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Machine Gun Collection

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Hiram Maxim With Maxim Gun

Hiram Maxim With Maxim Gun
(Original Caption) Photograph of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim (1840-1916) with his famed Maxim Gun. Undated photograph

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Illustration, crime scene, man in street being fired at with shotgun from car window

Illustration, crime scene, man in street being fired at with shotgun from car window, both men in suits and fedora hats, pair of onlookers in background

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Cover Of Magazine With New Gatling Gun

Cover Of Magazine With New Gatling Gun
(Original Caption) The new model Gatling Gun. From the cover of Scientific American, June 14, 1879. Engraving

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Sir Hiram Maxim with his Maxim Machine Gun

Sir Hiram Maxim with his Maxim Machine Gun
(Original Caption) Portrait of Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim with his Maxim Gun. Undated photograph

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: John Dillinger Poses with Machine Gun

John Dillinger Poses with Machine Gun
(Original Caption) Photograph of John Dillinger, notorious criminal, taken shortly before he was killled. He is posed with a Colt.38 in one hand, and a submachine gun in the other

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Franco Machine Gunners In Trenches

Franco Machine Gunners In Trenches
(Original Caption) Spanish Civil War: Compartment of Franco machine-gunners in trenches near Monte Arrate, repulsing Republicans. Undated photograph

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Policemen in Motorcycle Sidecar with Rifle

Policemen in Motorcycle Sidecar with Rifle
(Original Caption) New York

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Bank Robbers Shooting from Automobile

Bank Robbers Shooting from Automobile
Movie still of two bank robbers firing off rounds from the back of their getaway car. One of the men has his Thompson machine gun disguised in a golf bag

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: German Soldiers Carrying Machine Gun

German Soldiers Carrying Machine Gun
(Original Caption) German soldiers carry a machine gun to a position in the advances trenches near Rheims, during World War I

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Soldiers Aiming Early Machine Gun

Soldiers Aiming Early Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 12/1914: A machine gun section of the British Army getting to use their work at training camp

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Colt Machine Gun and Crew

Colt Machine Gun and Crew
Soldiers demonstrate a Colt machine gun with a capacity of 250 shots per minute at the Peace and Prepared Conference of the National Security League

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: American Soldier Aiming Military Aircraft Gun

American Soldier Aiming Military Aircraft Gun
(Original Caption) World War I machine gunner. Photograph 1916

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: American Soldiers on the Western Front

American Soldiers on the Western Front
(Original Caption) Action photograph along the western front of men in the 23rd infantry of the second division firing a 37-mm gun at German position in France during World War I. April 3, 1918

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Women On Motorcycle, Sidecar W/Machine Gu

Women On Motorcycle, Sidecar W/Machine Gu
(Original Caption) 7/26/1918-WOMEN'S MACHINE GUN SQUAD, POLICE RESERVE: Prtactising the Lewis Machine Gun which is to be sent to the front

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Police Patrol with Machine Gun on Truck

Police Patrol with Machine Gun on Truck
(Original Caption) 5/6/1919-Lawrence, Massachusetts- A machine gun mounted on a police truck that is patrolling the streets of Lawrence, MA

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: John Thompson Holding Machine Gun

John Thompson Holding Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 5/10/1922: Photo of General John T

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Mail Truck Robbery

Mail Truck Robbery
Photo shows chief of detectives Ohrenberge holding the 45 caliber machine gun that the mail bandits left on the scene after robbing the U.S. Mail truck yesterday morning

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Austrian Soldiers on Guard

Austrian Soldiers on Guard
(Original Caption) 1927-Vienna, Austria: National soldiers training machine guns from balcony of the Palace of Justice to prevent further damage at the hands of Socialist rioters

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Machine Gun Section of Military Garrison

Machine Gun Section of Military Garrison
(Original Caption) 8/29/1930-Arequipa, Peru- The first step in the governmental program of the new power in Peru, under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Luis Sanchez Cerro

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Government Soldiers with Guns in Callao

Government Soldiers with Guns in Callao
(Original Caption) 2/27/1931-Callao, Peru-Citizens joined forces with Federal troops in routing and capturing the band of insurgents from the fortress at Callao, port of Lima

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Police with Tommy Guns

Police with Tommy Guns
(Original Caption) 1932- Cumberland, Maryland: Members of the local police force are shown armed with rifles and machine guns covering the hunger marchers on their last lap to washington

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Paul Muni in Scarface

Paul Muni in Scarface
Paul Muni as Tony Camonte (C), Vince Barnett as Angelo (L) and George Raft as Guino Rinaldo (R) in the 1932 gangster film Scarface

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Machine Gunners Train with Weapons

Machine Gunners Train with Weapons
(Original Caption) 10/29/1932With the Amazon river port of Leticia, claimed by Columbia, taken over by the Peruvian forces by right of conquest

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Police Escorting 'Machine Gun' Kelly from Jail

Police Escorting "Machine Gun" Kelly from Jail
Police officers carrying machine guns and wearing fedoras escort manacled George "Machine Gun" Kelly out of the Memphis jail

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Dillinger's Guns

Dillinger's Guns
(Original Caption) A collection of the weapons used at various times by John Dillinger. Undated photograph

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Federal Agents with Machine Guns

Federal Agents with Machine Guns
Federal agents with machine guns. Pictured left to right: RH Colvin, Chief in Oklahoma; Paul Housen, Aide; K.D. Deaderich

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Michigan National Guard With Machine Gun

Michigan National Guard With Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 1/14/37-Flint, Michigan: The peaceful occupation of Flint, by detachments of Michigan's National Guard

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Automobile Constructed for Al Capone

Automobile Constructed for Al Capone
(Original Caption) 1938: Al Capone's car at the Kursaal, Southend. This car was specifically made for Al Capone, the Chicago gang-leader by the Cadillac Co

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Joseph McCarthy Sitting in Bomber Plane

Joseph McCarthy Sitting in Bomber Plane
Joseph McCarthy of the US Marine Corps sits in the gunner's seat of a Curtiss SB2C Helldiver

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Winston Churchill Inspecting American Tommy Gun

Winston Churchill Inspecting American Tommy Gun
Prime Minister Winston Churchill inspects an American Tommy gun during a 1940 tour of defenses along England's northeastern coast

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Nose Gunner Shooting at Enemy Planes

Nose Gunner Shooting at Enemy Planes
A Luftwaffe nose gunner aboard a Dornier DO 17 bomber fires at enemy aircraft in an air battle

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: German Nose Gunner Taking Aim

German Nose Gunner Taking Aim
(Original Caption) A Gunner in the nose of a Dornier DO-17, the "flying pencils" of the German Air Force, draws a bead on approaching planes

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Soldiers Maning Machine Gun

Soldiers Maning Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 1942-New York

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Soldiers Lined Up on Harley Davidson Motorcycles

Soldiers Lined Up on Harley Davidson Motorcycles
(Original Caption) The Harley- Davidson Motor Co. built more than 90, 000 motorcycles during World War II for the armed forces

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Soldiers in Defensive Position

Soldiers in Defensive Position
(Original Caption) Somewhere In Russia: Machine Gun Crew On The Cold Soviet Western Front. The intense cold of the Russian German battlefront is typified in this picture, just received from Europe

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Russian Girls Ready to Serve in Guerilla Units

Russian Girls Ready to Serve in Guerilla Units
(Original Caption) While German forces tighten the siege of Sevastopol, volunteer Russian women warriors take up the "Tommy-gun" in defense of their country

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Placing Magazine on Gun

Placing Magazine on Gun
(Original Caption) Women are doing their part to help Uncle Sam defeat the Axis and we see Mrs. Mildred Thomas as she places a magazine on the 20mm airplane cannon

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: American Soldiers Landing in North Africa

American Soldiers Landing in North Africa
(Original Caption) 11/18/1942-North Africa- In the piping times of peace, the phrase "going to the beach" meant a trip to the seashore with a picnic basket and bathing suit

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Soldiers Covering Building

Soldiers Covering Building
(Original Caption) Italy: A machine gunner and two riflemen cover a building occupied by 5 Germans as an assault squad of the 10th Mountain Divison flushes them out

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: American Marines During Battle on Tarawa in Micronesia

American Marines During Battle on Tarawa in Micronesia
(Original Caption

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: French Forces Hunting German Snipers

French Forces Hunting German Snipers
(Original Caption) 8/28/1944-Paris, France: Clad in an outfit designed for action, this young French girl keeps close to a wall and holds her submachine gun ready to bark at a moment's notice

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Black Machine Gunners In Italy

Black Machine Gunners In Italy
9/13/1944-Pisa, Italy: Portrait of machine gunners, from the 92nd Division, tune up their weapon at a road side on the Arno River Front during the drive on Pisa, Italy

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Armed African Am Soldiers At War

Armed African Am Soldiers At War
Armed African American soldiers from a Black mortar company of the 92nd division in Massa, Italy, 14th November 1944

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Partisan Guerilla Target Shooting

Partisan Guerilla Target Shooting
(Original Caption) 3/27/1947-Kastanofitenk

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Soldiers Inspecting Captured Machine Gun

Soldiers Inspecting Captured Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 1/26/48- Northern Greece: Maj. William Andrepont (lower right), member of the joint U.S

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Arab Marksmen with Machine Guns

Arab Marksmen with Machine Guns
(Original Caption) 5/10/1948-Amman, Trnasjordan- Equipped with modern machine guns and rifles, Arab marksmen, members of the Arab Legion

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Arab Boy Learning About Machine Gun

Arab Boy Learning About Machine Gun
On the day before the State of Israel was proclaimed, a young Palestinian boy looks at an Arab soldier's machine gun

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: US Marines Invading Grenada

US Marines Invading Grenada
Several United States Marines carry their weapons and equipment on a road in Greenville shortly after landing in the 1983 Invasion of Grenada

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Grenada Invasion Soldier with Guns

Grenada Invasion Soldier with Guns
United States Army soldier Elizabeth Milliken rests with her machine guns behind a sandbag barrier during the Grenada invasion of 1983. | Location: Grenada

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Soldiers Strolling on Grenada Beach

Soldiers Strolling on Grenada Beach
Three United States Army soldiers stroll on a Grenada beach during the 1983 invasion. The soldiers only wear towels and carry machine guns. | Location: Point Salines, Grenada

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Salvadorean Guerrillas Pose with Anti-Vote Banner

Salvadorean Guerrillas Pose with Anti-Vote Banner | Location: Jucuapa

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: San Salvadorean Guerrilla Talks with Civilians

San Salvadorean Guerrilla Talks with Civilians
(Original Caption) 5/7/1984-Jucuaran, El Salvador-A Salvadoran guerilla lectures civilians at a village near Jucuaran 5/6 on why the Salvadorean guerillas are against the election

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: German Machine Gun In Use In Trench

German Machine Gun In Use In Trench
(Original Caption) France-Photo shows a German machine gun in use in a trench near Reims, sending a steady stream of load into the advance trenches of the French troops

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: British Soldiers Firing Gun

British Soldiers Firing Gun
A group of British soldiers fire a machine gun in the Krantz Kloof region of South Africa during the Boer War

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Pile Of Light And Heavy Machine Guns

Pile Of Light And Heavy Machine Guns
(Original Caption) Light and heavy machine guns lie in a large pile as Germans comply with the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles and scrap their war material. Undated photograph, circa 1920

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: German Machine Gun Team

German Machine Gun Team
German machine gun team in Russia during World War II

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Machine Gun Infanty Crew During Wwi

Machine Gun Infanty Crew During Wwi
(Original Caption) Picture shows the machine gun crew of the 315th infantry during World War I. Undated photo circa 1910s

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: World War I Trench Warfare

World War I Trench Warfare
The 369th Infantry, 93rd Division, fights from the trenches during a battle along the Western Front

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Gatling Gun On Police Wagon

Gatling Gun On Police Wagon
(Original Caption) The Gatling Gun for police patrol service shown mounted on a police wagon

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Serbian Soldiers Loading A Machine Gun

Serbian Soldiers Loading A Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 1916-Photo shows Serbian soldiers feeding a machine gun

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: American Soldier in Vietnam

American Soldier in Vietnam
(Original Caption) An American soldier keeps a wary eye on the hills and a firm hand on his weapon after U.S

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Give Em Both Barrels Poster by Jean Carlu

Give Em Both Barrels Poster by Jean Carlu
(Original Caption) World War II poster: Laborer rivetting and soldier with gun. "Give Em Both Barrels". BPA2#5790

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Painting of U.S. Army Soldiers in Action near Mezy by Harry Everett Townsend

Painting of U.S. Army Soldiers in Action near Mezy by Harry Everett Townsend
(Original Caption) U.S. Army in action near Mezy (Marne River Area), France, July 1918, during World War I

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: U.S. Soldiers In South Korea

U.S. Soldiers In South Korea
(Original Caption) 7/17/1950-Somewhere in South Korea: Stopping in a south Korean village near the area where the Yanks were clashing with Red invading forces, Pvt. Chester Wegrzyn, of Detroit, MI

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Two South Korean Female Guerrillas Manning Machine Gun

Two South Korean Female Guerrillas Manning Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 8/17/50-South Korea: Two girl guerrillas, Chong Sunjin (left) and Hao Chi Okk, man a machine gun in the South Korean fields, alongside guerrillas armed with rifles

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Chinese Troops

Chinese Troops
Troops of the People's Liberation Army, of the sort that poured across the border to defend their neighbor North Korea

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Marines Man A Machine Gun

Marines Man A Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 11/15/1950-Korea: Corporal Jack Felts, of Houston, TX, and PFC. Jerry Conover, of Seattle, WA, both of the U.S

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: A Moment of Relaxation

A Moment of Relaxation
Sgt. C.J. Noe, Kerman, California, reads a comic book in his heavy machine gun emplacement, dug out of the deep snow

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Captain Smoking a Cigarette

Captain Smoking a Cigarette
Second Marine Division Captain Sam Freedman of Los Angeles, becomes acclimated to the weather in the mountains of Korea

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Soldier Fires Machine Gun on Snowy Hill

Soldier Fires Machine Gun on Snowy Hill
(Original Caption) 12/31/1951-Korea- Stc. Jack McGerinnis of Springfield, MO, 3rd Platoon, 3rd Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd U.S

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Maria Trinidad Gruz Stands with Machine Gun

Maria Trinidad Gruz Stands with Machine Gun
(Original Caption) 1954-Chiquimula, Guatemala- Maria Trinidad Gruz stands guard outside the rebel headquarters of Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas after returning with the rebel forces to take the city

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Liberation Soldiers March to Guatemala City

Liberation Soldiers March to Guatemala City
(Original Caption) Straw hatted peasant volunteers who comprised the "liberation" forces of Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas in the revolution

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Anastasio Somoza with Gun and Reporter

Anastasio Somoza with Gun and Reporter
(Original Caption) 1/13/1955-Managua, Nicaragua-General Anastazio Somoza, President of Nicaragua, in a press conference with a foreign correspondent

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Hungarian Rebels at Austrian Border

Hungarian Rebels at Austrian Border
Hungarian patriots, armed with submachine guns, take cover near the Austrian border. 38 rebels fled into Austria after being driven out by Soviet forces

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: King Saud Walks from Hotel with Bodyguards

King Saud Walks from Hotel with Bodyguards
(Original Caption) 1/23/1957-Naples, Italy-Preceded by two formidable-looking "desert warrior" bodyguards toting modern sub-machine guns and wearing gem-studded scimitars in their belts

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Castro Rebels Meeting in Sierra Maestra

Castro Rebels Meeting in Sierra Maestra
(Original Caption) 4/2/1958-Sierra Maestra, Criente

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Fidel Castro Eating Meal

Fidel Castro Eating Meal
Cuban premiere Fidel Castro eats a meal surrounded by armed men a few months after he took control of Cuba

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Sitting soldier loading 1885 Maxim machine gun, side view

Sitting soldier loading 1885 Maxim machine gun, side view

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Aden Army Soldiers at Machine Gun Posts

Aden Army Soldiers at Machine Gun Posts
(Original Caption) 6/9/1962- Arab soldiers of the Aden Federal Army crouch at their machine gun post on the rocky slopes near the border separating the Aden Protectorate and the Yemen

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Lorry Carrying Machine-Gun Toting Soldiera

Lorry Carrying Machine-Gun Toting Soldiera
(Original Caption) 11/17/1962-Sanaa, Yemen- Lorry loaded down with machine gun-toting revolutionary troops roars out of here 10/10, headed for north Yemen

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: American Helicopter Gunner

American Helicopter Gunner
(Original Caption) 10/9/1963-Quang Ngai Province, South Vietnam: An American soldier keeps watch from airborne helicopter carrying Vietnamese troops over marshlands south of Saigon October 5th

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Machine Gunner in Helicopter Over Vietnam

Machine Gunner in Helicopter Over Vietnam
A gunner in a helicopter monitors the terrain below as Republic of South Vietnam troops are transported over the Quang Ngai Province of Vietnam

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Farmer Working Under the Gun

Farmer Working Under the Gun
(Original Caption) March 7, 1964: A South Vietnamese armored personnel carrier provides it's kind of life insurance as a farmer resumes work in a rice paddy

Background imageMachine Gun Collection: Two Vietnamese Boys with Guns

Two Vietnamese Boys with Guns
(Original Caption) 10/3/1964 -Vietnam- -: The submachine gun and automatic pistol held by these youthful Viet Cong Guerrillas were put together in the local jungle "arsenal"

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