Mesopotamia, Ur, ziggurat
3000 BC Cuneiform writing on clay slab, front view
Illustrated map of Indus Valley civilisation
Map of Eden and Mount Ararat, copperplate engraving, published 1774A Map of the Situation of the Garden of Eden as also of Mount Ararat whereon the Ark rested. Copperplate engraving, published in 1774
Antique map of the Middle East by Halma
Illustration of strip of land known as the fertile crescent which stretched from Egypt through Canaan and Mesopotamia to Babylonia in the Old Testament
Illustration of map highlighting Indus Valley region and ancient tablet showing water buffalo
Illustration of ancient city of Babylon
Detail of the Stele of Ur-NammuA detail of the Stele of Ur-Nammu showing King Ur-Nammu making an offering to the moon god Nannar. The stele dates to ca. 2060 B.C
Mesopotamia, warriors riding chariot, side viewHistory, Asia, Early Civilisations, Mesopotamia, Assyrian Empire, Hunting Lions, Chariot, Ancient, Arrows, Attacking, Bows, Chariots, Combat, Galloping, Horses, Riding, Shooting, Spokes, Warriors
Illustration of Ziggurat, Ur, Mesopotamia
Digital illustration of the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia and Egypt and location of first towns
Illustrated map of ancient Sumer with rivers Tigris and Euphrates
Illustration of ancient Sumerian next to a map highlighting ancient Sumer
Baghdad, capital of Iraq, steel engraving, published in 1885Baghdad, capital of Iraq. 19th century view. Steel engraving, published in 1885
Illustration of terracotta amulet showing a trading ship, Mohenjo-Daro, Indus Valley
Mohammedan empire map 1883Encyclopedia Britannica 9th Edition New York Samuel L. Hall 1883 Vol XVI
Illustration of reconstruction of Columned Hall and Cone Mosaic Court, Uruk, Southern Mesopotamia (3500-3000 BC)
Illustration of a tablet from Ur, Mesopotamia
Mesopotamian plain and minaret of the Great Mosque Ulu Camii, Mardin, Southeastern Anatolia Region, Anatolia, Turkey
Historic centre of Mardin, Southeastern Anatolia Region, Anatolia, Turkey
Mardin, a city in south Turkey on a rocky hill near the Tigris River