Destruction of the Sennacherib Army" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the destruction of the army of Sennacherib
Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the Fiery Furnace" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Fiery Furnace
Slaughtering the Prophets of BaalVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Slaughter of the Prophets of Baal
Ezra reading the LawVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Ezra reading the Law in the hearing of the people
Angel sent to deliver IsraelVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Angel sent to deliver Israel
Jesus and the Disciples going to EmmausVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus and the Disciples going to Emmaus
Apparition of Heavens ArmyVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Apparition of the Army of Heaven
The Dead ChristVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ dead after being taken down from the Cross
Baruch" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Baruch ben Neriah who was the scribe, disciple, secretary
Jesus and the Woman taken in AdulteryVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus and the Woman taken in Adultery
Jesus falling with the CrossVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ falling with the Cross
Daniel interprets the dream[url=
Judith showing the head of HolofernesVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Judith holding the head of Holofernes
Mattathias appealing to the Jewish RefugeesVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Mattathias appealing to the Jewish Refugees
Ezekiel Prophesying" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Ezekiel Prophesying
Tobias and the AngelVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Tobias and the Angel
John the Baptist PreachingVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness
IsaiahVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Isaiah. He lived approximately 2700 years ago and was a prophet in the 8th-century BC Kingdom of Judah
Vision of the Four ChariotsVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Vision of the Four Chariots
Jonathan destroying the Temple of Dagon" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jonathan destroying the Temple of Dagon
Jonathan and the army of ApolloniusVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jonathan in the presence of the army of Apollonius
Prodigal son in his fathers armsVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Prodigal son in his fathers arms
Death of AhabVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Death of Ahab. He was king of Israel and the son and successor of Omri according to the Hebrew Bible
Saint Peter denying ChristVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Saint Peter denying Christ
Heliodorus cast downVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing Heliodorus cast down..Heliodorus was a minister of Seleucus IV Philopator ca
Flags of Israel and Jerusalem, Jerusalem citadelTaken near Jaffa gate.The current walls were built in 1538 on the site of earlier ancient fortifications, by Suleiman the Magnificent, the tenth and longest-reigning Sultan of the Ottoman Empire