Wringer, wet clothes dryerAntique illustration of a wringer, wet clothes dryer
Narrow winding street in Barrio Gotico, BarcelonaNarrow winding street in Barrio Gotico (Gothic Quarter) in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Early Washing Machinecirca 1860: An early labour-saving machine for clothes washing, comprising a water barrel, water boiler, agitator and mangle. (Photo by Chaloner Woods/Getty Images)
Tenements In New York CityPhotograph shows laundry drying on clotheslines in the backyards of New York City tenement slums, circa 1900. (Photo by FPG/Getty Images)
Sing a Song of Sixpence - Victorian nursery rhyme illustration" Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye - Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie - When the pie was open d the birds began to sing - Was that not a dainty dish to set before the King
Woman Using Home Washing MachineWoman using home washing machine and wringer. Lithograph, 1870
Men Gathered in Bandit's RoostMen gather in an alley called "Bandit's Roost" in Manhattan's Little Italy
Woman Washing; Boy On Floor; Kitchen(Original Caption) 1891-The washerwoman and her son. Taking in laundry. Photographed, 1891
Elderly Woman Washing Clothes On Board(Original Caption) Elderly woman washing clothes on scrubboard. Photograph, 1930's
French Peasant Woman Doing Her Laundry(Original Caption) French peasant woman doing her laundry in the village pond. Undated photograph
Women Doing Laundry In A Tenement(Original Caption) Poverty: Woman doing laundry in a tenement with a baby in a cradle and a child crying. Photograph ca. 1910
Woman Hanging Wash To Dry(Original Caption) Silhouttes of a woman doing the laundry. Undated photograph.BPA2# 722
Women Pounding and Scrubbing Laundry(Original Caption) Ca. 1880-Tennessee- Laundry in its primitive stage. Two women pounding and washing clothes in wooden trough in the farm district
Woodcut Of A Clothespin(Original Caption) Clothes pin. Woodcut. BPA 2 #734
Lithographic For Laundry Soap/Ca. 1880(Original Caption) Laundry scene: Children acclaiming Buchan's Carbolic Laundry Soap. Lithographic trade card, ca. 1880
Colored Advertising Poster For Washer(Original Caption) Laundry: Colored advertising poster for home washer and wringer, 1870s
Woman Washing with Youngsters Nearby(Original Caption) Poverty: Woman doing laundry in a tenement with a baby in a cradle and a child crying. Photograph ca. 1910
Lower East Side Street Scene(Original Caption) 1910-New York, NY: Lower East Side Street scene. Phtograph, 1910
Laundry Room In Well-To-Do Household(Original Caption) Laundry room in a well-to-do New England household of pre World War I days. Photograph, ca. 1910
The Hollywood Kid(Original Caption) Charles Murray and Louise Carver doing the family laundry in a scene from "The Hollywood Kid." From left to right, the child actors are Jackie Lucas
Clotheslines In Alley(Original Caption) 12/10/1924-New York, NY: Here is pictorial proof that the old fashioned family line is not yet extinct
Hanging Puppy to Dry with Clothes(Original Caption) 1926: Little Virginia Wooden of Baltimore, MD. knows of no good reason why her pet pup should be treated differently from anything else she's washed
Group of children in urban playground11/16/1928 New York, NY: The young children at the Lenox Hill Neighborhood Association have a brand new playground on the roof of the Association's new building, 331 East 79th St
Woman Cleaning Clothes in RiverA Sokacz woman pounds her families clothes clean on a table in the Danube River
Chinese American LaundrymanWong-fok Chew, a New York City immigrant launderer, drew Noble King, favored to win, in the Irish Sweepstakes. Chew, a Baptist, had a wife and child in China
Women Throwing Rocks At Laundry Truck(Original Caption) 6/3/1937-Little Falls, NJ: Who said a woman couldn't throw straight
African Am Woman Boils Laundry Over Fire(Original Caption) 1938-Negro woman in the courtyard of a ramshackle, squalid house. She is boiling her wash on an improvised stove
Migrant Camp Laundry(Original Caption) 10/1/1939- Visalia, CA: In this Federal Farm Security camp laundry, a young "mig" washes the children while his wife washes the clothes
Laundry Drying on Lines(Original Caption) Hanging out the wash. Undated photograph
Woman Hanging Clothes to Dry on Docks(Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Clothes Drying on a Line(Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
Sharecropper Family(Original Caption) "Poor white" sharecropper family, Ozark Mountains, Bella Vista, Arkansas
Woman Hanging Laundry Out to Dry(Original Caption) A woman is shown hanging her laundry outside to dry. Model: Mrs. John Burgner. Ca. 1940s
Woman Ironing Laundry Outside Camping Trailer(Original Caption) Photo shows Cottonwood Creek campsite. Jasper, in Canadian Rockies (Trotwood Trailer). Ca. 1940s
Two Soldiers Washing ClothesThe photographer surprised these two Fifth Avenue GIs, James L. Stintson of New York and Raymond C. Jones, cooperating on a laundry project on the Anzio-Nettuno beachhead
Seamen Take Time Out To Do Their Laundry(Original Caption) 12/02/1944-Bougainville, N. Solomons...Left to right Henry Mellow Jr. Seaman 2/C of Somerville, Mass. and Herman S. Green Seaman 2/C of Fredericksburg, VA
Woman Hangs Laundry On Line, Boy Hides(Original Caption) 11/12/1945-It's washday at the Driscoll Home, and Mrs. Frank Driscoll, wife of RM 3/c Frank Driscoll, formerly of Newark, N.J
Washing Machines in Automatic Laundromat(Original Caption) 12/02/1946. General view of the automatic laundry's interior show the 20 glistening machines used by Oak Park patrons
Woman with Quadruplets(Original Caption) Ca. 1948: Woman with clothes pins in her mouth and basket full of babies. BPA 2 #650
Woman Hanging Laundry(Original Caption) Photo shows a woman hanging wash. Model: Mae Fox. Ca. 1940s
Boys (6-7) wearing firemen hats on roof(Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
View of Laundry & People in Street(Original Caption) Naples, Italy: View looking down the Alley of Pallonetto of Santa Lucia. Laundry hangs on lines in between the buildings while people crowd the narrow street. Ca. 1890
Black Woman Laundering On Fl PlantationA Black laundress on a plantation in Florida, washing outdoors in a wooden tub
Women Washing Laundry In River(Original Caption) Mexico: Women, surrounded by heaps of laundry and laundry baskets, washing their clothes in the Tenayuca River. Undated photograph
Color Lithograph Depicting Paisley Place Neighborhood in New YorkPaisley Place, on 17th Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenue, was an area in Manhattan where Scottish weavers once settled
General Electric Laundry Machine(Original Caption) Advertisement for GE's All Electric Laundry Machine. Illustration shows woman using the large De Luxe G-E Wringer washer, model 321
19Th Century Ad For Laundry Soap(Original Caption) Lithograph advertisement for L.I. Fisk & Co.'s Soaps. Illustration shows three women at various stages of doing the laundry. Ca. late 19th century
Woman & Servants Do Laundry/1900S Illus(Original Caption) Smith Brothers Chemically Pure Borax--drawing of lady of the house and her servants doing laundry ca. 1900's. Undated colored illustration
Woman Presents Laundry To Queen/Illust(Original Caption) Advertisement for laundry soap: "'Queen of the Laundry, Jas.S.Kirk & Co
Illus. Convicts Ironing In Huge Laundry(Original Caption) Convicts working under contractors in the ironing department of the prison laundry. Undated illustration
Duz Laundry Detergent Advertisement(Original Caption) 11/1950-Advertisement for laundry detergent, "DUZ". October 1950 Illustration
Illustration with Dual Depiction of Early City DwellingsNew York, New York: Scenes of tenement life in 19th Century, New York City
3 Women Washing Clothes In Central Park(Original Caption) 12/16/1949-New York, NY: Dry Day, on which New Yorkers were supposed to go shaveless, bathless and laundryless
East Side Tenement Apartment BuildingsClothes drying on lines strung behind East Side tenement buildings
Detective Standing Next to Mounted Skull(Original Caption) 5/7/1952-Nassay County, NY- Adam Yulch is a specialist in laundry marks; probably the best in the world
People in Alley Standing Below Drying LaundryGroups of people socialize and play in a cobblestone alley below their laundry on clotheslines in Trastevere, a neighborhood in Rome
Woman Carrying Laundry On Her Head(Original Caption) 6/7/1957-Portugal: With the hard part of washing and wringing over, this pretty Portugese girl can manage a smile as she balances an overflowing basket of laundry on her head
Cast of Green Acres Looking at Washing Machine(Original Caption) A scene from the long-running television series Green Acres
Joan Rivers Pulling Clothes from Dishwasher(Original Caption) The Culinary Art of Joan Rivers, or How Not to Cook. Whoops, remember to clean out the dishwasher before you refill it with tonight's dinner dishes!
Victorian London HousingVintage engraving showing a scene from 19th Century London England. Terraced Houses in Inner London circa 1870
Victorian London - Orange Court Drury Lane" Vintage engraving showing a scene from 19th Century London England. A dark alley, Orange Court Drury Lane. circa 1870 - 1880."
Woman Holding Clean Laundry Shirts Wearing Polka Dot Dress And Apron Pride HousewifeUNITED STATES - Circa 1930s: Woman Holding Clean Laundry Shirts Wearing Polka Dot Dress And Apron Pride Housewife
Standard washcare symbols found on clothing
Illustration of a Celtic home showing cooking cauldron hanging on a cross-beam from the wooden frame of the house, walls made from woven branches, thatched roof, people engaged in household jobs
Chinese workers doing laundry in the the Palace hotelVintage engraving of chinese workers doing laundry in the the Palace hotel, San Francisco, 19th Century
Corfu town on Corfu island, GreeceTraditonal house in the Corfu old town, Corfu Island, Ionians, Greece
Laundry drying outside windowHanging laundry, old Havana
Greenland, Kulusuk, houses with laundry lines
Three kittens in socksUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Three kittens in socks, hanging from clothes line. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)
Hong Kong Washing29th October 1949: Laundry hanging out on washing-poles from a building in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Original Publication: Picture Post - 4888 - Hong Kong The Waiting Days - pub
Brixton Prison Wash-houseThe wash-house at Brixton Prison in London, circa 1850. Published in The Criminal Prisons of London, a compilation of articles entitled The Great World of London by Henry Mayhew, pub. 1862
Brixton Prison IroningFemale prisoners at work in the ironing-room of Brixton Prison in London, circa 1850
Sing a Song of Sixpence - The Maid was in the GardenVintage engraving from Sing a Song of Sixpence a well-known English nursery rhyme, originating in the 18th century. The Maid was in the Garden, Hanging out the Clothes
Laundresses in Brittany, Jules BretonIllustration of a Laundresses in Brittany, Jules Breton
Laundry DaySorano is a town and commune in the province of Grosseto, southern Tuscany (Italy).It as an ancient medieval hill town hanging from a tuff stone over the Lente River
Washing machine
Iron on ironing board
People walking past billboard
Illustration of bird perching on washing line
Illustration of people hanging up washing in small sections of garden separated by low hedges
Canal and clothings Venice Italy
Street in the Ribeira district of PortoDetail of a street in the old quarter of Ribeira in Porto
Arch at Tanque de la Union in Antigua GuatemalaArch at Tanque de la UniAon public laundry washbasin in Antigua, Guatemala. Antigua is as a partially restored colonial city with majestic churches and monasteries and cobblestone streets
Laundry Vancirca 1925: A mobile laundrette operating in Newtown, Honley, provides a shirt and collar dressing service as well as dyeing and dry-cleaning for West Riding and Yorkshire