Billy the Kid Going to Jail by J. N. MarchandSheriff Pat Garrett bringing Billy the Kid and his gang to jail
Leopold & Loeb In Prison(Original Caption) 1924-Leopold & Loeb murder case: Richard Loeb (l) and Nathan Leopold Jr. in prison, 1924, for the murder of Robert Franks in Chicago. Photograph
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. at His Desk(Original Caption) Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935), Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, is shown seated at his desk. Photograph
Crime Boss Scarfo After Being Acquitted(Original Caption) 10/2/80-Mays Landing, New Jersey: "Thank God for an honest jury
Jesus before Pontius PilateVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus before Pontius Pilate
Morrison Remick Waite(Original Caption) Portrait of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Remick Waite (1816-1888) Photograph circa 1875
Exterior View of Tombs PrisonThe original Tombs Prison building, built in 1840 by John Haviland in Egyptian Revival style. It was demolished in 1897
Detail of the Exterior of Tombs PrisonThe original Tombs Prison building, built in 1840 by John Haviland in Egyptian Revival style. It was demolished in 1897
John Marshall Profile;Chief Justice/Supr(Original Caption) John Marshall, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. 1755-1835
Ben Cardozo And Charles Hughes In Robes(Original Caption) Benjamin N. Cardozo (1870-1938) and Charles Evans Hughes (1862-1948) as Justices of the Supreme Court. Photograph
Oklahoma State Prison in McAlester
Execution of Louis XVI at the GuillotineThe execution of Louis XVI on January 21, 1793
Stephen Johnson FieldHead and shoulders portrait of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Johnson Field (1816 -1899). Undated sepia photo
Andrew Jackson Appearing in Court(Original Caption) Andrew Jackson before Judge Hall in New Orleans insisting to be sentenced to the payment of a fine
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr(Original Caption) Picture shows Oliver Wendell Holmes (1841-1935), Justice of the US Supreme Court (1902-1932)
Exterior of Newgate Prison in London(Original Caption) London, England: Old Newgate Prison. Outside view. Demolished in 1902
Virginia Hill Testifying Before a Senate CommitteeVirginia Hill, girlfriend of Las Vegas mobster Ben "Bugsy Siegel, testifies before the Kefauver organized crime hearings in New York
Gavel Propped Against An Hourglass(Original Caption) A wooden gavel propped against an hourglass. Objects on a white background. Undated photograph
Supreme Justice Court William Douglas(Original Caption) Yakima, Washington- Supreme Court Justice, William O
American Supreme Court Justice Felix FrankfurterJustice Felix Frankfurter reads a newspaper. (Photo by Sylvia Salmi/Bettmann via Getty Images)
Penitentiary on Alcatraz Island in California(Original Caption) Photo shows general view of the penitentiary on Alcatraz Island
Justice Tom C. Clark(Original Caption) Supreme Court Justice Tom C
Portrait of William MurrayWilliam Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield (1705-1793)
Drawing Showing Suspected Criminals in Stocks(Original Caption) Massachusetts: Colonial evildoers locked up in Boston stock. Town House square, ca. 1657
Early Roman Senate Mural Painting by Maccari(Original Caption) Cicero's denunciation of Catiline in the Senate
Communist Leaders Leaving a Courthouse(Original Caption) New York: Communist held on $2, 500 bail, Supreme Court. Israel Amster, Robert Minor, editor of Daily Worker J. Foster, Communist leader held for $2, 500
Court Showing Ladder(Original Caption) Ladder confronts Hauptmann once more. Once more more the kidnap ladder is brought into the Hunterdon County Courthouse, Flemington, N.J
Eighteenth-Century Engraving of Justice Holding Scales(Original Caption) 1778-Justice. She is seated holding the scales. Engraving. 1778. BPA2# 2805
Trial Of Anne Hutchinson Before Court(Original Caption) Trial of Anne Hutchinson (1591-1643) before the General Court, 1637. Woodcut
Balancing Scales On Table(Original Caption) A set of scales, representing "Justice." Undated photograph
Judge's Hand Hammering Gavel(Original Caption) Photo shows a man's hand holding a gavel. Undated
Judge's Hand Hammering Gavel(Original Caption) Photo shows a hand holding a gavel, just having banged it on a wooden block. Undated
Figure Of Justice/After Sculpture(Original Caption) Symbolical figure of Justice. Undated, after a sculpture
A Depiction of Woman Holding Scales of Justice
Men Attending Hauptmann Trial(Original Caption) Gas station operators attend Hauptmann grandjury hearing. New York
Anneken Hendriks Being Hoisted to the Fire by Jan Luyken(Original Caption) The Anabaptist martyr Anneken Hendriks tied to a ladder being hoisted toward the fire in 16th century Holland. Undated copper engraving by Tieleman Janszoon van Braght (1625-1664)
Woodcut Of A English Witch Hanging(Original Caption) Picture shows a witch hanging in England in teh 17th Century. Undated woodcut
Ladder Ladder Used by Kidnapper(Original Caption) Evidence at Hauptmann Trial. the ladder used by the kidnaper when the Lindbergh Baby was taken from his home at Hopewell, N.J
Senator Joseph Dorn McCormick(Original Caption) The above photo made on Jan 22nd
David Hirsch(Original Caption) Prosecution's witness in Hauptmann trial
Balancing Scales On Table(Original Caption) A set of scales, representing "Justice." Undated photograph. (Photo by �� Bettmann/CORBIS/Bettmann Archive)
The Hughes Court, 1937-1938The justices of the Supreme Court. Sitting, from left to right, Justices Sutherland and McReynolds, Chief Justice Hughes, Justices Brandeis and Butler
Convicts Working on a Farm(Original Caption) Convicts working on a farm in Florida. Photograph, ca. 1910
Exterior View of Tombs PrisonA view of Tombs Prison, opened in 1902
Arraignment of Frank HoltPhoto shows F. Holt, the self-styled professor of German being arraigned in court. He was charged with the shooting of J.P. Morgan
Curley Joe Cassidy Leaving for Sing Sing(Original Caption) Night of January 13, 1915. Curley Joe Cassidy, former Democratic Boss of Queens County, N.Y
Edward Bassett During Hearing(Original Caption) Following negatives made at a hearing of the legislative committee which is investigating the work of the Public Service Commission. Photo shows former Commissioner Edward Bassett
Prison Hospital Ward(Original Caption) Prison at Milledgeville, Georgia where Leo Frank was held
Court in Open Air During Epidemic(Original Caption) 1918-Influenza Epidemic; court is held in open air in San Francisco
Benjamin Cardozo(Original Caption) Benjamin Cardozo (1870-1938), American jurist. Associate Justice of U.S. Supreme Court. Photograph, half-length, seated. Ca. 1920s-1930s
Exterior View of an Entrance to Tombs PrisonA view of Tombs Prison, opened in 1902
View of the Bridge of Sighs connecting Tombs Prison with the Criminal Courts BuildingThe Bridge of Sighs at Tombs Prison was named after the famous bridge at the Doge's Palace in Venice
Bartow Weeks&Thomas Kirby Addressing Com(Original Caption) 03/12/1920-New York
Attorney and Jury Foreman Pose Sternly(Original Caption) 9/25/1920- Chicago, IL -: Baseball Scandal before grand jury today. Photo shows Hartley Replogle, Assistant State Attorney and Henry Brigham, Foreman of the Grand Jury
Mug Shots of FBI's Most Wanted List(Original Caption) 11/19/1950- Washington, DC- The Federal Bureau of Investigation published a list of "The Nation's 10 Most Wanted Criminals." Included are (top)
Guards Waiting Outside of a CourthouseGuards wait outside of a courthouse during the trial proceedings of the Sacco-Vanzetti case
Jean Acker Testifying in Court(Original Caption) Movie Star Acquitted of Bigamy Charge. Miss Jean Acker, former wife of Valentino, testifying in court at the actor's trial
Rudolph Valentino with Attorneys(Original Caption) Movie Star Acquitted of Bigamy Charge
Justices of the Supreme Court, headed by Chief Justice William H. Taft
Pueblo Indians Wait Outside Senate(Original Caption) 1/16/1923-Washington, DC: A large delegation of Pueblo Indians arrived in Washington recently from New Mexico to plead with Congress and the public against the destruction
Guard with Bartolomeo Vanzetti and Nicola SaccoA prison guard sits with (left to right) Bartolomeo Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco, who were convicted of murdering a paymaster
Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes(Original Caption) 3/14/1924-Washington, DC- Picture shows former Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes
Walter White at Scopes Trial(Original Caption) 7/15/1925- Dayton, TN - Dayton, Tenn: Walter White superintendent schools Rhea County in court at the Scopes trial
Grand Jury of the Scopes "Monkey" Trial(Original Caption) July 12, 1925- The grand jury which will be re-inducted front row: W.T. Green, Sheriff R.B. Harris, W. Purham, T.H. Evans, Rev. James Hinds, R.M. Green, L.N. Rodgers, H.R
John Scopes Awaiting Verdict(Original Caption) After about a 7 minute lapse, the jury returned a verdict of guilty against John T. Scopes, and he was fined $100
Portrait of Supporter Alicia Mosgrove with Large Document(Original Caption) San Francisco: Speaking Of Petitions. No this isn't a roll of wallpaper Miss Alicia Mosgrove is trying to hold
Mr. Brooks Testifying(Original Caption) Photo shows Mr. Brooks on stand. Brother-in-law
Oliver Wendell Holes with William Taft(Original Caption) 1926- United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (L) stands with Chief Justice, and former president, William Howard Taft outside
People Gathering at a CourthouseCrowd at the courthouse during the motion of a new Sacco-Vanzetti trial
People Waiting Outside of a CourthouseDedham, Massachusetts: People waiting outside of a courthouse in Dedham, Mass. during the Sacco-Vanzetti trial
Judge Thoyer Arriving at the Supreme Court(Original Caption) Judge Thoyer arriving at the Supreme Court in Dedham to sentence Socco and Vanzette for murder
J. Frank NorrisPhoto shows the Reverend Norris on the stand in court during his trial for the murder of Dexter Elliot Chipps in Austin, Texas, January 21st, 1927. Norris testified that he shot Chipps and told why
Protest Against Death Sentence of Sacco and Vanzetti(Original Caption) Massachusetts
Arnold Rothstein at the New York State Supreme Court(Original Caption) 7/22/1928-New York, NY- Photo shows Arnold Rothstein, big time gambler, as he appeared in New York State Supreme Court
Fulton County Prison(Original Caption) Where the College Thrill Slayers are Imprisoned
Associate Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
Courtroom Scene During Slander TrialCourtroom scene as the attorney for the plaintiff Mrs. Andree Lardoux Hahn, of Kansas City, completed his examination of the defendant, internationally known art expert Sir Joseph Duveen. Mrs
Justice John Ford Seated @ Meeting/1920S(Original Caption) 3/2/1929-New York, NY- Seated in center is Supreme Court Justice John Ford, who presided at meeting that is campaigning for income tax reductions
Huey Long with His Attorneys(Original Caption) Gov. Huey P. Long's Impeachment Trial is Adjourned Sine Die
Gangster Al Capone Leaving Court HouseChicago gang leader Al Capone, (in doorway) leaving municipal court following Judge Walsh's dismissal of his petition for a parole
Supreme Court Justice Louis D. BrandeisLouis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) served on the U.S. Supreme Court from 1916-1939. He was known as a liberal jurist who tended to oppose big business and uphold individual rights
Mug Shot of Gangster Al Capone(Original Caption) Police mug shot of Chicago Mobster Al Capone. The photograph was taken by the Miami Police Department
Trial of Leonid RamzinLenoid Ramzin, center, "confesses" to being a wrecker during the trial of the Industrial Party, an organization he supposedly was head of. Andrei Vyshinsky sits center, blurred