Sunset old Temple wat Chaiwatthanaram of Ayutthaya Province Thailand
Bonnet macaque -Macaca radiata-, baby monkey in captivity, Laos, Southeast Asia
Young Woman With Basket Under Her Arm(Original Caption) 11/6/29-Luang Probang, Laos: A member of the younger married set in the city of Luang Probang, Laos, French Indo-China, as she leaves for her day's shopping
Woman Carrying Rifle on Shoulder(Original Caption) Women's Wear. Indochina: The war in Indochina has changed the way of life for nearly everyone, women at home included
Buddhists Outside Their Temple(Original Caption) Luang Prabang, Laos: Ancient Ritual Resists Change
French Soldiers Calling Their Contacts in Field(Original Caption) Laos, French Indochina: Jungle Operation
Young Laotian MonkA young Laotian monk sitting quietly and peacefully on the steps of a pagoda in Luang Prang. | Location: Luang Prabang, Laos
Laotian Royal PalaceThe Royal Palace of Laos and residence of His Majesty Sisavong Vong, at Luang Pruang. | Location: Luang Prabang, Laos
Laotian Girl Kneeling in PrayerA young Laotian girl in traditional dress kneeling in prayer in Luang Prang. | Location: Luang Prabang, Laos
Laotian Dancers Performing for Viewers(Original Caption) Vientiene, Laos: Courtyard Dancers. A Laotian song and dance team performs in the courtyard of the Royal Palace of King Sisavang Vong
Wounded Soldier Taken from Helicopter(Original Caption) Out of the Hell of Dien Bien Phu
Laos Prime Minister Katay D. Sasorith(Original Caption) 12/9/1954-Laos, Indochina- Portrait of Katay D
Mao Tse-Tung Seated With Souvanna Phouma(Original Caption) 8/27/1956-Peking, China: Mao Tse-Tung, Chairman of the People's Republic of China seated with Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma
King Sisavang Vong Being Carried by Palace Attendants(Original Caption) Luang Prabang, Laos: Riding High. Making a rare outdoor appearance, King Sisavang Vong of Laos is carried in style upon the Royal palanquin
The Bridge on the River Nam LikTaking the high ground, Royal Laotian troops on an armored vehicle pull up into a position overlooking a blown-up bridge on the Nam Lik River, near Ban Hin Heup
Peasants Traveling by Foot(Original Caption) Sene Sum, Laos: Quiet Zone. A battle area isn't very far away, but these women stroll unconcernedly beneath their parasols at Sene Sum, Laos
Villager Roasting Coffee Beans Over FireA villager roasts coffee beans over an open log fire for his coffee shop. Moung Kassy, Laos. February 14, 1961. | Location: Moung Kassy, Laos
President Kennedy Discussing Communism at ConferencePresident John F. Kennedy points to a map of Laos at a news conference on March 23, 1961
Women and Children at River Bathing Site(Original Caption) Zang Vieng, Laos: Life On The River. Life goes on in Laos despite the strife and turmoil that is tearing the tiny kingdom apart
Pedestrians Getting Wet on Wetting Holiday(Original Caption) Laos: Pedaling hard to get out of the line of fire, this Laotian miss doesn't quite make it and is splattered with a pail of water in the administrative capitol, Luang
Crowd During Laos Festival(Original Caption) Laos: Wetting Day
Meeting of Laotian Leaders(Original Caption) Three Princes Announce Laos Agreement
Asian Political Leaders Gathered Together for Prayer(Original Caption) Vientiane, Laos: Attends Religious Ceremony
Prince Phouma Giving Speech(Original Caption) 7/30/1962 -Washington, DC- : Prince Phouma, the Premier of the new Neutralist government in Laos
Prince Souvanna Phouma and Military Affiliates Posing on Villa Site(Original Caption) Khang Khay, Laos: Guards of Unobscurity
Souvanna Phouma Attending a Press Conference(Original Caption) Laos: Premier Souvanna Phouma in four different moods at a recent press conference in Laos
Laotian Citizens Resting at Relief Center(Original Caption) Muong Cha, Laos: Flight For Life. Women and children of the Meo tribes sit weary with exhaustion after their long journey of flight from the pro-Communist Pathet Lao forces
Man Jumping Through Fiery Hoop(Original Caption) Fiery Feat. Phong Ken, Laos: A fiery ring billowing black smoke was the major attraction of this feat performed by a gymnast at the Laotian Police Camp in Phong Ken
Soldiers Stationed At Border Patrol(Original Caption) 5/21/1965-Khe Sanh, South Vietnam: An Australian-American patrol rests at the marker on the Laos-South Vietnam border
Laotian Prince Souvannah Phouma(Original Caption) Vientienne, Laos: Laotian Prince Souvannah Phouma speaks to a crowd gathered at the airport here
Vice President Hubert Humphrey Giving an Address(Original Caption) Vientienne, Laos: Vice President Hubert Humphrey addresses gathering at the airport after his arrival. The Vice President is on an extensive tour through the Far East
Southeast Asia NewsmapUPI Newsmap spots Southeast Asia with key areas in North and South Vietnam, separated by a demilitarized zone
Women and Children Sitting at Airport(Original Caption) In this photo, women and children Laotian refugees await transportation to a new home at Luang Prabang airport
Portrait of Prince Souphanouvong(Original Caption) Prince Souphanouvong, leader of the Communist Pathet Lao movement in Laos, is shown in a photo obtained from the Nippon Denpa News in Tokyo recently (February 21st)
Prime Minister of Laos Souvanna Phouma Speaking(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Portrait of Oudone Sananikone(Original Caption) Closeup of Lt. Gen. Oudone Sananikone, Chief of Staff of the Laotian Armed Forces
Prince Souvanaphong Talking to Villagers(Original Caption) Na Pha Village, Laos: Laotian Prince Souvanaphong, chairman of the Central Committee of the Laotian Patriotic Front (Pathet Lao)
Girls Enjoying the Outdoors(Original Caption) Sam Thong, Laos: A Hair-Do In The Midstoof War
Prince Souphanouvong Speaking to Villagers on Need of a Dam(Original Caption) Samneua, Laos: Pep Talk
Map of the Ho Chi Minh Trail3/18/1970-Southeast Asia-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Like a serpent, the Ho Chi Minh Trail winds through the neighboring nations of Laos, Cambodia, and South Vietnam from Northern Vietnam
Anti-War Protest by White HouseThree demonstrators dressed as the Grim Reaper walk among the crowd protesting the Vietnam War in the ellipse in front of the White House
Prince Souphanouvong at His Lantern Lit Desk(Original Caption) Sam Neua Province, Laos: Prince Souphanouvong, head of Pathet Lao, sits at desk in his office, a concrete walled room, located within a mountain cavern
Vietnam Gi With Puppy(Original Caption) 2/4/1971- Near the Laotian Border, South Vietnam: They've made their way to their Laotian border position and now it's time for members of A Troop, 1st Cav
Bunker Discovered On Ho Chi Minh Trail(Original Caption) 02/14/71- Ho Chi Minh Trail, Laos: An ARVN soldier hauls out some of the supplies from a bunker discovered on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
Overturned Trucks After BombingsSeveral trucks, belonging to communist forces, lay overturned on a rural road, part of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, after the US Air Force bombed the road in 1971. Beside the road are many bomb craters
Personnel Carrier on the Ho Chi Minh Trail(Original Caption) 2/22/1971-Along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Laos- A South Vietnamese armored personnel carrier rolls along the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos, Feb. 21, in search of enemy forces
Vietnamese Soldiers Peering Into Bunker(Original Caption) 2/23/1971-Along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Laos: Holding their guns ready, Vietnamese soldiers peer into the entrance of a bunker
US Tank Covering South Vietnamese Advance(Original Caption) Lang Vei, S. Vietnam: An American tank crew covers the advance of fresh South Vietnamese troops pushing into Laos, Feb. 28
South Vietnamese Soldiers Running to Helicopter(Original Caption) ARVN's (Army of the Republic of South Vietnam) rush for the "Huey Slick" helicopter which carries supplies for the field at Fire Support Base Delta One in Laos
Fire Support Base Delta One in Laos(Original Caption) ARVN's (Army of the Republic of South Vietnam) troops dig bunkers and pile sandbags around their Fire Support Base Delta One about nine miles inside Laos
South Vietnamese Soldiers Building Bunkers atop Hill(Original Caption) ARVN's (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) troops dig bunkers and pile sandbags around their Fire Support Base Delta One about nine miles inside Laos
South Vietnamese Soldiers Loading Helicopter with Supplies(Original Caption) ARVN's (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) rush for the "Huey Slick" helicopter which carries supplies for the field at Fire Support Base Delta in Laos
South Vietnamese Soldiers Standing atop Bunkers(Original Caption) ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) is seen here as troops dig bunkers and pile sandbags around their Fire Support Base Delta One about nine miles inside Laos
ARVN Gunners Bombard Vietcong from Firebase in Laos
Peace Symbol Flying Atop Armored Vehicle(Original Caption) LANG VEI, S. VIETNAM: Peace symbol flying atop armored vehicle at this allied outpost near the Laotian border seems to express very well the sentiment of the crew
Laotian Military Men Working at Camp(Original Caption) General Vang Pao, the Commander of Laotian forces at the once-secret base here
Bombs and Training Airplanes at Military Base in Laos(Original Caption) Long Cheng, Laos: "Secret Army." This is part of the air arm of the CIA-sponsored "Secret Army" of Maj. Gen. Vang Pao at Long Cheng. The U. S
Vintage Map of East Asia
World heritage Kamphaeng Phet historical park in ThailandPhra Borom That Temple, Nakhon Chum, Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand
Head of sandstone buddha in tree root at wat mahathat temple, Ayutthaya, Thailand
Mountain paddy, irrigated rice terraces, farmer tilling and plowing the field with a water buffalo, Phongsali district and province, Laos, Southeast Asia, Asia
Rice farmer plowing his rice paddy with the help of a water buffalo, rice terraces, Phongsali or Phongsaly District and Province, Laos, Southeast Asia, Asia
Asian ethnicity chromolithograph 1895Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. Ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens, 5th edition 17 volumes Bibliographisches Institut - Leipzig 1895-1897
Head of Buddha statue in the tree roots at Wat Mahathat temple, Ayutthaya Province, Thailand
Hong Nang Sida Temple Champasak Laos buddhist, UNESCO world heritage
Wat Muang Kang temple Champassak LaoWat Muang Kang temple, also known as Wat Phuthawanaram is the oldest temple in Champassak town. Lao, Asia
Orange Sunrise at Angkor Wat, Siem reap, Cambodia
Ayutthaya ProvinceOld Temple wat Chaiwatthanaram of Ayutthaya Province( Ayutthaya Historical Park )Asia Thailand
Kuang Si Falls, Luang Prabang, LaosKuang Si falls in Luang Prabang, Laos. Shot as a long exposure photograph to capture the flow of the water and the beautiful blue-green water
Trees in the mist on the wetlands on top of Kuang Si FallsTaken on top of Kuang Si Falls on a foggy morning, Luang Prabang, Laos. January 19, 2017
Pyrops candelariaAntique illustration of a Pyrops candelaria
Graph showing doctors per population, Rwanda 72, 990:1, Nepal 20, 000:1, Laos 4, 380:1, United Arab Emirates 1, 000:1, Latvia 200:1
Golden Wat Thap Luang in Vientiane, Laos
Pak Ou Caves in Laos