King Charles Cavalier Portrait
Two Weimerarner retrieversTwo Weimeraner retrievers against white background
Union Cavalry Private Holding Gun(Original Caption) Civil War: Union Cavalry Private. Well equipped with a pair of Colt Model 1861 Navy revolvers and saber, holster, cap pouch and saber scabbard. Photograph
Lithograph Depicting a French Soldier and His Company by Georges Jeanniot(Original Caption) Infantrymen of the French army
Dogs Supervising Fishing Boys(Original Caption) Four young boys fish off of a pier while their faithful canine companion lies behind them. Undated photograph. BPA2 #2000
Angelica and Medoro by Domenico TiepoloAngelica and Medoro, characters from Ludovico Ariosto's "Orlando Furioso, " are seen here looking at their initials carved in a tree
Soldiers in Truck Throwing out Documents(Original Caption) Loyal German government troops in Berlin are shown distributing anti-Communist pamphlets
Siamese Twins Playing Clarinets(Original Caption) Washington, D.C.: Siamese twins Daisy and Violet Hilton, born in England, play for embassy staff at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C
Charles Chaplin Departing with Wife and Son(Original Caption) Mrs. Charlie Chaplin And Son Sail For Honolulu. Photo shows Mr. and Mrs. Chaplin and son. When Mrs. Charles Chaplin and Charles Jr
Roosevelt Campaign Signs at ConventionDelegates from North Dakota, Wyoming, Porto Rico, and other states hold up signs of New York Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt following his nomination on the presidential ballot by John E
Japanese Actress Toshia Mori at Telegraph Window(Original Caption) Hollywood, California: Toshia Mori Sending Cablegram
Players Mothers Listening to 1940 World Series(Original Caption) 10/2/40: Photo shows Mrs. Sarah Greenberg and Mrs
Betty Lou Displays Button(Original Caption) Miss Betty Lou, a resident of Chinatown, proudly displays button she received today through the Chinese Benevolent Association, which will distinguish her from Japanese
Sons of Italy Salute Liberty Bell(Original Caption) Shown saluting in front of the Liberty Bell here at Independence Hall are a group of the Supreme Council of the Order of the Sons of Italy in America, who, in a brief ceremony
Reba Feldman Inspecting Soldiers Leggings(Original Caption) Mrs
Dog Sits Up While Soldier Says Goodbye(Original Caption) 6/8/1942- Washington, DC- Scene: any embarkation point. A man, his girl and his dog, stage pognant farewell scene as he leaves for undisclosed destination with a unit of the A.E.F
Ronald Reagan Pointing(Original Caption) Washington: President Reagan responds to questions from reporters following a White House ceremony
George and Barbara Bush Waving with Bob Hope(Original Caption) Washington: President and Mrs. Bush are joined by Bob Hope in the presidential reviewing stand as they watch the inaugural parade. Hope was the grand marshal of the parade
Dan Quayle Being Sworn In(Original Caption) Washington: Dan Quayle is sworn in Vice President of the United States by Supreme Court Justice Day O'Connor. His wife Marilyn and children look on
Actor Dickie Moore and Pete The PupDickie Moore and Pete the Pup start for location together while working in the 1932 film "A Lad an his Lamp, " the new Hal Roach "Our Gang" comedy
Man Walking Dog(Original Caption) Photo shows a man walking with his dog. Model: Bob Olms and Champs the dog. Ca. 1930s
It's Up to You Recruitment Poster by Schneck(Original Caption) World War I enlistment poster, "Protect the Nation's Honor". Undated illustration
Portrait of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln(Original Caption) Ca. 1861: Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln (1818-1882), in an illustration done shortly after they moved into the White House
True Love Postcard with Flowers and a Heart Motif(Original Caption) Embossed postcard has flowers and a heart that claims "True Love." Post date on the back of the card says 1911
Tyrone Power and Bride Linda Christiian Cut Wedding Cake(Original Caption) 1/29/1949-Rome, Italy: At the residence of U. S. Ambassador James C
Teenage Boy with Irish Setter(Original Caption) Photograph of a boy with an Irish Setter jumping up on his chest. Model Alfred Lamar is wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of baggy pants. Ca. 1950-1960
Tony Bennett and Bride Patricia Beech In Wedding CarSinger Tony Bennett and his bride Patricia Beech leaving St. Patrick's Cathedral in their wedding car on February 12, 1952 after marrying. A fan peers in at the couple from outside
Manger Scene(Original Caption
Mahmoud Elkahalid Embracing King Hussein(Original Caption) Mahmoud Elkahalid, one of the tribal sheiks in Jordan, embraces King Hussein during the latter's tour of Arab Legion camps
Campaign Button for Adlai Stevenson(Original Caption) 3/16/1956- Hollywood, CA- Recalling the famous 1952 campaign picture of the hole in Adlai Stevenson's show
King Hussein and Prime Minister HashemKing Hussein of Jordan hands a message to a bowing Prime Minister Ibrahim Hashem during the opening ceremonies of parliament
Joan Crawford Petting Russian WolfhoundsFondling a pair of Russian wolfhounds at the Ninth Annual Animal Kingdom Ball is chairman Joan Crawford, Mrs. Alfred Steele, as festivities get under way in the Hotel Pierre
Newlyweds May Britt and Sammy Davis JrReception following wedding of May Britt and Sammy Davis, Jr. on November 13, 1960
Eddie Fisher with Elizabeth Taylor and Children(Original Caption) Los Angeles, California: Actress Elizabeth Taylor, still recovering from her near-fatal illness, greets her three children at the airport with her husband, Eddie Fisher
Barry Goldwater Arriving at O'Hare AirportSenator Barry Goldwater (R-Arizona) arrives at O'Hare International Airport to continue his campaign for the Presidency of the United States
Buddhists Underneath Statue(Original Caption) Mandalay Hill: On The Road To Mandalay. Pilgrims worship at a Shrine of Buddha--among the many spectacles on the route to the top of Mandalay Hill
Black and White Female Students Holding Hands(Original Caption) Boston:The second week of the phase 2 school integration of the Boston school system began 9/15 with security somewhat relaxed and no trouble reported
Gerald Ford and Helmut Schmidt Standing at Attention(Original Caption) Washington: Pres
Paul Thayer Pledging Allegiance(Original Caption) Washington, DC: Close-up of Paul Thayer, with his hand over his heart, as he is sworn in as the Deputy Secretary of Defense at the Pentagon
Group of dogs tied to fenceanimals, assorted, assortment, breed, canine, companion, day, dog, eye contact, good, innocent, leash, loyal, loyalty, nobody, obedient, outdoor, pack, pet, poodles, sit, together, variety, wait
Bulldog Looking upBulldog looking up. Close up
Head of sandstone buddha in tree root at wat mahathat temple, Ayutthaya, Thailand
Puppy Husky PortraitPortrait of a Happy Cute Brown and White Siberian Loyal Husky Obedient Puppy sitting waiting patiently
Hats Off27th July 1912: Loyalists cheer on hearing the result of the Crewe election during the Great Unionist Rally at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Abbey of Monte CassinoIllustration of a Abbey of Monte Cassino
Entertainment for the kingIllustration of a Entertainment for the king
Bards before the kingIllustration of a Bards before the king
Illustration of Alexander the Greats infantry, marching in phalanx formation, holding spears and shields
Old Balcony, Havana
Portrait of HuskyBack lit portrait of Husky
Portrait of Pomeranian dog
Lighting Candles24th July 1948: A devotee lighting candles at the shrine at Holywell, North Wales. The shrine is sacred to St Winefride, who supposedly rose from the dead by a miracle