Map of Pamlico and Albemarle SoundsVintage engraving from 1863 of a map of Map of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds at the time of the American Civil War
Charles, Duke of BurgundyAntique, Art, Authority, Barons, Burgundy, Capital Letter, Central Europe, Charles I, Charles The Bold, Color Image, Document, Dukes, Engraved Image, Equipment, Europe, European Culture, France
Father Christmas and his ListVintage colour lithograph from 1898 showing Father Christmas and his List of Good Children
Victorian Blacksmith FarriersVintage 19th century engraving showing two boys playing in a blacksmiths (Farriers) forge while the blacksmith looks on
The Pied Piper of Hamelin To Town Hall came flockingVIntage engraing of a scene from the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. At last the people in a body To the Town Hall came flocking. Kate Greenaway, 1888
The Pied Piper of Hamelin Children and the ratsVIntage engraing of a scene from the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Children afraid of the rats. Kate Greenaway, 1888
Alice in Wonderland"Alice and the Dodo, from the Lewis Carroll Story Alice in Wonderland, Illustration by Sir John Tenniel 1871"
Blockade of BostonVintage engraving from 1861 showing the Plan of the Blockade of Boston during the American Revolutionary War
Wound it seem'd both sore and sadVintage engraving from the nursery rhyme An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog by Oliver Goldsmith. The wound it seem'd both sore and sad, To every christian eye
Sore sick they wereVintage engraving from the Babes in the Wood is a traditional children's tale. Sore sicke they were and like to dye
La Fontaines Fables - The Power of FablesVintage engraving from La Fontaines Fables, Illustraed by Gustave Dore. The Power of Fables
Illuminated ManuscriptVintage engraving by Albrecht DArer c.1526 showing a pagfe from the Emperor Maximilians prayer book
CourierVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing a Courier, c.1502Vintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Saint Eustace, c.1501
Erasmus of RotterdamVintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1526
Belle Epoque - The Interrupted Letter 1890Vintage photogravure engraving of a young french woman writing a love letter. Les Saisons: Le Panorama 1890
Rome and surroundingsAntique illustration of Rome and surroundings
Ancient RomeAntique illustration Map of Ancient Rome from 1898
Map of the Shangani Patrol and Major Wilsons Last StandVintage engraving of a Map of the Shangani Patrol and Major Wilsons Last Stand
Battle of BelmontVintage engraving from 1863 of a map of the Battle of Belmont which was fought on November 7, 1861, in Mississippi County, Missouri. It was the first combat test in the American Civil War for Brig
Victorian satirical cartoon - On Drinking and a hangoverVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon. On Drinking and a hangover. Such pleasures quickly pass away. The Evening Red, The Morning Grey
William Hogarth Marriage A La Mode The SettlementVintage engraving of showing a scene from William Hogarths Marriage A La Mode. Marriage A La Mode is a series of six pictures depicting a pointed skewering of upper class 18th century society
Battle of Big BethelVintage engraving from 1863 of a map of the Battle of Big Bethel also known as the Battle of Bethel Church or Great Bethel was an American Civil War battle that took place on June 10, 1861
Parisiennettes Tickling the nose of the EstablishmentVintage french cartoon by H Gerbault. Parisiennettes, a young french woman Tickling the nose of the Establishment with a giant feather. 1897
Victorian satirical cartoon - Law Suit as a boxing matchVintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon. A Law Suit as a boxing match
Rats made nests inside mens Sunday hatsVIntage Illustration of a scene from the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Split open kegs of salted sprats, Made nests inside mens Sunday hats.. Kate Greenaway, 1888
Battle of Port RoyalVintage engraving from 1863 of a map of the Battle of Port Royal which was one of the earliest amphibious operations of the American Civil War
Charles Dickens Hard Times Miss LouisaVintage engraving from Charles Dickens Hard Times. It would be a fine thing to be you, Miss Louisa !
Victorian women writing at a deskVintage engraving of a Victorian women writing at a desk. From the story Madame Leroux by Frances Eleanor Trollope, The Graphic, 1890
Second Boer War - Plan of the Battle of ElandslaagteVintage engraving of The Battle of Elandslaagte was a battle of the Second Boer War, and one of the few clear-cut tactical victories won by the British during that conflict
Antquie Map of South AmericaVintage map of South America from 1837
Map of Ancient RomeVintage engraving showing a plan of Ancient Rome
Franco Prussian War Plan of the Battle of CoulmiersVintage engraving of a scene from the Franco Prussian War
Franco Prussian War Battle plan of Siege of OrleansVintage engraving of a scene from the Franco Prussian War. Battle plan of Siege of Orleans
Dynamo machine, General Electricity CompanyAntique illustration of a Dynamo machine, General Electricity Company
Dynamo machine, Edison-Hopkinson, 1883Antique illustration of a dynamo machine, Edison-Hopkinson, 1883
Third Carlist War - Siege of CarthagenaVintage engraving showing a plan of the Siege of Carthagena (Cartagena), Spain, during the Third Carlist War
Battle of Bull RunVintage engraving from 1863 of a map of Bull Run and its environs at the time of the American Civil War
Fort Monroe and its environsVintage engraving from 1863 of a map of Fort Monroe and its environs. Fort Monroe played an important role in the American Civil War
Battle of Bosworth FieldVintage engraving showing a plan of the Battle of Bosworth Field
Plan of the Entrenchment at Cawnpore, June, 1857, during the Indian Rebellion of 1857
Dickenss Dombey and Son - smiled auspiciously at his authorVintage engraving of a scene from Charles Dickens Dombey and Son
Dickenss Dombey and Son - You respect nobody, CarkerVintage engraving of a scene from Charles Dickens Dombey and Son. You respect nobody, Carker, I think, said Mr Dombey. No ? inquired Carker, with another wide and most feline show of his teeth
Dickenss Dombey and Son Captains voice was so tremendousVintage engraving of a scene from Charles Dickenss Dombey and Son. The Captains voice was so tremendous
The beer brewery in Klein-Schwechat near Vienna from 1866illustration of a The beer brewery in Kleinschwechat near Vienna
Franco Prussian War - Plan of Metz and French campVintage engraving of a scene fro the Franco Prussian War. Plan of Metz and French entrenched camp
Second Boer War - Battle of BelmontVintage engraving of a plan of the Battle of Belmont an engagement of the Second Boer War on 23 November 1899, where the British under Lord Methuen assaulted a Boer position on Belmont kopje
Missouri CampaignsVintage engraving from 1863 of a map of the Missouri Campaigns from the time of the American Civil War
Franco Prussian War - Plan of Second Battle of OrleansVintage engraving of a scene from the Franco Prussian War. Plan of the Second Battle of Orleans, 1870
Map of the Battle of Bull RunVintage engraving of a Map of the Battle of Bull Run, The Century Magazine, 1884
Franco Prussian War Battle plan of Siege of ParisVintage engraving of a scene from the Franco Prussian War. Battle plan of Siege of Paris
Franco Prussian War plan of the Battle of AmiensVintage engraving of a scene from the Franco Prussian War. plan of the Battle of Amiens
Plan of Jerusalem in the 1st CenturyVintage engraving of a Plan of Jerusalem in the 1st Century
Roman empire under Trajan
Plymouth and the surrounding area
Gramme 1870Electric generator (Dynamo), Gramme 1870
Pacinotti dynamo, 1860Antique illustration of a Pacinotti dynamo, 1860
Morse Recording TelegraphVintage engraving of a Morse Recording Telegraph
Dynamo machine, Ganz & coAntique illustration of a Dynamo machine, Ganz & co
Dynamo machine, Siemens 1856Antique illustration of a dynamo machine, Siemens 1856
Dynamo machine, Edison 1881Antique illustration of a dynamo machine, Edison 1881
Dynamo machine, SchuckertAntique illustration of a Dynamo machine, Schuckert
Dynamo machine, OERLIKONAntique illustration of a Dynamo machine, OERLIKON
Dynamo machine, Company AllianceAntique illustration of a Dynamo machine, Company Alliance
First dynamo machine, Siemens 1856Antique illustration of a dynamo machine, Siemens 1856
Kummer & Co. electro-magnetic machine, type alphaAntique illustration of a dynamo machine, Kummer & Co. electro-magnetic machine
Dynamo machine, Siemens model HAntique illustration of a dynamo machine, Siemens model H