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Mail Collection

Background imageMail Collection: Victorian Postman and Children Posting a Letter 1895

Victorian Postman and Children Posting a Letter 1895
Vintage engraving of a little boy and girl giving a letter to a Royal Mail postman as he collects the mail from a letter box. The Prize 1895

Background imageMail Collection: Medieval Arms And Armor

Medieval Arms And Armor
Engraving shows two examples of medieval armor, on the left is a specimen from the late 13th and early 14th Century as depicted on the arms of Hugh of Chatillon which includes a broigne

Background imageMail Collection: Post Office

Post Office
25th January 1963: The Post Office at Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire. (Photo by Reg Speller/Fox Photos/Getty Images)

Background imageMail Collection: At sign on a computer keyboard, symbolic image for the internet

At sign on a computer keyboard, symbolic image for the internet

Background imageMail Collection: Bristol

Two postmen stroll down Royal York Crescent in Bristol, 29th May 1954. Original Publication : Picture Post - 7170 - The Best and Worst of British Cities 5: Bristol, Straight Faced City - pub

Background imageMail Collection: Elderly man, smiling, sitting on front porch step, reading letter

Elderly man, smiling, sitting on front porch step, reading letter
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1940s: Elderly man, smiling, sitting on front porch step, reading letter

Background imageMail Collection: Elderly man standing by fence in yard, opening envelope and taking out cheque

Elderly man standing by fence in yard, opening envelope and taking out cheque
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Elderly man standing by fence in yard, opening envelope and taking out cheque

Background imageMail Collection: Carrying The Mail In The Far West

Carrying The Mail In The Far West
(Original Caption) 1871-Mail delivery in the far west. Carrrying the mail. Woodcut, 1871

Background imageMail Collection: Chicago Postman

Chicago Postman
(Original Caption) 1891-Chicago, IL: Letter carrier in Chicago, 1891. Photograph by Krausz. BPA2# 2936

Background imageMail Collection: Horse And Coach Leaving To Deliver Mail

Horse And Coach Leaving To Deliver Mail
(Original Caption) Inauguration of the Penny Post. First dispatch arrives at Waterloo Station. Photograph

Background imageMail Collection: Woman Mail Carrier On Motorcycle

Woman Mail Carrier On Motorcycle
(Original Caption) English woman mail carrier on motorcycle during World War II. Photograph. BPA2# 3135

Background imageMail Collection: Children Look At Various Valentines

Children Look At Various Valentines
(Original Caption) Valentinie party, New England, ca. 1900. Appraising the mail

Background imageMail Collection: Close-Up Of Letter Box

Close-Up Of Letter Box
(Original Caption) Close-up of a letter box. Undated photograph

Background imageMail Collection: Row Of Mailboxes On Rural Street

Row Of Mailboxes On Rural Street
(Original Caption) 10/25/1940-Inviolable as a man's home are these mailboxes and all other means by which people spread the printed and spoken word

Background imageMail Collection: Mailcoach W/Passengers; Horse And Carria

Mailcoach W/Passengers; Horse And Carria
(Original Caption) Spearfish mailcoach on its way to Deadwood, South Dakota

Background imageMail Collection: Sea Plane Flying over Ship

Sea Plane Flying over Ship
(Original Caption) The mail-plane catapulted from the "Bremen" 700 miles off-shore

Background imageMail Collection: Close Up Of A Mail Box

Close Up Of A Mail Box
(Original Caption) Picture shows a 34 view of a US postal mail box close up. Undated photo circa 1950s

Background imageMail Collection: American Soldiers at Mail Call

American Soldiers at Mail Call
(Original Caption) Scene in a Spanish American War Army camp. American soldiers are shown during mail call. Photograph circa 1898

Background imageMail Collection: Mailmen with Early Mail Truck

Mailmen with Early Mail Truck
(Original Caption) Picking up the mail. undated Photograph. BPA2# 2946

Background imageMail Collection: The Morning Mail

The Morning Mail
(Original Caption) The morning mail. Postman outside of house hands a little child mail

Background imageMail Collection: U.S. mail truck delivering gold

U.S. mail truck delivering gold
United States mail truck delivering gold sent by parcels post to the Sub Treasury

Background imageMail Collection: Mail Carrying, Derby Winning Dogsled Team

Mail Carrying, Derby Winning Dogsled Team
(Original Caption) 1916-Ruby, AL: U.S. Mail Carrier: Jack Lamont's dog-sled racing team, Ruby, Alaska. Winner of the 1915 Ruby Derby. Photograph, 1916. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageMail Collection: Mail Carriers In Front Of Tent

Mail Carriers In Front Of Tent
(Original Caption) 5/24/1916- Campaign against Pancho Villa. First mail from the states, American field headquarters near Mariquira, May 24, 1916

Background imageMail Collection: Mailman Delivering Packages to Woman

Mailman Delivering Packages to Woman
A mailman delivers packages to a young woman. Photograph circa 1917

Background imageMail Collection: Mail Biplane Flying over Mountains

Mail Biplane Flying over Mountains
A Boeing 40A express mail plane flies over an expanse of mountains in the late 1920s

Background imageMail Collection: Roller Skating Mail Clerks

Roller Skating Mail Clerks
(Original Caption) 4/8/1920-Chicago, IL: The Chicago Post Office has adopted roller skates for its clerks as they enable them to work more rapidly, thereby saving valuable time

Background imageMail Collection: Mail-Order Brides from Greece

Mail-Order Brides from Greece
(Original Caption) 1/21/1921-New York, NY: "Picture Brides" arrive from Greece to wed here--Five of the 300 "Picture Brides" who arrived in New York the other day on the S.S

Background imageMail Collection: Stenographer Working at Cluttered Desk

Stenographer Working at Cluttered Desk
(Original Caption) 1/23/1925-Washington, DC-: Representative A

Background imageMail Collection: Leon Cuddenback W/Mail Biplane He Pilots

Leon Cuddenback W/Mail Biplane He Pilots
(Original Caption) COMMERCIAL FLYING OPENS: In 1926, single-engined, open-cockpit Swallow biplanes were used by Varney Air Lines, a predecessor of United Air Lines

Background imageMail Collection: Men and Women Empty Sacks Of Mail

Men and Women Empty Sacks Of Mail
Workers from Philadelphia American League of Baseball sort through ticket requests to the upcoming World Series

Background imageMail Collection: Vintage Mailbox

Vintage Mailbox
(Original Caption) Close-up of a mailbox. Undated photograph

Background imageMail Collection: Postal Worker Sorting Mail

Postal Worker Sorting Mail
(Original Caption) A postal worker sorts mail by hand. Undated photograph

Background imageMail Collection: Men Place Mail in Pneumatic Tube Machine

Men Place Mail in Pneumatic Tube Machine
(Original Caption) 1/30/1930- The pneumatic tubes used to speed airmail between airports and post offices

Background imageMail Collection: Carrier Pigeon Used in an Experiment

Carrier Pigeon Used in an Experiment
Carrier pigeons are used in an experiment conducted by novelist Ethel Hueston and Lieutenant Carter W. Clark. The birds carried paper money in a specially designed pouch

Background imageMail Collection: William Boeing Testifying

William Boeing Testifying
(Original Caption) 2/6/1934-Washington, DC- William E. Boeing, Pacific Coast airplane manufacturer, is shown as he testified before the Senate Air Mail Committee in Washington, Feb

Background imageMail Collection: Baseball Player Joe DiMaggio with Mail Carrier

Baseball Player Joe DiMaggio with Mail Carrier
(Original Caption) Joe DiMaggio, holdout slugger of the New York Yankees, who let his team open the season without him, is shown here chatting with the postman who, DiMaggio had hoped

Background imageMail Collection: Hank Greenberg In Robe Reading Fan Mail

Hank Greenberg In Robe Reading Fan Mail
(Original Caption) 11/9/1939-New York, NY: Hank Greenberg, $30, 000-a-year first baseman for the Detroit Tigers

Background imageMail Collection: Letter on a Postal Scale

Letter on a Postal Scale
(Original Caption) A letter resting on a postal scale. Undated photograph

Background imageMail Collection: Post Office Boxes

Post Office Boxes
(Original Caption) A wall of post office boxes and a sheet of paper advertising U.S. government bonds. Undated photograph

Background imageMail Collection: Spencer Tracey Goes Through Mail Outside

Spencer Tracey Goes Through Mail Outside
(Original Caption) 7/26/1940- Actor Spencer Tracey sits outside in a chair and goes through his mail

Background imageMail Collection: Worker In Post Office Inspects Envelopes

Worker In Post Office Inspects Envelopes
(Original Caption) 5/14/1942-New York, NY- Experts in the Office of Censorship in New York where Foreign mail is cleared

Background imageMail Collection: Censors Open Mail In Huge Room

Censors Open Mail In Huge Room
(Original Caption) 5/14/1942-New York, New York- Experts in the office of Censorshp in New York where foreign mail is cleared

Background imageMail Collection: Woman Looking At Writing On Letter;Espio

Woman Looking At Writing On Letter;Espio
(Original Caption) 5/14/1942-New York, NY- Experts in the Office of Censorship in New York where Foreign mail is cleared

Background imageMail Collection: Veronica Lake Mailing a Letter

Veronica Lake Mailing a Letter
(Original Caption) 12/6/1942-New York, New York- First thing Miss. Lake did on her day off in New York was to mail a letter to her husband, John Detlie, and Elaine, her 14-month-old daughter

Background imageMail Collection: Mother Buying a Toy for Her Daughter

Mother Buying a Toy for Her Daughter
(Original Caption) 12/6/1942- Veronica's next stop was at a toy store, where she bought a big cuddly poodle for Elaine, who can't read Mommy's letters yet

Background imageMail Collection: Woman Writing V-Mail Letter with Baby Picture

Woman Writing V-Mail Letter with Baby Picture
(Original Caption) 6/25/1943- The latest V-mail innovation permits you to send baby's picture to daddy at the front

Background imageMail Collection: Man Operating High Speed Sorting Machine

Man Operating High Speed Sorting Machine
(Original Caption) 8/22/1943-RING-A ROSY... Actually, this is a high-speed machine, one of several, for quickly sorting completed authorizations. William Cole, of Atlanta, GA. is the operator

Background imageMail Collection: Seated Clerks Look Through and Sort Mail

Seated Clerks Look Through and Sort Mail
(Original Caption) 8/22/1943-READERS... Long rows of O.D.B. clerks read every piece of mail that comes in. Applications, complaints, etc. are attended to promptly, sorted, filed, and acknowledged

Background imageMail Collection: Mail Arrives from Home

Mail Arrives from Home
These Japs, nearly all of full Japanese descent, were Hawaiian bred and are now fighting in their own unit with the U.S. Infantry forces somewhere in Italy

Background imageMail Collection: Postmaster Looking at Packages

Postmaster Looking at Packages
Postmaster Ernest J. Kruetgen inspects packages at a mail distribution center. The packages must be delivered to servicemen overseas before Christmas

Background imageMail Collection: Pfc. Celistino Faris Reading His Mail

Pfc. Celistino Faris Reading His Mail
(Original Caption) The lucky man of this trio is Pfc. Celistino Faris, of San Antonio, Texas. He is the one who received mail from home. He is reading his letter to Pvt

Background imageMail Collection: Child Reaching into Mailbox

Child Reaching into Mailbox
(Original Caption) A small child, June Metzger, reaches up to place a letter in a mailbox on a street corner. Ca. 1945-1960

Background imageMail Collection: Postal Workers Picket in Horse Wagon

Postal Workers Picket in Horse Wagon
(Original Caption) 2/22/1946-Detroit, Michigan- Mail carriers, who spend most of their day walking, are riding for a change

Background imageMail Collection: McCarthy Opens Congratulatory Telegrams

McCarthy Opens Congratulatory Telegrams
Circuit Judge Joseph McCarthy, of Appleton, 37-year-old former Marine Captain, opens congratulatory telegrams in his quarters, after his primary election victory over Senator Robert LaFollette, Jr

Background imageMail Collection: Clear Plastic Mailbox In Tucson

Clear Plastic Mailbox In Tucson
(Original Caption) 12/17/1948- Tucson, AZ: Mail's in. Jane McIntosh happily reads her mail after retrieving it from a plastic mail box

Background imageMail Collection: Men's Summer Underwear in Sears Catalog

Men's Summer Underwear in Sears Catalog
(Original Caption) Page of Sear's catalogue, advertising men's summer underwear. Undated. BPA#2 5097, 5098

Background imageMail Collection: Mail Wagon Making Deliveries in Winter

Mail Wagon Making Deliveries in Winter
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Horse-drawn mail wagon making deliveries during winter, New York City. Photograph, ca. 1900

Background imageMail Collection: African Mailman Carrying Letter in Earlobe

African Mailman Carrying Letter in Earlobe
(Original Caption) African mailman carries letter in his earlobe. Undated photograph. BPA2# 2937

Background imageMail Collection: George L Boyle After First Mail Flight

George L Boyle After First Mail Flight
(Original Caption) Lt. George L. Boyle (left) made the first aerial mail from Washington. On the right is major in charge of the airplane service

Background imageMail Collection: Postal Worker Loads Packages Into Plane

Postal Worker Loads Packages Into Plane
(Original Caption) Photo shows a postal worker loading packages into the cargo area of a United AirLines. Ca 1940s

Background imageMail Collection: Children Mailing Letter

Children Mailing Letter
(Original Caption) William J. Metzger: Children mailing a letter. Undated photograph. BPA2 #2945

Background imageMail Collection: Stagecoach for Delivering Mail

Stagecoach for Delivering Mail
(Original Caption) New York- Sharon Springs U.S. Mail Coach. Ca. late 19th century

Background imageMail Collection: Mailman Emptying Box

Mailman Emptying Box
(Original Caption) Undated. Amherst, OH. Mail collection

Background imageMail Collection: Postal Scale and Package

Postal Scale and Package
(Original Caption) Photo shows a postal scale. Undated

Background imageMail Collection: Desk Model Postage Meter

Desk Model Postage Meter
(Original Caption) The first "desk model" postage meter, little larger than a dial phone, yet a complete metered mailing machine that stamps and seals mails of all classes, is shown here

Background imageMail Collection: Illustration of Pony Express Rider on Horse

Illustration of Pony Express Rider on Horse
(Original Caption) Pony express rider. Undated watercolor illustration

Background imageMail Collection: Pony Express Rider Riding

Pony Express Rider Riding
(Original Caption) Illustration of a Pony Express rider, running his horse across the plains. Undated Illustration. BPA 2#755

Background imageMail Collection: Workers In Postal Railroad Car

Workers In Postal Railroad Car
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting the interior of a railroad postal car. Workers sort and gather mail. Undated engraving

Background imageMail Collection: Indians Attacking Us Mail Coach

Indians Attacking Us Mail Coach
(Original Caption) Indians attacking United States Overland mail coach. Woodcut

Background imageMail Collection: Postman Collects Mail in New York

Postman Collects Mail in New York
Postal Carrier and Postmaster collect mail from a newly designed light pole and matching letter box on Park Avenue and 50th Street in New York city

Background imageMail Collection: Girl Mailing Letter

Girl Mailing Letter
(Original Caption) Teenager Maxine Maddox puts a bundle of letters into the letter box on the street. Photo circa 1950

Background imageMail Collection: Soldiers Reading Mail During Korean War

Soldiers Reading Mail During Korean War
(Original Caption) 11/15/1950-Korea- There is no soldier who isn't delighted to receive mail from home. But the outward effects may be vastly different. In this group of U.S

Background imageMail Collection: People at Line of Mailboxes

People at Line of Mailboxes
(Original Caption) 10/5/1953-Syracuse, NY: The postman rings 119 times at this rural spot in the Fairmont Hills section of Syracuse

Background imageMail Collection: Scientist Bottling Radioactive Isotopes

Scientist Bottling Radioactive Isotopes
A scientist carefully bottles isotopes with robotic arms from behind a protective wall at the Radiochemical Centre, one of the largest pharmaceutical factories in the world

Background imageMail Collection: Speedy Mail Service

Speedy Mail Service
Postmaster general J. Edward Day (left) shows Representative Edward R

Background imageMail Collection: Frank Gifford And Family Show Xmas Cards

Frank Gifford And Family Show Xmas Cards
(Original Caption) 12/18/1963-New York: Giants football star and television sportcaster Frank Gifford and his family pitch into the happy chore of opening their Christmas mail

Background imageMail Collection: George Harrison's 21st Birthday

George Harrison's 21st Birthday
George Harrison smokes a cigar and holds birthday cards sent to him by fans

Background imageMail Collection: American Soldier Burning His Mail In Vietnam

American Soldier Burning His Mail In Vietnam
Sergeant Robert L. Morningstar on Hill 881 North in Khe Sanh burns his mail to keep it from the North Vietnamese in case of capture

Background imageMail Collection: Sgt.J.Authenrieth Reads Christmas Mail

Sgt.J.Authenrieth Reads Christmas Mail
(Original Caption) December 22, 1970-Mail Call---Chu Lai, South Vietnam: Sgt. John Autenrieth of Valparaiso, Ind. reads Christmas mail from home at command post eight miles west of here Dec. 14th

Background imageMail Collection: Alexander the Great on Greek stamp isolated in black

Alexander the Great on Greek stamp isolated in black
alexander, ancient, concept, conceptual, great, greek, historical, history, icon, isolated, king, macedonia, macedonian, mail, object, old, philately, portrait, postage, postal, stamp

Background imageMail Collection: Joe Namath

Joe Namath
The worst season in the Jets 15-year history is finally over, quarterback, Joe Namath picks up his mail at the team's camp at Hofstra University

Background imageMail Collection: Rabbi Provides Mail Order Service

Rabbi Provides Mail Order Service
Rabbi Herschel I. Strauss holds a Torah from a range of sizes and prices available in his catalog of Jewish related accessories, which he sends to some 35, 000 customers

Background imageMail Collection: Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith

Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith
(Original Caption) - Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, a famous Australian aviator, reaches Los Angeles, California, a passenger from Auckland, New Zealandn on the Liner Monteray

Background imageMail Collection: Mail Carrier

Mail Carrier

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