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Judaism Collection

Background imageJudaism Collection: Illustration of four priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant and crossing the River Jordan

Illustration of four priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant and crossing the River Jordan

Background imageJudaism Collection: Map of the ancient Jerusalem, copperplate engraving, published in 1774

Map of the ancient Jerusalem, copperplate engraving, published in 1774
Map of the ancient Jerusalem. Copperplate engraving, published in 1774

Background imageJudaism Collection: Historical map of Palestine with the twelve tribes of Israel

Historical map of Palestine with the twelve tribes of Israel. Colored steel engraving, published in 1886

Background imageJudaism Collection: Map of Eden and Mount Ararat, copperplate engraving, published 1774

Map of Eden and Mount Ararat, copperplate engraving, published 1774
A Map of the Situation of the Garden of Eden as also of Mount Ararat whereon the Ark rested. Copperplate engraving, published in 1774

Background imageJudaism Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 12

Illustration of a bible scene, 2 Kings 12, Temple of Solomon is repaired by King Josiahs men

Background imageJudaism Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 35-36

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 35-36, Tabernacle, God instructs Moses to build a house of prayer for the wandering Israelites

Background imageJudaism Collection: Isaac blessing Jacob (Genesis 27)

Isaac blessing Jacob (Genesis 27)
Illustration of a Isaac blessing Jacob (Genesis 27)

Background imageJudaism Collection: Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 3

Illustration of a bible scene, Exodus 3, Moses and the Burning Bush, God reveals himself to Moses and instructs him to lead the Israelites out of Israel

Background imageJudaism Collection: Tower of Babel (Genesis 11, 8)

Tower of Babel (Genesis 11, 8)
Illustration of a Tower of Babel (Genesis 11, 8)

Background imageJudaism Collection: Priests, High-Priest, and Levites

Priests, High-Priest, and Levites
illustration of a Priests, High-Priest, and Levites

Background imageJudaism Collection: David receives envoys of King Hiram of Tyre (1 Chronicles 14)

David receives envoys of King Hiram of Tyre (1 Chronicles 14)
Illustration of a David receives envoys of King Hiram of Tyre (1 Chronicles 14)

Background imageJudaism Collection: Landscape on Megiddo Mound & the valley of Jezreel

Landscape on Megiddo Mound & the valley of Jezreel
Taken from Tel Megiddo 2014. In the background, at the horizon, Mount Tabor.Megiddo, one of the most important archeological sites in Israel

Background imageJudaism Collection: Lower East Side Street Scene

Lower East Side Street Scene
Shoppers congregate as vendors sell their wares on the sidewalk outside of haberdasheries at 57 Hester Street and 55 Hester Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York, New York, circa 1900

Background imageJudaism Collection: Evening mood with a deserted street in the Jewish Quarter

Evening mood with a deserted street in the Jewish Quarter, Old City of Jerusalem, Israel, Middle East, Asia

Background imageJudaism Collection: David and Goliath

David and Goliath
" Vintage engraving from the 1870 of a sdcene from the Old Testament by Gustave Dore showing David and Goliath

Background imageJudaism Collection: Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Illustration)

Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Illustration)
Illustration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Original artwork by Keith Reicher

Background imageJudaism Collection: The Ascension Of Jesus

The Ascension Of Jesus
Engraving From 1873 Featuring The Ascension Of Jesus Into Heaven

Background imageJudaism Collection: Judgement Scene at Spanish Inquisition

Judgement Scene at Spanish Inquisition
(Original Caption) An Act of Faith involving burning at the stake of Jews who refused to be converted, around 1492. (During the Spanish Inquisition)

Background imageJudaism Collection: Criminals Rambling Through Jewish Synagogue Treasures

Criminals Rambling Through Jewish Synagogue Treasures
(Original Caption) Medieval Progrome: The Firing And Sacking Of The Synagogue

Background imageJudaism Collection: Preparing and Making Matzos

Preparing and Making Matzos
(Original Caption) Matzos: General view of preparing and baking matzos, the unleavened bread bread for the Passover

Background imageJudaism Collection: Tomb of Rachel

Tomb of Rachel
(Original Caption) Tomb of Rachel near Bethlehem, Palestine

Background imageJudaism Collection: Rabbi Reading the Talmud

Rabbi Reading the Talmud
(Original Caption) Rabbi reading the Talmud. Undated photograph

Background imageJudaism Collection: Moses with Ten Commandments by D.C. Fabronius

Moses with Ten Commandments by D.C. Fabronius
(Original Caption) Moses with Ten Commandments

Background imageJudaism Collection: Passover Celebration

Passover Celebration
Jews celebrating the feast of Passover during the 15th century

Background imageJudaism Collection: Scribe Working at His Desk

Scribe Working at His Desk
(Original Caption) Jewish Life in Poland, ca. 1900: Reb Moshe Yakov, the oldest scribe in Lukow, Poland

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Boy Studying

Jewish Boy Studying
(Original Caption) Boy studying the Talmud, Piaseczna, Poland, ca. 1900

Background imageJudaism Collection: Policeman Whipping Jew

Policeman Whipping Jew
(Original Caption) Progrome in Russia: Jew being whipped by Czarist policeman

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish People at the Western Wall

Jewish People at the Western Wall
Jews pray at the Western Wall of the old Temple in the early 20th Century

Background imageJudaism Collection: Witch of Endor with Saul Fainting at Spirit of Samuel

Witch of Endor with Saul Fainting at Spirit of Samuel
The Witch of Endor, a female sorcerer who at the request of Saul, the first King of Israel, conjured up the spirit of the prophet Samuel

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Congregation During New Years Recognition

Jewish Congregation During New Years Recognition
Man blowing Shofar, the Ram's Horn to signify the Jewish New Year

Background imageJudaism Collection: Moses Smashing the Tables of the Law by Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn

Moses Smashing the Tables of the Law by Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn
Across the continent. Railroad train speeding westward. At left, school in log cabin with covered wagons ready to leave. Currier and Ives lithograph. Undated

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Children Receiving Gifts

Jewish Children Receiving Gifts
(Original Caption) Jewish Holidays: Jewish children receive goodies, sweets on Simchat Torah when annual cycle of Torah reading is renewed. 17th century Dutch woodcut

Background imageJudaism Collection: Engraving of Samuel Rebuking Saul

Engraving of Samuel Rebuking Saul
(Original Caption) Samuel rebukes Saul for his trickery. The king seizes the prophet's garment in repentance. It tears and Samuel prophecies that the Kingdom of Israel will be rent away from Saul

Background imageJudaism Collection: Engraving of Samuel Hearing Voice of Lord

Engraving of Samuel Hearing Voice of Lord
(Original Caption) Samuel hears the voice of the Lord. Represented in the Old Testament as seer, priest, judge, prophet, and military leader

Background imageJudaism Collection: Engraving of Samuel Anointing Saul

Engraving of Samuel Anointing Saul
Samuel the prophet anointing Saul to be the King of Israel

Background imageJudaism Collection: Woodcut of Witch of Endor Conjuring up Samuel for Saul

Woodcut of Witch of Endor Conjuring up Samuel for Saul
(Original Caption) The apparition of Samuel raised by the Witch of Endor at the request of King Saul

Background imageJudaism Collection: Woodcut of Samuel and Agag

Woodcut of Samuel and Agag
Samuel the prophet about to kill Agag, the King of the Amalekites

Background imageJudaism Collection: General John Monash

General John Monash, the only Jewish Brigadier General under the British flag as well as the first member of his belief to receive the order of the 16 Bath

Background imageJudaism Collection: Boy and Religious Leaders Posing for Camera

Boy and Religious Leaders Posing for Camera
(Original Caption) Group of delegates shown here are Arabs, Jewish priests, and other types of Armenians who came from all corners of the world to attend the election

Background imageJudaism Collection: Passover Festival in Hospital

Passover Festival in Hospital
(Original Caption) Hospital Invalids observe passover

Background imageJudaism Collection: Tree Tomb of Hosea

Tree Tomb of Hosea
(Original Caption) Sacred tree tomb of Hosea, Jebel Ohas, Palestine

Background imageJudaism Collection: Rabbi and Wife Traveling on Ship

Rabbi and Wife Traveling on Ship
(Original Caption) S. S. Aquitania Arrives. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of N. Y. with Mrs. Wise, who returned on the Aquitania after a three months tour of Europe

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Store Wrecked

Jewish Store Wrecked
(Original Caption) A Jewish owned store completely wrecked and robbed under a police guard after the fray

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Refugees in Prayer Shawls

Jewish Refugees in Prayer Shawls
(Original Caption) Teheran, Persia: A Remnant Of The Lost Tribes Of Israel Safe In Persia

Background imageJudaism Collection: Rabbi Rosenwasser and Attorney Hays by Scriptures

Rabbi Rosenwasser and Attorney Hays by Scriptures
(Original Caption) The text from Genesis in Hebrew Language, it confirms the theory of evolution from stand point of the Bible, right to left, Rabbi Rosenwasser and Attorney Hays looking it over

Background imageJudaism Collection: Girls Leaving a Synagogue

Girls Leaving a Synagogue
(Original Caption) Jews throughout the world attended services at their synagogues on October 13, the eve of Yom Kippur, the day of atonement began at sundown on that day

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Citizens of Spain Posing in Wedding Portrait

Jewish Citizens of Spain Posing in Wedding Portrait
The principals in this, the first Hebrew marriage ceremony performed in Spain since the Inquisition, were senorita Raquel Venitura, 20, and Moise Cohen, 25. | Location: Madrid, Spain

Background imageJudaism Collection: Anti-Jewish Progrom in Berlin

Anti-Jewish Progrom in Berlin
a house where Jews were suspected of hiding

Background imageJudaism Collection: Women Bringing Food to Poor Neighborhood

Women Bringing Food to Poor Neighborhood
(Original Caption) Jews started their new year with the time-honored feast, Rosh Ha-shana

Background imageJudaism Collection: Man Wearing Prayer Shawl Blowing on Horn

Man Wearing Prayer Shawl Blowing on Horn
(Original Caption) The blowing of the Shofar or the Ham's Hon, is a solemn rite that marks Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New Year

Background imageJudaism Collection: Grand Rabbi Auerbach

Grand Rabbi Auerbach
(Original Caption) Distinguished Visitor. Los Angeles, California: Grand Rabbi, C.J.L

Background imageJudaism Collection: Old--New Synagogue

Old--New Synagogue
(Original Caption) Oldest Jewish Synagogue in Europe. The Old-New Synagogue in Prague, Czechoslovakia, is the oldest place of Jewish worship on the continent of Europe

Background imageJudaism Collection: Mourners Leaving Funeral

Mourners Leaving Funeral
(Original Caption) Notables Attend Moskowitz Funeral. New York, New York: Carlos Israel, son of Mrs. Moskowitz, Dr. Moskowitz, and Mrs. and Mr. Alfred E

Background imageJudaism Collection: Women Zionists at Hearn's Department Store

Women Zionists at Hearn's Department Store
(Original Caption) Women Zionists Become Salesladies

Background imageJudaism Collection: Rabbi Giving Matzohs

Rabbi Giving Matzohs
(Original Caption) Distributing holiday Matzohs Rabbi Chosk superintends the distribution of 6

Background imageJudaism Collection: Man Outside Jewish Congress Polling Station

Man Outside Jewish Congress Polling Station
A man stands outside of the Rumanian Synagogue on 89 Rivington Street, one of the polling stations for the Jewish Congresss

Background imageJudaism Collection: Refugees Walking with Towels

Refugees Walking with Towels
(Original Caption) Harwich

Background imageJudaism Collection: Boy Receiving His Bar Mitzvah

Boy Receiving His Bar Mitzvah
(Original Caption) Just 13, this German Jewish lad receives his Bar Mitzvah in the Church at Brithsholom Camp. Louis J. Sydney on left of New York preaches the sermon with the aid of Louis L

Background imageJudaism Collection: Furniture Piled by Railroad

Furniture Piled by Railroad
(Original Caption) Memel-- Furniture piled beside the railway line in Memel as a Jewish family waited for their train to Lithuania

Background imageJudaism Collection: German Jewish Refugee Children in America 1939

German Jewish Refugee Children in America 1939 | Location: Collegeville, Pennsylvania

Background imageJudaism Collection: German Refugee Children

German Refugee Children
(Original Caption) These refugee children arrived at Liverpool Street Station by special train. They are from Berlin

Background imageJudaism Collection: Man Blowing Shofar Indicating the Start of Yom Kippur

Man Blowing Shofar Indicating the Start of Yom Kippur
(Original Caption) 9/20/1942-New York, NY: Nathan Cohen, 82, Abraham Pollock, 81, and Harry Brown, 88 (l to r)

Background imageJudaism Collection: Woman Working at Bottling Factory

Woman Working at Bottling Factory
(Original Caption) Ready for Table. After pasteurization, the wine passes through a gleaming bottling machine and is ready for consumption by devout Jews

Background imageJudaism Collection: Orthodox Rabbis on Pilgrimage Standing on Capitol Steps

Orthodox Rabbis on Pilgrimage Standing on Capitol Steps
(Original Caption) About three hundred Orthodox Rabbis, in a pilgrimage today challenged the U.S. to deliver European Jews from extermination

Background imageJudaism Collection: Orthodox Rabbis on Pilgrimage Being Led in Prayer

Orthodox Rabbis on Pilgrimage Being Led in Prayer
(Original Caption) About three hundred Orthodox Rabbis, in pilgrimage to Washington today, challenged the U.S. to deliver European Jews from extermination

Background imageJudaism Collection: Rabbis on Pilgrimage Reading Petition

Rabbis on Pilgrimage Reading Petition
(Original Caption) About three hundred Orthodox Rabbis, in pilgrimage to Washington, challenged the U.S. to deliver European Jews from extermination

Background imageJudaism Collection: Chaplain Reading a Scroll

Chaplain Reading a Scroll
(Original Caption) Reading of the Law in Pacific Area

Background imageJudaism Collection: Stephen Wise Standing Next to Abba Silver

Stephen Wise Standing Next to Abba Silver
(Original Caption) Rabbis, Stephen S. Wise (right) of New York, and Abba H

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Citizens on Synagogue Steps for Prayer Vigil

Jewish Citizens on Synagogue Steps for Prayer Vigil
(Original Caption) New York City: Call For Prayer For Invasion

Background imageJudaism Collection: Dr. Stephen S. Wise Speaks Crowd

Dr. Stephen S. Wise Speaks Crowd
(Original Caption) Dr. Stephen S

Background imageJudaism Collection: Rabbi Israel Zolli with Rabbi Aaron Paperman

Rabbi Israel Zolli with Rabbi Aaron Paperman
(Original Caption) In the first broadcast of its kind from a liberated synagogue in a liberated country, a "Liberation" service was directed to the world from the Grand Synagogue in Rome

Background imageJudaism Collection: Group of People Leaning over Pier During Ceremony

Group of People Leaning over Pier During Ceremony
(Original Caption) Sins On The Water

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Protesters Marching in Jerusalem 1945

Jewish Protesters Marching in Jerusalem 1945

Background imageJudaism Collection: George B. Ford Honoring Kin of Chaplains

George B. Ford Honoring Kin of Chaplains
(Original Caption) Kin of Dorchester Chaplains Honored. New York. Father George B

Background imageJudaism Collection: Finger Dipped in Wine to Recount Plagues

Finger Dipped in Wine to Recount Plagues
Family members place a single drop of wine on their plate for each of the ten plagues recounted in the Haggadah

Background imageJudaism Collection: Jewish Nationalists Preparing for Palestine

Jewish Nationalists Preparing for Palestine
(Original Caption) Jewish youth, eager to join the liberation movement in Palestine, stand ready for inspection in a Harlem gym

Background imageJudaism Collection: Congregation for the Deaf

Congregation for the Deaf
(Original Caption

Background imageJudaism Collection: Congregation for the Deaf

Congregation for the Deaf
(Original Caption

Background imageJudaism Collection: Congregation for the Deaf

Congregation for the Deaf
(Original Caption

Background imageJudaism Collection: Congregation for the Deaf

Congregation for the Deaf
(Original Caption

Background imageJudaism Collection: Man Breaking Matzoh

Man Breaking Matzoh
(Original Caption) Unleavened Bread

Background imageJudaism Collection: People Observing Passover

People Observing Passover
(Original Caption) Ten Times. Dipping the finger into the wine ten times recalls the ten plagues visited upon the Egyptians before Pharaoh would let the Israelites go

Background imageJudaism Collection: Child Reading Four Questions

Child Reading Four Questions
(Original Caption) Four Questions

Background imageJudaism Collection: Passover Seder Being Enacted

Passover Seder Being Enacted
(Original Caption) Blessing of the Wine. Four ceremonial cups of wine are drunk, with appropriate prayers throughout the seder, signifying the four expressions of deliverance found in Exodus

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