Color Print of Wharf Workers Measuring Whale Oil Content in Barrels(Original Caption) Whale Fishing in New England. Scene shows wharf workers measuring the quantity of whale oil contained in each barrel
Workers at Kimberley MineMen stand around the cavernous mine shafts at Kimberley Mine in South Africa
Print After a Drawing of an Artillary Park by Leonardo da Vinci1872-Greeley, Horace: Incident of Mr. Greeley's Western Tour. An enthusiastic citizen of Hamilton, Ohio, stops Mr. Greeley's carriage and presents his child to be kissed. Drawing
Black Men at Cotton Barn(Original Caption) Negro crew in front of barn used for cotton ginning. Photograph by B.W. Kilburn in 1879. Photograph. (Original Caption)
Poster for Haymarket Mass Meeting(Original Caption) Poster advertising a mass-meeting of workers on the evening after the Haymarket Square incedent of May 4th, 1886
Pouring Liquid Iron Into Mould Plate(Original Caption) Iron industry: Pouring liquid iron into the mould casting piano plate. An early industrial shot, 1896
Engraving of Workers in a Paper FactoryPaper making during the 19th century. Plating the paper. "Warranted all linen". This interior shows a press employed in 1885
Child Laborer Who Lost Two Fingers in Accident(Original Caption) Child labor: Boy laborer crippled by the loss of two fingers in factory accident. Payment of fee of one dollar released employer of any responsibility for mishap
Engraving of a 17th-Century BreweryA brewery establishment of the mid-seventeenth century. Copper engraving showing brewing vat, barrelling and delivery. Undated engraving
Interior of a silk stocking factory(Original Caption) Interior of a silk stocking factory. Undated photograph from the Gendreau collection
Elephant Carrying Giant Log Under Trunk(Original Caption) Sri Lanka: View of an elephant being used to carry logs. Undated photograph
Workers Near And On Drill In Nv Ca 1880(Original Caption) McGill, NV- Churn Drill copper pit, McGill, NV ca. 1880. Depicted in this photo are workers standingon and in fornt of a drill
Printed Advertisement for Coca-Cola
Drawing Depicting Egyptian Embalmers, Mummy and CoffinEmbalmers bandaging mummy while assistant prepared coffin. Colored wash drawing
18th-Century Engraving of Iron Casting1763-Casting. Iron. Copper engraving, 1763
Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way Lithograph by Currier & Ives(Original Caption) Across the Continent. "Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way." Undated Currier and Ives lithograph
Removing Large Beer Vat From BreweryA brewery in Washington, DC, switches from brewing beer to making ice cream during Prohibition. Workers roll the giant beer vats out to make room for ice cream production equipment
Boys Working at Glass Factory(Original Caption) Child Labor: Young boys working at midnight at Indiana Glassworks
Boy Working in Glass Factory(Original Caption) Child Labor: Young boy at work in glass factory
Convicts Working on a Farm(Original Caption) Convicts working on a farm in Florida. Photograph, ca. 1910
Female Garment Workers(Original Caption) 8/1912-Somerville, MA: Portrait of two young female garment workers in the Somerville tenement district
Garment Workers on Strike(Original Caption) 1/1913-Photo shows the Garment Workers who are striking, posed on the steps to a building
View Of Lamb Hanging In Slaughterhouse(Original Caption) 4/7/1919-Chicago, IL: Lamb being made ready for market at the Chicago stockyards
Mexican Field Laborers in Cotton Field12/1/1919-Texas: Photo shows Mexican field laborers at work on a Texas cotton plantation. These Mexicans were imported for the special work
Men Carry Baled TeaMen carry bales of tea to the frontier
Workmen in Bement-Miles Machining Company(Original Caption) 11/30/1920-Philadelphia, PA- Bement-Miles Pond Company, machine manufacturer. Depicted in this photo is a workmen operating a large piece of machinery
Women Riding in Jitney TrucksJitney truck carrying women workers to east New York City during a labor strike in 1921
Generator Hoisted By CraneA generator hoisted over a ship by a crane in 1924. At the time it was the world's largest generator capable of producing 83, 000 horsepower
Miners Children Reading NewspaperA crowd of boys, sons of miners, gather next to an open-pit mine to read a newspaper
Rolling Rubber Into Cakes(Original Caption) 2/19/1926-Rolling coagulated rubber into cakes in West Africa
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Visiting a Civilian Conservation Corps Camp
Truck Leaving Brewery at the End of Prohibition(Original Caption) 1933-End of prohibition: The first truck load of beer to leave New York exits the Jacob Rupperts Brewery. INP photograph, 1933. BPA2# 1044
Franklin D. Roosevelt visiting a CCC CampPresident Franklin Delano Roosevelt visits the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp in Big Meadows in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
Striking Milk Workers Break Bottles of Milk(Original Caption) 1/6/1934-WI-FEAR MILK FAMINE AS PICKETERS BAR HIGHWAYS
Boys Cutting Down Trees for New Highway(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: Young Men Of America Carry On. A striking view of four young C. C. C. workers clearing path for the Lee Highway in Virginia, near here
Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times, 1936Silent film comedian Charlie Chaplin exagerates movements and actions sitting on gears in the motion picture Modern Times in 1936
Charlie Chaplin in Modern TimesSilent film comedian Charlie Chaplin exagerates movements and actions sitting on gears in the motion picture Modern Times in 1936
Workers Examining Time CapsuleWestinghouse Electric workers examine an 800-pound time capsule that will be buried beneath the Westinghouse exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair for 5, 000 years
Men Paving Paris Street(Original Caption) Streetbuilding. Pavers of Paris in a truly backbreaking job of arranging cobblestones in a Paris street. Photograph, ca. 1940
Man Taking Bread Loaves from Oven(Original Caption) Photo shows a man taking loaves of bread from the oven in a bakery. Model: Burton MacDonald. Ca. 1940s-1950s
Woman Works Turret Lathe in Machine Shop(Original Caption) 3/2/1942-Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-A huge federal campaign to train women to take the place of men in war industries was swung into action when the U.S
Woman Finishes Cylinder For Plane Engine(Original Caption) 3/13/42-Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Because of the shortage of men, due to the war situation
African American Road Workers in Alaska(Original Caption) 10/6/42-Alaska: Alaska Highway. A group of Negro road workers march back to camp for chow. This section of the highway is only two days old. (Original Caption)
Man Opening Oil Pipeline Valve(Original Caption) 10/16/1942-New York, NY- America's super aviation fuels must be made from carefully selected crude oils
Young Judy Garland Performing at War Bond Drive(Original Caption) 1944- Philadelphia, PA- Judy Garland entertains civilian employees at the Philadelphia Navy Yard during a War Bond Drive
King Cotton's CabinetUps and downs: This board is a barometer that records the fortunes of King Cotton. As each trade is made, or as a new bid or offer is announced, the price is chalked up on the board
Print Depicting Courtlandt St. New-York(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Interior Of Early Automobile Factory(Original Caption) Factory interior. View of the screwcutting department in a pre-war automobile plant. Undated photograph
Social Security Information Poster(Original Caption) Posters such as this were displayed in Post Offices and other buildings throughout the country
Worker Testing Motor(Original Caption) Pittsburgh, PA- Testing a 5000 horse power motor in the plant of Westinghouse Elctric before shipping same to destination in large Tennesse power plant. Undated
Worker Hammering on Wind Tunnel(Original Caption) Pittsburgh, PA- 40
Workers Winding 3000-Horsepower Motor(Original Caption) Pittsburgh, PA- Through a steel mill motor
Dough Cutting Machine for Baking Bread(Original Caption) The dough cutters this moulding machine where it si kneaded and shaped into loaves to fit the spotlessly clean baking pans
Low Angle Woman Scrapes Bearing In Class(Original Caption) New York, New York: A woman scraping a bearing in a vocational school class. She is preparing to work in wartime industry. Ca. 1940-1945
Man Working In Dairy Farm(Original Caption) Photo shows a man working in a dairy farm. Model: Howard O. Shedrick Ca. 1940s
Peter the Great and Associates Lithograph After Painting by Daniel MaclisePeter the Great at Deptford, Holland (1697-98). Illustration after a painting byd. Maclise
Women workers at Cornwallis copper mine(Original Caption) Women miners are shown here handling and transporting in a Cornwallis Copper Mine, around 1881
Illus;Workers In Electro-Plating Factory(Original Caption) "Machinery for Electro-plating." Illustration of men working in a plating plant. Undated
Work On Last Mile On Pacific Railroad(Original Caption) Work on the last mile of the Pacific Railroad. Mingling of European with Asiatic laborers. Woodcut, 1869
Illustration Men At Amalgamated H.Q(Original Caption) An illustration of men gathered in the front of a building with a sign reading "Old Home Temperance Rooms." Titled
Illustration of Haymarket Riot in Chicago by T. de Thulstrup(Original Caption) Illustration depicting the Anarchist (Haymarket) Riot on May 4th, 1886 in Chicago. Shows a bomb exploding among the police. Colored wood engraving by T. de Thulstrup after H
Cotton Field With Afro-American Worker(Original Caption) Cotton: Southern Industry. Cotton field with Afro-American standing in foreground ca. 1850
Black Migrant Laborer Going SouthBlack migrant laborer on his way south from the old slave states to Louisiana and Texas in search of paying labor. Woodcut ca. 1870
Laborer Carrying Baskets(Original Caption) Hong Kong: Portrait of coolie laborer supporting two large baskets suspended from a crossbar. Undated photograph
Women Shown Working Clothing Presses(Original Caption) 1951-After the garments are made, they are pressed either with gas or electric steam hand irons or in special pressing machines
Unloading Grapes From Freight Car, CaliforniaTwo men are kept busy unloading grapes from a freight car as the wine making industry thrives under the New Deal
Two workers on stilts painting callingOn their toes while on the job is nothing new for plasterers William Rainey(left) and Garry Washington- instead of bieng up to their neck in work, they're right up to their work by using stilts
Workmen On Aircraft Carrier IndependenceWorkmen at a Navy shipyard in Brooklyn, New York, prepare the giant aircraft carrier Independence for active service
West Germans Resting from Digging TunnelTwo West Germans take a rest from digging a tunnel nine feet under a border street between West and East Berlin
Barbed Wire Wall in Hong KongIt's a reverse situation on the China front of the Cold War
Migrant Mexican Workers Picking StrawberriesA group of braceros, migrant Mexican workers allowed into the United States for a limited time, harvest a field of strawberries in the Salinas Valley
Prospector Lifting Crystal RockA prospector lifts a 40-pound crystal rock out of the ground. If the yield topaz in this rock is high he could make a small fortune, minus 10 percent, which is paid to the land owner
Steelworkers Blocking Escalators in Protest(Original Caption) 11/30/1979-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- Angry steelworkers shouting, "jobs yes, welfare no!" block an escalator in the U.S. Steel headquarters by sitting
Digging at the Site of Peking Man(Original Caption) Anthropologists and local workmen dig near the original cave where the "Beijing Man" skull was discovered 50 years ago in the nearby village of Zhoukoudian
Ohio Steelmill's Gates PadlockedUnited Steel's Youngstown mill is shut down despite workers attempts to buy the plant and keep it running
Musee Nat. des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Paris, FranceA Farrier shoeing a Horse (oil on canvas) (Photo by Art Images via Getty Images)
Installation of a solar collector, near Freiburg in Breisgau, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Installation of solar panels near Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Rice harvest, Vietnam, Southeast Asia
Workers in a rice field, Mai Chau, a village where ethnic minorities live, Vietnam, Southeast Asia