Dane King Frederik and Queen Ingrid(Original Caption) 10/7/1960-San Rafael, CA- Visting Danish Home for the Aged here, 10/7
Cairns lead the way through harsh alpine zone landscape around Moir Huts campsiteVisitors to Africas tallest mountain and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world, Mount Kilimanjaro, pass through five distinct vegetation zones as they climb in altitude--bushlands, forest
Shipping channel marker on the Elbe river, Teufelsbrueck, Hamburg, Germany, Europe
Old boundary stone on the summit of Mt. Belchen in the Black Forest, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Trail marker on a tree next to a drywall, Creux du Van, Boudry, Canton NeuchAzAtel, Switzerland, Europe
Marker buoy
A yellow and a black pencil crossing out the letterings Familien, Hartz IV and Rente, German for families, Hartz IV, a German unemployment benefit, and pension
Night shot, full moon over Lake Berglimattsee with illuminated tent and sign post, Glarus Alps, Canton Glarus, Switzerland, Europe