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Measuring Collection

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Colossus Of Rhodes

Colossus Of Rhodes
The Colossus of Rhodes, a giant statue of the sun god Helios measuring 34 metres, towers over the islands harbour, circa 250 BC

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Spectroscope (c. 1860) by Bunsen and Kirchhoff, published in 1880

Spectroscope (c. 1860) by Bunsen and Kirchhoff, published in 1880
Spectroscope by Robert Bunsen (German chemist, 1811 - 1899) and Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (German physicist, 1824 - 1884)

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Bus Driver

Bus Driver
March 1929: A set of instruments on a bus route survey vehicle for measuring distance, gradient and camber on roads used by the London General Omnibus Companys fleet of buses

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Seaman looking at sea map and holding pair of compasses

Seaman looking at sea map and holding pair of compasses

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Egg timer

Egg timer

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Male doctor taking blood pressure of male patient

Male doctor taking blood pressure of male patient
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1930s: Male doctor taking blood pressure of male patient

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Two businessmen standing in front of chart graphic

Two businessmen standing in front of chart graphic
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1960s: Two businessmen standing in front of chart graphic, pointing to line, peaks and valleys showing growth

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Color Print of Wharf Workers Measuring Whale Oil Content in Barrels

Color Print of Wharf Workers Measuring Whale Oil Content in Barrels
(Original Caption) Whale Fishing in New England. Scene shows wharf workers measuring the quantity of whale oil contained in each barrel

Background imageMeasuring Collection: The Young Heir Taking Possession from the Series A Rake's Progress by William Hogarth

The Young Heir Taking Possession from the Series A Rake's Progress by William Hogarth
(Original Caption) The Rake's Progress. The young heir takes possession of the miser's effects

Background imageMeasuring Collection: 17th-Century German Calendar Watch

17th-Century German Calendar Watch
A German calendar watch made in 1630. The watch features multiple dials showing day of the week, month, moon phase and other information

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Measuring A Base W/Wire And Wieghts

Measuring A Base W/Wire And Wieghts
(Original Caption) Surveying--Measurement of a base by means of a wire: The apparatus shown stretches the wire by means of weights

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Print Depicting Scholars Using Astronomical and Surveying Instruments

Print Depicting Scholars Using Astronomical and Surveying Instruments
1553-Astronomy: Astronomical and Surveying Instruments used by scholars. (Mathematics) From Apianus Instrument Book

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Kantorovitz's Measuring Device

Kantorovitz's Measuring Device
(Original Caption) Kantorovitz's garment measuring device. Woodcut, 1895. BPA2# 4960

Background imageMeasuring Collection: People Using Alcohol Thermometer

People Using Alcohol Thermometer
(Original Caption) Thermometer: Measuring the temperature by way of alcohol thermometer, a favorite pastime of the old time country fair, Paris. Woodcut, 1854

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Men In Locker Room Look @ Measuring Tape

Men In Locker Room Look @ Measuring Tape
(Original Caption) Photo shows men in the locker room of Willie Pep looking at measuring tape before fight. Undated. (Photo by AS400 DB/Bettmann Archive)

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Early Seismologist Listening to Volcano

Early Seismologist Listening to Volcano
Seismologist Frank A. Perret listens to the rumblings of the Solfatar Volcano in Italy. He uses an amplifier aimed at the ground. | Location: Solfatara Volcano, near Pozzuoli, Italy

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Policewomen Checking Length Violations

Policewomen Checking Length Violations
(Original Caption) 1921-Chicago, Illinois- Chicago policewomen checking for violations of the bathing-suit-length laws

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Woman In Costume, Man Measures Other's Leg

Woman In Costume, Man Measures Other's Leg
(Original Caption) 8/8/1921- Several hundred of New York's fairest young women applied for places in the Beauties of History tableaux which will be part of the Moulin Rouge Show this season

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Woman Measuring Long Hair In Contest

Woman Measuring Long Hair In Contest
(Original Caption) 1/12/1926-Los Angeles, CA-: OOH, LOOK AT THE FUNNY LADIES! Despite the vogue for short hair, it is still possible to find some girls with long hair as this photo shows

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Woman Has Wide-Cuffs Of Trousers Measure

Woman Has Wide-Cuffs Of Trousers Measure
(Original Caption) 1/29/1926-New York, NY- Miss Tessie Greenfield is shown here proving to the public that the wider the trousers the more collegiate the wearer

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Engineer Taking Measurement

Engineer Taking Measurement
(Original Caption) 10/6/1929: Engineer A.N

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Michelson Vacuum Tube

Michelson Vacuum Tube
(Original Caption) 12/12/1930-Pasadena, CA- View of the mile-long vacuum tube through which light will be flashed, reflected, refracted, and deflected in experiments by Dr. A.A

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Dr. Pease With His Mega-Telescope

Dr. Pease With His Mega-Telescope
(Original Caption) 12/29/1930- San Diego, CA: Combing the heavens- for new star dust. By means of this new 50 foot Michaelson Pease Interferometer, Dr. G.F. Pease above of Mt

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Researchers Measuring Golf Ball Speed at General Electric Laboratory

Researchers Measuring Golf Ball Speed at General Electric Laboratory
(Original Caption) 1932-Schenectady, NY- The phototube, or "Electric Eye, " has just been put to the task of measuring the speed of a driver as it connects with a golf ball

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Sergeant Measuring Soldiers For Shoes

Sergeant Measuring Soldiers For Shoes
(Original Caption) 1935-Camp Dix, New Jersey: C.C.C. boys go on new footing: Sergeant Joe Elliott measuring new members of the Civilian Conservation Corps in Camp Dix, N.J. for shoes. Photograph

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Men Taking Joe Louis Chest Measurements

Men Taking Joe Louis Chest Measurements
(Original Caption) 5/3/1936-Left to right: John Roxborough, Joe Louis and Jack Blackborough. They are shown taking the measuremnt of Joe Louis chest

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Tailor With Tallest Man, Robert Wadlow

Tailor With Tallest Man, Robert Wadlow
(Original Caption) 12/15/1936-Chicago, IL- Business is looking up. Chicago, ILL

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Officials Measuring Beauty Pageant Contestant

Officials Measuring Beauty Pageant Contestant
(Original Caption) Selig Rocheisier, left, and Nils Grantlund, right, take the measurements of Myra Stevens, second place winner, during the modern Venus Contest at Steeplechase Park in Coney Island

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Beauty Points of Attack

Beauty Points of Attack
Before the re-sculpturing process starts

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Ruth Jones With Psychograph

Ruth Jones With Psychograph
(Original Caption) 4/9/1938- Chicago, Il: Want your head examined? Ruth Jones is not having a permanent here, although it looks like it

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Comedians Measure Beauty Contest Winner

Comedians Measure Beauty Contest Winner
(Original Caption) 8/1/1939-Coney Island, NY- Milton Berle(left), comedian, and George Hale, impressario of a dancing troupe, measure the charms of Miss Grayce Reilly

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Comedians Measure Beauty Contest Winner

Comedians Measure Beauty Contest Winner
(Original Caption) 8/1/1939-Coney Island, NY- Milton Berle(left), comedian, and George Hale, impressario of a dancing troupe, measure the charms of Miss Grayce Reilly

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Milton Berle Gets Measured by Grayce Reilly

Milton Berle Gets Measured by Grayce Reilly
(Original Caption) 8/1/1939-Coney Island, NY- Comedian Milton Berle, gets measured by Miss Grayce Reilly, winner of the Modern Venus Bathing Beauty Pageant, while George Hale looks on

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Measuring Land with Wooden Calipers

Measuring Land with Wooden Calipers
(Original Caption) 11/11/1939-Belostok, Poland- With a representative of the Moscow government supervising matters (R)

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Balloons To Measure Cosmic Rays

Balloons To Measure Cosmic Rays
(Original Caption) 12/19/1940-Chicago, IL: Lifting 41 pounds of scientific apparatus, 21 oxygen filled ballloons take to the air at the University of Chicago's Stagg Field, as part of Dr

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Doctor Tests Flexibility Of Student

Doctor Tests Flexibility Of Student
(Original Caption) 1/12/1941- For Flexability. Dr.Thomas Cureton is conducting a flexability test on student Malcolm Stewart

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Inventor of the Tan-O-Meter on Beach

Inventor of the Tan-O-Meter on Beach
(Original Caption) 7/7/1941-Rye, NY- Choose the color you wish to be and find out just how to get that way with the aid of the Tan-O-Meter

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Washington Monument

Washington Monument
Workmen examine the Washington Monument's aluminum cap and lightning arrester

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Joe Louis Receiving Army Physical Exam

Joe Louis Receiving Army Physical Exam
(Original Caption) 1/12/42-New York, New York: It's six feet and two inches of champion Joe Louis, as he was measured by Sgt

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Measuring Pompadour Hairdo with Ruler

Measuring Pompadour Hairdo with Ruler
(Original Caption) 8/11/1945- As can be seen at a glance here, Dolly Dawn's hair-do measures 11 inches from the nape of the neck to the tip of the crown. High fashion

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Workman Measures Food Ration For Woman

Workman Measures Food Ration For Woman
(Original Caption) 7/2/1946-Tokyo, Japan-A workman is shown measuring the amount of food handed out in individual rations of the largest single amount of U.S

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Bob Feller Throws Fastball To Machine

Bob Feller Throws Fastball To Machine
(Original Caption) 8/21/1946-Washington, D.C.: Sports writers are fond of comparing the fast ball tossed by Bob Feller, Cleveland Indians pitcher, to a bullet. Just for the record, the U.S

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Sam Snead Watching Officials Measure

Sam Snead Watching Officials Measure
(Original Caption) 6/19/1947-St. Louis, MO- Here is the tense moment on the 18th green during the final playoff of the U.S

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Emma Reed and Alice Coachman Practice

Emma Reed and Alice Coachman Practice
(Original Caption) 1948-London, England-Emma Reed (L), of Tennessee and Alice Coachman of Georgia (measuring the highjump), members of the U.S

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Entomologist Measuring Cockroach Size

Entomologist Measuring Cockroach Size
Pennsylvania State entomologist Stanley Green uses calipers to measure the winning two inch long cockroach submitted by Antonio Gonzalez of New York's Lower East Side for the Great American Roach

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Man placing pedometer on females leg

Man placing pedometer on females leg. Globe Theatre, New York City, New York State, USA. March 28, 1922

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Seismometer

(Original Caption) View of a seismometer, a seismetric apparatus for determing the vertical shift during earthquakes. Undated photograph

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Woman W/Prettiest Legs / Contest Winner

Woman W/Prettiest Legs / Contest Winner
(Original Caption) : WINS PRETTY LEG CONTEST. Limbs are limbs, but these are outstanding according to judges in a pretty leg contest in New York, in which many girls took part

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Winner Of Fat Man's Contest

Winner Of Fat Man's Contest
(Original Caption) Winner of Fat Man's Contest, ca. 1900. Photograph

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Albert Michelson Seated At Desk

Albert Michelson Seated At Desk
(Original Caption) Portrait of German-born American physicist and Nobel Prize winner Albert Michelson seated at desk. Undated photograph

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Woman Getting Measurements Taken

Woman Getting Measurements Taken
(Original Caption) Gainesville, SC: Gainseville women pitched in by stitching far into the night, turning out glamourous costumes for such lovelies as Imogene Kaps, high school student-aerialist

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Surveyor Looking Through Instrument

Surveyor Looking Through Instrument
(Original Caption) View of surveyor at work, 1920. He is shown here full length, looking through the eyepiece of a tripod-mounted instrument

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Boys Measuring Each Other

Boys Measuring Each Other
(Original Caption) Boys measuring each other. Models: Robert Allan Putnam, Robert Martin Corbett

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Man Measuring Cloth With Yardstick

Man Measuring Cloth With Yardstick
(Original Caption) Photo shows a man measuring cloth with a yardstick. Undated

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Barograph Open to Reveal Needle Register

Barograph Open to Reveal Needle Register
(Original Caption) Barograph used to determine the trend of the pressure change although immediate pressure changes are available

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Boys Measuring Height

Boys Measuring Height
(Original Caption) Robert Allan Putnam and Robert Martin Corbett take turns measuring each others height against a chart tacked to a wall. Photo circa 1950

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Trajectory of Mickey Mantle's Home Run

Trajectory of Mickey Mantle's Home Run
(Original Caption) New York, NY: Converging arrows show the spot where a prodigious home run blasted by Mickey Mantle landed

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Tycho Brahe: Astronomer and Maker of Instruments by Jan Blaeu

Tycho Brahe: Astronomer and Maker of Instruments by Jan Blaeu
Tycho Brahe (1546-1601), Danish astronomer, in his observatory. Undated engraving

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Tycho Brahe: Astonomer and Maker of Instruments by Jan Blaeu

Tycho Brahe: Astonomer and Maker of Instruments by Jan Blaeu
1602-Engraving of Danish astronomer Tycho de Brahe (1546-1601) in his observatory

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Tailor Measuring Leg Of Customer Ca 1880

Tailor Measuring Leg Of Customer Ca 1880
(Original Caption) ca. 1880-Tailor measuring customer's trouser length, "tailor made". Woodcut

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Proportion Of Man by Albrecht Durer

Proportion Of Man by Albrecht Durer
(Original Caption) Durer's proportion of man. Undated engraving

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Illustration of Tangent Galvanometer

Illustration of Tangent Galvanometer
An engraving from 1886 showing the great tangent galvanometer at Cornell University. | Location: Ithica, New York, USA

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Hand & Foot Measurements--Wood Engraving

Hand & Foot Measurements--Wood Engraving
(Original Caption) Wood engravings from Esholz's "Antropometria" of 1663, depicting the relation of foot and hand measurements to the constellations. BPA2 #1875

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Illustration of a Man Using a Large Sextant

Illustration of a Man Using a Large Sextant
(Original Caption) 1647-Copper engraving of young astronomer measuring the position of the sun with a mirror sextant

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Man Spinning Electro Magnet Galvometer

Man Spinning Electro Magnet Galvometer
(Original Caption) - Current produced by conductor revolving in the filed of a powerful electro-magnet. Effect of current shown by galvanometer index displaced to right of scale

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Man W/Sextant, Ships In Backgrd

Man W/Sextant, Ships In Backgrd
(Original Caption) Illustration of medieval taking navigational measurements with ships in the background. He stands at the shoreline using a sextant to measure the position of a celestial body

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Surveying Apparatus--Commercial Illus

Surveying Apparatus--Commercial Illus
(Original Caption) Commercial illustration depicting the "12-INCH COAST SURVEY THEODOLITE, NO. 13, for primary triangulation." Price and detailed description appear beneath

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Surveyors Measuring Mountain--Illus

Surveyors Measuring Mountain--Illus
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting the measurement of Whiteface Mountain using a spirit level and graduated rod. Undated

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Surveying A River -- Engraving

Surveying A River -- Engraving
(Original Caption) Illustration showing the process of surveying a river from land. Undated engraving

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Sketch of human proportion by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Sketch of human proportion by Michelangelo Buonarroti
Pen and ink sketch of human proportions by Michelangelo (1474-1564). Undated illustration

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Tycho Brahe: Astonomer and Maker of Instruments by Jan Blaeu

Tycho Brahe: Astonomer and Maker of Instruments by Jan Blaeu
Tycho Brahe in his observatory on the Island of Hven, 1602. Engraving

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Medieval Astronomer Taking Measurements

Medieval Astronomer Taking Measurements
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting a medieval astronomer taking measurements from land. Ships are visible in the background. Undated

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Engraving of the 1878 Invention, the Hat Conformator

Engraving of the 1878 Invention, the Hat Conformator
(Original Caption) The hat conformator and its diagrams

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Illustration Of Optical Apparatus

Illustration Of Optical Apparatus
(Original Caption) Engraving depicting an apparatus devised by Albert Michelson to measure the speed of light. Undated illustration

Background imageMeasuring Collection: 'Metered Man' -- 17Th Century Woodcut

"Metered Man" -- 17Th Century Woodcut
(Original Caption) Seventeenth century woodcut entitled "Metered Man, " depicting a man standing with a meter stick

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Jacob'S Surveying Staff -- Woodcut

Jacob'S Surveying Staff -- Woodcut
(Original Caption) Illustration depicting Jacob's surveying staff. Woodcut after Koebel, 1531

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Public Health Worker Measures Air Pollution

Public Health Worker Measures Air Pollution
A US Public Health Service worker measures samples of air pollution form the American Steel and Wire Company's zinc works in Donora during a four day test

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Carnival Weight Guessing Machine

Carnival Weight Guessing Machine
(Original Caption) Picture shows a weight guessing machine at a carnival with a "Cupie Doll" as a prize. Undated photo circa 1950s

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Picasso Measuring Bardot'S Head

Picasso Measuring Bardot'S Head
(Original Caption) France: Picasso and Brigitte Bardot: The painter studying proportion of Bardot's head. From film made in France in the 1950's

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Physicists Measuring Radioactivity

Physicists Measuring Radioactivity
The Brookhaven National Laboratory will make available thousand-curie sources of Gamma radiation for research into industry use.A technician stands behind a wall as he removes the plug from a 1

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Man Measuring Dinosaur Footprint

Man Measuring Dinosaur Footprint
(Original Caption) 6/1/1952- FOOTPRINTS- Discoverer of the dinosaur tracks of Texas, Roland T. Bird measures one of the gigantic footprints

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Radiation Detection Device

Radiation Detection Device
(Original Caption) 8/5/1952-New York, NY: If an atomic bomb should fall and you are somewhere about, this little gadget, called an atometer, is for you

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Actress Joan Vohs Standing Against T-Square Ruler

Actress Joan Vohs Standing Against T-Square Ruler
As a result of extensive screen tests for an actress with the perfect physical dimensions for three-dimensional films

Background imageMeasuring Collection: Comparison of Mamie Van Doren and Marilyn Monroe

Comparison of Mamie Van Doren and Marilyn Monroe
(Original Caption) For comparison's sake, here's how Mamie Von Doren and Marilyn Monroe shape up. Mamie is a little shorter, and weighs a few pounds less

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