Map of Sudan, late 19th CenturyVintage engraving of a Map of Sudan, late 19th Century
Ismail El Azhary Walking Through Gordon Square(Original Caption) Ismail El Azhary, Prime minister of the Sudan, is shown (center) as he walked to Gordon Square
El Azhari and M. Grossimus(Original Caption) Sudanese Prime Minister Ismail El Azhari (left) with M. Crossimus, Counsellor of the Russian Embassy at Khartoum, during latter's visit to Sudan in April 1956
Marshal Tito and Ibrahim Abboud Examining Gun(Original Caption) Khartoum, Sudan: Presents Guns. As his wife, Mrs
Siff El Khaim Greeting El Khalifa After Elections(Original Caption) Khartoum, Sudan: The new civilian Premier of Sudan Siff El-Khaim El Khalifa, (left) shakes hands with President Abboud after being sworn in
Police on Horseback Calming Joyous Women in the Street(Original Caption) Khartoum, The Sudan: Unrestrained Joy
Diana MacNamara Riding Camel in Film(Original Caption) 1/18/1966- Cairo, Egypt- A corps of camel and horse men ride into battle in "Khartoum", a new British movie being filmed in Cairo
Charlton Heston Leading a Camel Charge(Original Caption) 1/18/1966- Cairo, Egypt- Charlton Heston leads an Army of Egyptians
Battle Scene from Khartoum(Original Caption) 1/18/1966- Cairo, Egypt- Dust and smoke fill the air as the battle of "Khartoum" rages
Charlton Heston with Children on Khartoum Set(Original Caption) 4/15/1966-Cairo, Egypt- Even though she's in dad's protective arms, Holly Ann Heston, daughter of actor Charlton Heston
Sudanese Soldiers with Rifles(Original Caption) At Ease. Khartoum, Sudan: Sudanese troops in Khartoum relax following the May 25 coup
Sudan's Premier with Family(Original Caption) New Premier
George Moore and Cleo Noel Jr. Posing with Their Wives(Original Caption) Before It All Started. Khartoum, Sudan: American diplomat George Curtis Moore (L) and U.S. Ambassador Cleo A. Noel, Jr
Guerrillas Waiting on a Terrace(Original Caption) Khartoum
Soldiers Riding in Troop Carriers(Original Caption) Khartoum, Sudan: The Sudanese government surrounded the beige plaster villa of the Saudi Arabian embassy with tanks and troop carriers
Illustration of Nile river from Lake Victoria to Nile Delta
To Khartoumcirca 1885: British troops embarking for Khartoum during Sudanese revolt against Anglo-Egyptian rule. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
To General Gordon26th January 1918: Statue of General Gordon of Khartoum in Trafalgar Square is decorated with wreaths (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)