Logging near Myall Lakes(Original Caption) Timber cutters at work, Myall Lakes
Ceramic artist working in her workshop with a potters wheel, turning a vase, Geisenhausen, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Salt farm, Noirmoutier-en-l?Ile, Ile de Noirmoutier, Pays de la Loire, France
Miners Sorting Diamonds from GravelSouth Africa-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Workers sorting the gravel for diamonds at Kimberly mine. Undated photo
Miners at Working in South AfricaSouth Africa-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Workers tipping ground 1200 feet level in Kimberly mine. Undated photo
Nineteenth-Century Print of Slave Labor In Brazil(Original Caption) Brazil: Ca. 1850- Slave labor in Brazil
Man Working in a Mine(Original Caption) A miner at work in the Comstock Mine, Virginia City, Nevada
Chinese Laborer Pressing Grapes(Original Caption) Vintage scene, California. Chinese laborer pressing grapes. Woodcut by P. Frenzeny. Harper's Weekly, 1870's
Black Men at Cotton Barn(Original Caption) Negro crew in front of barn used for cotton ginning. Photograph by B.W. Kilburn in 1879. Photograph. (Original Caption)
A Hester Street Shop
Miners Outside Gold Mine(Original Caption) Miners posing at the Republic Gold Mining Company in De Kaap, South Africa. Photo circa 1888
Workers at Gold MineNative South Africans working at the Grahamstown Gold Mining Company in 1888
Cotton PickersORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Cotton field with African-American pickers. Photo ca. 1890
Freed Slaves Harvesting Peanuts(Original Caption) VA-Freed slave peanut pickers, Virginia. Photograph, ca. late 1890's
Hydraulic Mining During the Klondike Gold Rush(Original Caption) Klondike gold rush. Hydraulic mining. Undated photo
Miners Pan and Dig for Gold in AlaskaMiners came to Alaska during the Klondike Gold Rush
Lola Boyle the RiveterMrs. Lola Boyle uses a riveter at her job at Brewster Aeronautical Corporation in Newark, New Jersey
Miners Shoveling(Original Caption) Hydraulic mining in California
Slave Rolling Barrel Aboard ShipAn enslaved man rolling a barrel abroad a ship. Original Caption reads: West Indies Negro slave rolls barrel of sugar syrup on ship bound for England
Women Manufacturing American Flags(Original Caption) Manufacturing U.S. flags. Undated photograph. BPA2# 4864
Miners Work Underground(Original Caption) Klondike Goldrush. Miners working underground. Gold Hill Y.T. Undated photograph. BPA#2 2209
Peasant Strings Paprika Onto Cord(Original Caption) Peasant's wife strings paprika onto cord for drying in Sarkoz, Tolna District, Bulgaria. Undated photograph. BPA2# 4840
Women Pounding and Scrubbing Laundry(Original Caption) Ca. 1880-Tennessee- Laundry in its primitive stage. Two women pounding and washing clothes in wooden trough in the farm district
Railway in Coal Mine(Original Caption) L'Inauguration du chemin de fer du Saint-Gothard. Un train d'ouvriers. The inauguration of railway in the French coalmine of Saint-Gothard. An open railway car
Chinese Gold Mining in California EngravingORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Chinese gold mining in California. Undated engraving
Chinese Gold Mining in California EngravingEngraving entitled "Chinese Gold Mining in California, " depicting Chinese American men panning for gold in a California riverbed. Undated engraving
Engraving of Apple Orchard with Pickers(Original Caption) An apple orchard with pickers. Undated engraving. BPA2# 4346
Chinese Peasants Plowing and Sowing(Original Caption) Chinese peasant plowing and sowing while his wife pulls plough. Copper engraving, 1811
Men Working on the Face of Jefferson at Mount Rushmore Memorial by Gutzon BorglumMt. Rushmore, South Dakota: Working on the head of Jefferson: The man in the foreground is on Lincoln's head. Undated photograph, ca. 1940s
Woodcut of a Midwife Assisting a ChildbirthAnother version of the midwife assisting woman in childbirth, shown in spinated position. Woodcut
Lumberjack Chopping Down Tree(Original Caption) Lumberjack at work in a Washington forest. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2880
Removing Large Beer Vat From BreweryA brewery in Washington, DC, switches from brewing beer to making ice cream during Prohibition. Workers roll the giant beer vats out to make room for ice cream production equipment
Inside the Tlingit Packing Company(Original Caption) Thilinket Packing Company. August 2, 1907. Interior Canning Department
Boys Working at Glass Factory(Original Caption) Child Labor: Young boys working at midnight at Indiana Glassworks
Girl Working at a Cotton MillA young girl tends the spinning machine at a cotton mill in North Carolina
Girl Servicing Spindles In Factory(Original Caption) Young girl servicing spindles in textile factory of 1909. Photograph
Boy Working in Glass Factory(Original Caption) Child Labor: Young boy at work in glass factory
Model T Being Assembled in Ford Plant(Original Caption) An assembly line in Ford factory. Dropping the Ford engine into the Model T. Chassis-Highland Park C. Michigan
Construction of the Panama Canal(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Ford Motor Company Assembly Line(Original Caption) 1913-Highland Park, Michigan- History was made as the flywheel magneto, first manufactured part to be built on a moving assembly line
Assembling Model T AutomobilesFactory workers at the Ford Motor Company plant assemble a Model T automobile
Mechanic Working Under a ConvertibleA mechanic lies on his back repairing an early convertible. ca. 1915
Construction of a Ship's HullShipwrights reinforce a ship's hull with steel at Fougner Yard in Queens, New York, New York, USA
Mexican Field Laborers in Cotton Field12/1/1919-Texas: Photo shows Mexican field laborers at work on a Texas cotton plantation. These Mexicans were imported for the special work
Men Carry Baled TeaMen carry bales of tea to the frontier
Construction of Seawall in Texas(Original Caption) Galveston, Texas: Seawall being extended at Galveston, Texas
Russian Aristocrats Working in Bolshevik Russia(Original Caption) Ex-aristocrats shown working under guard in the streets
Miners Crushing SaltMiners crushing rock salt in a salt mine 1, 000 feet under ground
Miners Working in Salt MineMiners processing rock salt in a salt mine 1, 000 feet under ground
Workmen Drilling in a Mine(Original Caption) 1925 South Africa, Kimberly Mines - Drilling underground
Rolling Rubber Into Cakes(Original Caption) 2/19/1926-Rolling coagulated rubber into cakes in West Africa
People Hoeing Cotton Field in Alabama1929-Alabama: View of African Americans hoeing cotton in Alabama. Undated photograph
African Girl Cutting Maize(Original Caption) Cutting Maize. Cameroons, French Colonial Africa. Undated photograph
WPA Road Construction Workers Widening Streets(Original Caption) WPA Work Program: Curb stones removed and street widened by making sidewalks narrower. Photograph, ca. 1935
Women Aircraft Factory WorkersWomen aircraft factory workers, at the Philadelphia Naval Aircraft Factory, file screw heads for Aereron web cap strips on an aircraft wing
Man Working in FactoryAn assembly line worker welds an item on the assembly line
Picking Cotton on the Mississippi Delta(Original Caption) Picture shows people picking cotton on the Mississippi Delta
African Americans Cotton Pickers on PlantationAfrican American cotton pickers picking cotton near a little cabin which houses some of the workers
Ford Automobile Body Placed on Chassis on Assembly Line(Original Caption) 12/8/30-Edgewater, New Jersey- A Ford body about to be placed on its chassis, one of later and important operations in the making of a Ford
Chinese Men Pulling Heavy Loads of Silver Bullion(Original Caption) Shanghai, China: Silver Bullion transport
Boys Cutting Down Trees for New Highway(Original Caption) Washington, D. C.: Young Men Of America Carry On. A striking view of four young C. C. C. workers clearing path for the Lee Highway in Virginia, near here
Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times, 1936Silent film comedian Charlie Chaplin exagerates movements and actions sitting on gears in the motion picture Modern Times in 1936
Charlie Chaplin in Modern TimesSilent film comedian Charlie Chaplin exagerates movements and actions sitting on gears in the motion picture Modern Times in 1936
Woman Polishing Piles of Plates(Original Caption) 9/7/1936-Washington, DC- Louise Laied (above) has a big job on hand
Woman Making Airplane Engine Parts(Original Caption) Buffalo, New York-Woman employee shown making parts for an airplane engine on a horizontal milling machine in a Curtiss-Wright plant. Ca. 1939-1948
Grand Coulee Dam Construction(Original Caption) 1/19/1939- WA: Grand Coulee Dam construction. Pouring concrete. SEE NOTE
Workers at a Tire Manufacturing Plant(Original Caption) Scene at a tire manufacturing plant. Undated photograph (from the Gendreau Collection)
Men Paving Paris Street(Original Caption) Streetbuilding. Pavers of Paris in a truly backbreaking job of arranging cobblestones in a Paris street. Photograph, ca. 1940
Rolling Sheets of Aluminum for Aircraft(Original Caption) Aluminum League of America: Rolling sheets of aluminum for plane fusilage, wings, etc. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2534
Farmer Plowing Field(Original Caption) Plowing in the Ozark Mountains, near Bella Vista, Arkansas
Woman Picking Tomatoes(Original Caption) Picking green tomatoes, Ozark Mountains, near Winslow, Arkansas
Punching In at the Brooklyn Navy Yard(Original Caption) 5/22/1940- Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Navy Yard going into high gear
Tool and Die Plant at River Rouge(Original Caption) 6/18/1940-River Rouge, MI: A general view of part of the gigantic tool and die plant in the River Rouge factory of Henry Ford, one of the largest industrial units in the world
Blacks Harvest Peanuts From Ground(Original Caption) 1941-Rankin County, MS: Negro boys during peanut harvest on farm, Rankin County, Mississippi, 1941. Photograph. ORIGINAL CAPTION
Women Servicing Car in Bathing SuitsA man watches nearby as a group of young women in bathing suits service his car at a gas station
Women Factory WorkersThough not dressed for a dance, Naomi Parker, foreground, and Frances Johnson look alright to us. Their clothes are the proper ones for women workers at the Alameda Naval Air station
All This and Overtime, TooPretty Naomi Parker is as easy to look at as overtime pay on the week's check. And she's a good example of an old contention that glamor is what goes into the clothes, and not the clothes
Women Harvesting CottonTwo African American women harvest bags of cotton on a farm in Rankin County, Mississippi
President Franklin D. Roosevelt Touring Aircraft FactoryUS President Franklin D. Roosevelt on an inspection tour of the Douglas Aircraft Company's factory in Long Beach, California, USA
Man Opening Oil Pipeline Valve(Original Caption) 10/16/1942-New York, NY- America's super aviation fuels must be made from carefully selected crude oils
Chinese Construction Workers Building Airfield Using Picks(Original Caption) 3/31/1944-China: Lack of modern equipment and machinery isn't stopping the resourseful Chinese from building modern airfields in China
Workman Venting Condenser at Steel Plant(Original Caption) 1/16/1945-Donora, PA- View of a zinc furnace at the Donora works of the American Steel and Wire Co. a subsidiary of U.S. Steel Corp
Workers Inspecting Chrysler Imperials on Assembly Line(Original Caption) At the Chrysler Motor Co. cars go down the final inspection line