Antique Map of Western USAAntique Map from 1867 of Western United States of America
Map of USA 1877Warrens Common School Geography 1877
Pocatello Idaho US City Street MapVector Illustration of a City Street Map of Pocatello, Idaho, USA. Scale 1:60, 000. All source data is in the public domain. U.S
View from the summit plateau of Inferno Cone, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Arco, Highway 20, Idaho, USA
Saw and Shingle Mill in Idaho
Farmers Delivering Loads of Grain(Original Caption) Street scene in Eagle Rock, Idaho of about 1900 showing farmers bringing in their wagon loads of grain to be ground
Aerial Photo Of Gold Mine @ River Canyon(Original Caption) Shoup, ID: Gold mine at Salmon River Canyon. Undated photograph
Engineer Driving Train(Original Caption) Comfortable in a soft-cushioned leather seat, Engineer H.W. Joslyn of Glenns Ferry, Idaho, pilots the new streamliner
Idaho Falls, Gold Dredge(Original Caption) Original Caption - Gold mining: Idaho Falls, Gold Dredge. Photographed ca. 1905
Dog Wearing Glasses(Original Caption) 4/20/1933-: Joe, George Palmer's sheep dog, whose master, a Boise, Idaho, sheep raiser
Portrait of William Borah(Original Caption) Senator Borah at Turn of Century. Sen. William E. Borah of Idaho, candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, pictured as he appeared in Idaho in 1900
Homesteader In Home In Forest(Original Caption) An Idaho homesteader. Photo taken about 100 years ago depicting settler's home carved out of a virgin forest
Men Drive Logs Down River In Idaho(Original Caption) ID-Photo shows men driving logs down an Idaho River. Loosening log jams is a hazardous task. Ca. 1930s-1940s
Men Stand On Pile Of Logs/Logging(Original Caption) Priest River, ID-: DIAMOND MATCH ANNUAL LOG DRIVE
Office Interior with Old Fashioned Stove(Original Caption) Interior of an office in Eagle Rock, Idaho, showing desk, safe, file cabinets and an old fashioned stove
Jacqueline And Caroline Kennedy Skiing(Original Caption) SUN VALLEY, IDAHO: Mother and daughter Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and Caroline enjoy a joke as they vacation at this ski resort here recently. Mrs
Robert Kennedy Talking With John Glenn(Original Caption) Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and astronaut John Glenn discuss how tiring it can be to one's legs to sit in a kayak for 40 miles of the turbulent, rapid torn River of No Return
Children Crossing a Rope Bridge(Original Caption) Various sites on the grounds of the 5, 000 acre Farragut State Park, where the Boy Scouts XII World Jamboree is being held
Nampa Idaho US City Street MapVector Illustration of a City Street Map of Nampa, Idaho, USA. Scale 1:60, 000. All source data is in the public domain. U.S
Caldwell Idaho US City Street MapVector Illustration of a City Street Map of Caldwell, Idaho, USA. Scale 1:60, 000. All source data is in the public domain. U.S
Idaho Falls Idaho US City Street MapVector Illustration of a City Street Map of Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA. Scale 1:60, 000. All source data is in the public domain. U.S
Meridian Idaho US City Street MapVector Illustration of a City Street Map of Meridian, Idaho, USA. Scale 1:60, 000. All source data is in the public domain. U.S
Montana Washington Oregon Idaho map 1881Coltons Common School Geography 1881 New York Sheldon and Co
Lichen species -Usnea-, Coeur d Alene, Idaho, USA
Sulphur Polypore, Sulphur Shelf or Chicken Mushroom -Laetiporus sulphureus-, Coeur d Alene National Forest, Idaho, USA
Boise Idaho US City Street MapVector Illustration of a City Street Map of Boise, Idaho, USA. Scale 1:60, 000. All source data is in the public domain. U.S
Pacific states 1889Indiana Educational Series The Complete Geography - Indianapolis 1889
america, american, animal, animals, armatus, day, daylight, daytime, during, exteriorUinta ground squirrel (Spermophilus armatus), Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, America, United States
United States of America, West Coast, ithograph, published in 1878United States of America, States on the Pacific Ocean. Lithograph, published in 1878
Bristlecone Pine Forest, forest of long-living Great Basin Bristlecone Pines -Pinus longaeva-, Mt. Goliath Natural Area, Mt. Evans Scenic Byway, Idaho Springs, Colorado, USA
Long-living Great Basin Bristlecone Pine -Pinus longaeva-, collapsed tree, Bristlecone Pine Forest, Mt. Goliath Natural Area, Mt. Evans Scenic Byway, Idaho Springs, Colorado, USA
Chicago Lakes, Mount Evans Wilderness Arapaho National Forest, Idaho Springs, Colorado, USA
Summit Lake with Mount Evans, Mount Evans Wilderness Arapaho National Forest, Idaho Springs, Colorado, USA
Coeur d Alene River, Coeur d Alene National Forest, Idaho, USA
Blue Elderberry or Blue Elder -Sambuccus caerulea-, Coeur d Alene National Forest, Idaho, USA
Sulphur shelf, chicken mushroom -Laetiporus sulphureus-, Coeur dAlene National Forest, Idaho, USA
Harvested grain field near Moscow, Highway 95, Idaho, USA
Moss, Map Lichen -Rhizocarpon geographicum- and other lichen, Hells Canyon, Oxbow, Idaho, USA
Boulder Mountain, Highway 75, Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Big Wood River, Boulder Mountains at back, Highway 75, Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Aspen trees -Populus tremula- with autumnal coloured foliage, Highway 75, Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Solidified lava patches between volcanic rocks, spatter cones, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Arco, Highway 20, Idaho, USA
Reflections in the Trail Creek, Trail Creek Valley, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA
Big Lost River Valley, Idaho, USA
Loop of the Big Lost River, Big Lost River Valley, Idaho, USA
Roadway with autumnal coloured trees in the Big Lost River Valley, Lost River Range at back, Mackay, Idaho, USA
Wild Buckwheat or Cushion Buckwheat -Eriogonum ovalifolium-, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Arco, Highway 20, Idaho, USA
Pine tree -Pinus sp. - on the top of Inferno ConePine tree -Pinus sp.- on the top of Inferno Cone, shaped by wind and weather, Craters of the Moon National Monument, Highway 20, Idaho, USA
Volcanic rock, coloured by metallic oxides, Crates of the Moon National Monument, Arco, Highway 20, Idaho, USA
Lost River Range, Big Lost River Valley, Idaho, USA
Aspen -Populus tremula-, autumn coloured leaves on the ground, Warm Springs Road, Ketchum, Idaho, USA
Warm Springs Creek, downstream, Ketchum, Idaho, USA
View from Scenic Overlook on Highway 46 towards Lost River Range, Idaho, USA
Volcanic rock formations in the Bennett Hills, Highway 46, Gooding, Idaho, USA
Melon Gravels, basalt boulders, Hagerman Wildlife Area, Hagerman, Idaho, USA
Branch of the Great Dune Lake, Bruneau Dunes State Park, Bruneau, Idaho, USA
Cushion buckwheat -Eriogonum ovalifolium-, Inferno Cone, Craters of the Moon, Highway 20y, Idaho, United States