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Inventor Collection

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison
Thomas Alva Edison (1847 - 1931), American inventor of the carbon telephone transmitter (1877), phonograph (1878), and incandescent lamp with carbon filament (1879)

Background imageInventor Collection: Hiram Maxim With Maxim Gun

Hiram Maxim With Maxim Gun
(Original Caption) Photograph of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim (1840-1916) with his famed Maxim Gun. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: The Wright brothers 1903 Flyer plane, side view

The Wright brothers 1903 Flyer plane, side view

Background imageInventor Collection: Illustration of Isaac Newton watching apple falling from tree

Illustration of Isaac Newton watching apple falling from tree

Background imageInventor Collection: Monument to Berthold Schwarz, alchemist in the 14th century

Monument to Berthold Schwarz, alchemist in the 14th century, inventor of gunpowder, Freiburg, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany

Background imageInventor Collection: Inventor John Boyd Dunlop

Inventor John Boyd Dunlop
Scottish inventor John Boyd Dunlop is credited with the invention of the pneumatic rubber tire in 1888

Background imageInventor Collection: Samuel Morse

Samuel Morse
(Original Caption) Samuel Morse, (1791-1872), American artist and inventor. Photographed standing in a studio by Matthew Brady. Undated photograph. BPA2 #2609

Background imageInventor Collection: Rene Laennec Inventor Of Stethoscope

Rene Laennec Inventor Of Stethoscope
(Original Caption) 1819- Rene Theophile Hyacinth Laennec 1781-1826, invented the stehtoscope

Background imageInventor Collection: Steam Hammer & Inventor James Nasmyth

Steam Hammer & Inventor James Nasmyth
(Original Caption) Photograph of a steam hammer invented by James Nasmyth (1808-1890) in 1834. Portrait of the inventor in upper right hand corner

Background imageInventor Collection: Inventor and Manufacturer Charles Goodyear

Inventor and Manufacturer Charles Goodyear
(Original Caption) Portrait of Charles Goodyear (1800-1860), American inventor and originator of vulcanized rubber. Undated

Background imageInventor Collection: Inventor Elias Howe

Inventor Elias Howe
(Original Caption) Elias Howe (1819-1867) inventor of the sewing machine. After a rare daguerrotype

Background imageInventor Collection: Louis Daguerre

Louis Daguerre
A daguerrotype of Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, the French physicist and inventor whose photographic innovation was the beginning of popular photography

Background imageInventor Collection: Rear Admiral John Dahlgren

Rear Admiral John Dahlgren stands alongside one of his creations, a 50-pounder Dahlgren rifle gun, aboard the USS Pawnee in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, during the latter part of the Civil War

Background imageInventor Collection: Early Pedal Bicycle

Early Pedal Bicycle
A man posing with a velocipede or boneshaker, an early pedal bicycle, circa 1870

Background imageInventor Collection: A Young Woman with an Early Typewriter

A Young Woman with an Early Typewriter
The daughter of typewriter inventor Christopher Latham Sholes is seen with one of her father's early typewriters

Background imageInventor Collection: Andrew Hallidie On First Cable Train

Andrew Hallidie On First Cable Train
(Original Caption) San Francisco. CA: Clay Street Hill R.R. Co. cable car. First cable train with its inventor/engineer Andrew Hallidie (1836-1900) standing at the controls with a beard and mustache

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Edison Standing in Laboratory

Thomas Edison Standing in Laboratory
(Original Caption) Portrait of Thomas Edison (1847-1931) standing in his chemical laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Edison and His Phonograph

Thomas Edison and His Phonograph
(Original Caption) Thomas Edison and his phonograph in an undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Edison with his Phonograph

Thomas Edison with his Phonograph
(Original Caption) Thomas Edison is shown here after five days and five nights of work perfecting his favorite invention, the phonograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Edison Seated W/Phonograph

Thomas Edison Seated W/Phonograph
(Original Caption) Portrait of American inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931). Captioned: "EDISON AND HIS TIN-FOIL PHONOGRAPH - 1878."

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Edison and Phonograph

Thomas Edison and Phonograph
(Original Caption) 4/1878-Professor Thomas Edison and his speaking phonograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Sir Hiram Maxim with his Maxim Machine Gun

Sir Hiram Maxim with his Maxim Machine Gun
(Original Caption) Portrait of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim with his Maxim Gun. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Linograph Inventor Ottmar Mergenthaler

Linograph Inventor Ottmar Mergenthaler
(Original Caption) Portrait of Ottmar Mergenthaler (1854-1899), inventor of the first linograph typesetting machine. Undated photo. BPA2# 3886

Background imageInventor Collection: Christopher Latham Sholes Sitting at Typewriter

Christopher Latham Sholes Sitting at Typewriter
Christopher Sholes sits before his invention, the typewriter

Background imageInventor Collection: Young Inventor Thomas Alva Edison

Young Inventor Thomas Alva Edison
(Original Caption) 1880-Thomas Alva Edison, inventor and electrical wizard

Background imageInventor Collection: Inventor Karl Benz Sitting on Benz Motorwagen

Inventor Karl Benz Sitting on Benz Motorwagen
Inventor Karl Benz seated on the 1885 Benz Motorwagen. The motorwagen was the first motor vehicle ever to be sold to the public

Background imageInventor Collection: Gottlieb Daimler Riding in First Automobile

Gottlieb Daimler Riding in First Automobile
Gottlieb Daimler enjoys a ride in his "horseless carriage" in 1885, while his his son, Wilhelm, drives proudly through the streets of Berlin

Background imageInventor Collection: Inventor Karl Benz and Assistant in Early Motorwagen

Inventor Karl Benz and Assistant in Early Motorwagen
Inventor Karl Benz with his assistant Josef Brecht seated on the 1885 Benz Motorwagen. The Motorwagen was the first motor vehicle ever to be sold to the public

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Edison Standing in Chemistry Lab

Thomas Edison Standing in Chemistry Lab
(Original Caption) Thomas Edison is shown here in the chemistry lab at his West Orange, New Jersey plant

Background imageInventor Collection: Birdman Flying Machine

Birdman Flying Machine
Birdman Flying machine. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Portion of the Difference Engine No. 1

Portion of the Difference Engine No. 1
(Original Caption) 1889- Picture shows an impression from a woocut of a small portion of Mr. Babbage's Difference Engine, No

Background imageInventor Collection: Alfred Binet, French Psychologist

Alfred Binet, French Psychologist
(Original Caption) Alfred Binet (1857-1911), French psychologist who originated the intelligence test. Head and shoulders photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: George Eastman

George Eastman
(Original Caption) 1890-Paris, France: George Eastman (1854-1932), is shown in Paris, 1890: Eastman, touring Europe, was photographed by Nadar, famous portrait photographer and an Eastman dealer

Background imageInventor Collection: Thomas Alva Edison and Family

Thomas Alva Edison and Family
(Original Caption) Family portrait of Thomas Alva Edison with his son, daughter and wife. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Lumiere Brothers At Work In Laboratory

Lumiere Brothers At Work In Laboratory
(Original Caption) 1892-Lyon, France: Auguste Lumiere (1862-1954) and Louis Jean Lumiere (1864-1948) in their laboratory at Lyon, France

Background imageInventor Collection: Bell Opening New York-Chicago Telephone Line

Bell Opening New York-Chicago Telephone Line
A group of businessmen watch inventor Alexander Graham Bell as he opens the New York-Chicago telephone line

Background imageInventor Collection: Edison's Experimental Department

Edison's Experimental Department
(Original Caption) 9/24/1892-Orange, NJ: Edison's experimental department, Orange, NJ, Sept. 24, 1892, in which he developed the phonograph. Photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Chemist Alfred Nobel

Chemist Alfred Nobel
(Original Caption) Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, is shown seated in this 3/4 length, 3/4 profile portrait

Background imageInventor Collection: First Four-Wheeled Benz Automobile

First Four-Wheeled Benz Automobile
Karl Benz and his daughter Clara take a spin in the Benz Victoria, the first four wheeled Benz automobile built in 1893

Background imageInventor Collection: Herring with His Experimental Glider

Herring with His Experimental Glider
(Original Caption) Herring's soaring aeroplane. Photograph, 1894

Background imageInventor Collection: Charles E. Duryea in Horseless Carriage

Charles E. Duryea in Horseless Carriage
Charles E. Duryea in his third and most famous car. It was the first ever to be equipped with pneumatic tires

Background imageInventor Collection: Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla
Serbian-American inventor, engineer and futurist Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943), aged 40, circa 1896

Background imageInventor Collection: Gugliemo Marconi With Wireless Receiver

Gugliemo Marconi With Wireless Receiver
(Original Caption) Guglielmo Marconi, Italian inventor, seated before his first wireless receiver in 1896 - at age 22

Background imageInventor Collection: Henry Ford Driving His First Automobile

Henry Ford Driving His First Automobile
Henry Ford driving in his first automobile, the Quadracycle, on Grand Boulevard in Detroit, Michigan

Background imageInventor Collection: Man Seated In Experimental Car

Man Seated In Experimental Car
(Original Caption) Filed 1/6/1930-Berlin, Germany: Max Velier, inventor, in the seat of his novel auto. Following his recent successful negotiation of the Avus Auto Speedway in Berlin

Background imageInventor Collection: Professor Arthur Korn Inventor

Professor Arthur Korn Inventor
(Original Caption) Professor Arthur Korn of Germany standing besides his new machine for transmitting pictures by wire. The first test was made between paris and London. Undated Photo

Background imageInventor Collection: Lee De Forest with Audion Tube

Lee De Forest with Audion Tube
American inventor Lee De Forest is shown with his Audion vacuum tube which enabled live radio broadcasts

Background imageInventor Collection: Punch Card Inventor Herman Hollerith

Punch Card Inventor Herman Hollerith
(Original Caption) Herman Hollerith, inventor of the punch card system; developed tabulating machines for United States Bureau of Census

Background imageInventor Collection: Basketball's Inventor Dr. Naismith

Basketball's Inventor Dr. Naismith
The inventor of basketball, Dr. James Naismith, stands in a field carrying a ball and a basket

Background imageInventor Collection: Lord Kelvin With His Compass for Ships

Lord Kelvin With His Compass for Ships
Lord Kelvin stands with a compass he invented for use aboard ships

Background imageInventor Collection: Adolphe Sax - Inventor Of The Saxophone

Adolphe Sax - Inventor Of The Saxophone
(Original Caption) Sax, Adolphe - Inventor of the saxophone. Caricature, undated. BPA2# 1585

Background imageInventor Collection: English Inventor And Engineer; Waist Up

English Inventor And Engineer; Waist Up
(Original Caption) Sir Henry Bessemer, (1813-1898) English engineer and inventor

Background imageInventor Collection: Leeuwenhoek's Original Microscope

Leeuwenhoek's Original Microscope
(Original Caption) Leeuwenhoek's primitive microscope, actually a lens mounted between two metal plates. BPA2# 4332

Background imageInventor Collection: Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel
(Original Caption) Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), Swedish manufacturer and inventor. Established fund of $9, 200, 000 for Nobel Prize (since 1901)

Background imageInventor Collection: Louis-Jacques Daguerre; Inventor

Louis-Jacques Daguerre; Inventor
(Original Caption) Louis-Jacques Daguerre (1787-1851); perfected photography invented by Niepce. Photo by Nadar

Background imageInventor Collection: Horological Pendulum Developed By Galileo

Horological Pendulum Developed By Galileo
Galileo: Horoogical Pendulum developed by Halileo

Background imageInventor Collection: Louis Lumiere; Head And Shoulder

Louis Lumiere; Head And Shoulder
(Original Caption) Louis Lumiere: (1864-1948) French Chemist and industrialist. Inventor of cinematography. Photo by Nadar

Background imageInventor Collection: Physicists Geiger and Rutherford

Physicists Geiger and Rutherford
Hans Wilhelm Geiger (left) and Ernest Rutherford at Schuster Laboratory

Background imageInventor Collection: Charles William Siemens

Charles William Siemens
(Original Caption) Portrait of electrical engineer Charles William Siemens (1823-1883). Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Inventor Cyrus McCormick

Inventor Cyrus McCormick
Cyrus Hall McCormick (1809-1884), American inventor and industrialist who invented a successful mechanical reaper

Background imageInventor Collection: Portrait of Hans Lippershey

Portrait of Hans Lippershey, Dutch spectacle maker and inventor of the telescope

Background imageInventor Collection: Inventor Edmund Cartwright

Inventor Edmund Cartwright
A color portrait of Edmund Cartwright (1743-1823) who invented the first wool-combing machine, a forerunner of the power loom

Background imageInventor Collection: Sir. Ch. Wheatstone Color Print

Sir. Ch. Wheatstone Color Print
Sir Charles Wheatstone (1802-1875) English physicist and inventor. Color lithograph, 9/15/1901

Background imageInventor Collection: Guglielmo Marconi at His Desk

Guglielmo Marconi at His Desk
(Original Caption) 1903-Photograph shows Guglielmo Marconi at his desk at the time of his first wireless experiments

Background imageInventor Collection: Men with Huge Camera

Men with Huge Camera
(Original Caption) DON'T MOVE, DON'T BLINK! The world's largest camera was designed by George R. Lawrence, a pioneer photographer-inventor (standing by lens)

Background imageInventor Collection: T.M. Edison In Automobile

T.M. Edison In Automobile
(Original Caption) T.M. Edison is shown here in his flivver, which was given to him some five years ago by Henry Ford, and which is still going strong

Background imageInventor Collection: Wright Flyer in Profile

Wright Flyer in Profile
(Original Caption) This is a side view of the original Wright aeroplane near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina

Background imageInventor Collection: Dr. Albert Sabin Sitting at his Desk

Dr. Albert Sabin Sitting at his Desk
Dr. Albert Sabin, at work in his laboratory at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, was the Polish-American physician and microbiologist best known for developing the oral polio vaccine

Background imageInventor Collection: Guglielmo Marconi

Guglielmo Marconi
(Original Caption) Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), Italian physicist, inventor and pioneer in wireless communication. Co-winner of the 1909 Nobel Prize for physics

Background imageInventor Collection: Ernest Orlando Lawrence @ Control Panel

Ernest Orlando Lawrence @ Control Panel
(Original Caption) Ernest Orlando Lawrence, American physicist and inventor of the Cyclotron. Awarded the 1939 Nobel prize for physics. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Thoams Edison & Wife Seated Convertable

Thoams Edison & Wife Seated Convertable
(Original Caption) Vienna, Austria- Thomas Edison and wife in automobile, made by himself

Background imageInventor Collection: Gaston Plante - Waist-Up Standing Port

Gaston Plante - Waist-Up Standing Port
(Original Caption) Portrait of French physicist Gaston Plante (1834-1889) inventor of the first practical storage battery. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Georges Claude Working In Laboratory

Georges Claude Working In Laboratory
(Original Caption) Georges Claude in his laboratory. Inventor of equipment for liquefying the gases of the air. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Charles Duryea in His Third Car

Charles Duryea in His Third Car
Charles E. Duryea in his third and most famous car. It was the first ever to be equipped with pneumatic tires

Background imageInventor Collection: Replica Of Henry Fords Workshop

Replica Of Henry Fords Workshop
(Original Caption) Birthplace of the ford car. Replica of interior of Henry Ford's workshop on Bagley Avenue in Detroit MI in 1893. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Professor E. E. Branly; Waist Up

Professor E. E. Branly; Waist Up
(Original Caption) Professor Branly---Edouard-Eugene Branly, 1844-1940. French physicist. Inventor, 1890 of Coherer, primitive form of radio detector that made wireless telegraphy possible. Undaetd

Background imageInventor Collection: Blaise Pascal Calculating Machine

Blaise Pascal Calculating Machine
An early calculating machine invented by French scientist and philosopher Blaise Pascal

Background imageInventor Collection: Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel
(Original Caption) Seated portrait of Alfred Nobel. He is shown in near profile, with his hand to his beard. Undated photograph

Background imageInventor Collection: Difference Engine No. 1, by Charles Babbage

Difference Engine No. 1, by Charles Babbage
(Original Caption) Part of a differential calculating machine on which Charles Babbage, English mathematician, worked for 37 years, only to find it rejected for a patent by the government

Background imageInventor Collection: Emil Wenig With His Hand Made Camera

Emil Wenig With His Hand Made Camera
(Original Caption) Emil Wenig- fifty years ago invented the photographic dry plates- which meant the beginning of the amateur photographer. Here Mr

Background imageInventor Collection: Louis LeJeune and His Airplane

Louis LeJeune and His Airplane
(Original Caption) The airplane of Louis LeJeune, 15 horsepower, 3 cylinders. Photograph, ca. 1900s-1910s

Background imageInventor Collection: Color Portrait of James Watt

Color Portrait of James Watt
A color portrait of the Scottish inventor of the steam engine, James Watt (1736-1819.)

Background imageInventor Collection: Portrait of Robert Fulton After a Painting by Benjamin West

Portrait of Robert Fulton After a Painting by Benjamin West

Background imageInventor Collection: Aloys Senefelder In Color Engraving

Aloys Senefelder In Color Engraving
(Original Caption) Aloys Senefelder (1771-1834), German who invented lithograph. Undated engraving

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