comb with freshly laid eggs in honeycomb cells
Long-horned bee -Eucera tuberculata-, male searching for nectar, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Carnolian honey bee -Apis mellifera var carnica-, on blue flower of mountain knapweed or cornflower -Centaurea montana L.-
Honey bee -Apis mellifera var nica-, drone on drone brood, larvae shortly before pupation
Honey bees -Apis mellifera var carnica- in flight on pistil and pollen of a poppy flower, Oriental Poppy -Papaver orientale-
Honey bee -Apis mellifera var carnica-, in flight over pistil and and pollen tubes of an Oriental Poppy -Papaver orientale-
Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a Field Scabious -Knautia arvensisHoney bee -Apis sp.-, on a Field Scabious -Knautia arvensis-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Honey bee -Apis mellifera- on a Scabious flower -Knautia-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Western honey bee -Apis mellifera- collecting pollen, attaching pollen on its rear legs, next to an Oriental poppy -Papaver orientale-
Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a purple flowerHoney bee -Apis sp.-, on a purple flower, Phacelia, Scorpionweed or Heliotrope -Phacelia sp.-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Honey bee -Apis sp. -, clinging onto the purple flowerHoney bee -Apis sp.-, clinging onto the purple flower, Phacelia, Scorpionweed or Heliotrope -Phacelia sp.-
Honey been -Apis sp. - in search of foodHoney been -Apis sp.- in search of food, purple flower, Phacelia, Scorpionweed or Heliotrope -Phacelia sp.-
Bee -Apis sp. -, on a purple flowerBee -Apis sp.-, on a purple flower, Phacelia, Scorpionweed or Heliotrope -Phacelia sp.-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Western honey bees -Apis mellifera-, a large swarm of bees taking possession of a beehive
Honey bees -Apis mellifera-, worker bees on the drone brood cells
Honey bees -Apis mellifera-, worker bees caring for the brood, on brood cells, larvae, circa 8 days, in honeycomb cells
Western honey bee -Apis mellifera- on pumpkin flower, Hokkaido, Japan, Asien
Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee -Psithyrus Vestalis- Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Insects meeting whilst collecting nectar on flower of Elecampane or Horse-heal -Inula helenium-, Small Tortoiseshell -Aglais urticae, Nymphalis urticae- and honey bee -Apis mellifera-
Honey bee -Apis mellifera- collecting nectar on flower of Elecampane or Horse-heal -Inula helenium-
Honey bee -Apis mellifera- nibbling on the open honey comb with leaking honey, after the wax lid was removed with the wax comb
Yellow-banded Sweat Bee -Halictus scabiosae- collecting nectar, Untergroningen, Abtsgmuend, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Bee -Apis sp. - on Creeping Zinnia -Sanvitalia procumbens solarisBee -Apis sp.- on Creeping Zinnia -Sanvitalia procumbens solaris-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a zinnia or miniature sunflower -Sanvitalia procumbens solarisHoney bee -Apis sp.-, on a zinnia or miniature sunflower -Sanvitalia procumbens solaris-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Western honey bees -Apis mellifera- perched on a sunflower -Helianthus annuus-, detailed view of the blossom, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Honey bee -Apis sp. -, on a yellow daisy, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, EuropeHoney bee -Apis sp.-, on a yellow daisy, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Honey bee -Apis sp. - on a Purple Coneflower -Echinacea purpureaHoney bee -Apis sp.- on a Purple Coneflower -Echinacea purpurea-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Tawny Mining Bee -Andrena fulva-, Untergroningen, Abtsgmuend, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Bumblebee -Bombus sp. - collecting nectar and pollen on a sunflowerBumblebee -Bombus sp.- collecting nectar and pollen on a sunflower, Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Wasp -Vespula-, Biberach an der Riss, Upper Swabia, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Gasteruptiid Wasp -Gasteruption jaculator-, female, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Blood Bee -Sphecodes albilabris- on Hemp-agrimony -Eupatorium cannabinum-, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
Violet Carpenter Bee or Indian Bhanvra -Xylocopa violacea- on a Willow Gentian -Gentiana asclepiadea-, Bavaria, Germany
Carrot Wasp -Gasteruptiidae sp.- with an ovipositor longer than its abdomen, Goegap Nature Reserve, Namaqualand, South Africa, Africa
Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- covered with pollen from collecting honey on a Dandelion -Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia-
Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on honeycomb
Honey Bee -Apis mellifera var carnica- being fed by two other bees
Potter wasp -Eumenes sp. -, Baden-Wurttemberg, GermanyPotter wasp -Eumenes sp.-, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Bee -Apiformes- on a sunflower -Helantus-
Bee -Apiforme- on a white clover flower
Bee -Apis sp. -, Baden-Wurttemberg, GermanyBee -Apis sp.-, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Gall of the Oriental Chestnut Gall Wasp or Asian Chestnust Gall Wasp -Dryocosmus kuriphilus-, Switzerland
European Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on a Sunflower -Helianthus-
European Honey Bee -Apis mellifera- on a red Sunflower -Helianthus-
Honey Bees -Apis mellifera- on honeycomb with capped cells holding honey, winter bees, Bavaria, Germany