Campaign Medal for James GarfieldA campaign medal praises James A. Garfield as "Soldier, Statesman, President." Garfield was elected in 1880 and served until July 1881, when he was shot and seriously wounded
Campaign Items for Benjamin HarrisonSouvenirs from the 1888 presidential campaign of Benjamin Harrison include medals and buttons that praise the political virtues of Harrison and his running mate, Levi P. Morton
Theodore Roosevelt Campaign ButtonA silver moose hangs from a button with Theodore Roosevelt's portrait
Cleveland and Thurman Campaign Buttons, 1888A campaign button for the Cleveland - Thurman ticket of 1888 features portraits of the two candidates as well as a rooster. Benjamin Harrison defeated Cleveland in the presidential election
McKinley Presidential Campaign ButtonsCampaign buttons featuring candidate William McKinley promise "Protection" and "Home Rule" in the 1896 election
McKinley and Roosevelt Campaign ButtonsPortraits of Thomas McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt adorn campaign buttons. They are running for president and vice president, respectively, in 1900
Assortment Of President Campaign Buttons(Original Caption) Assortment of presidential campaign buttons, including Dewey, Ike, Stevenson, Kefauver, Taft, and Truman. Undated photograph
Eisenhower After A Game Of Golf(Original Caption) Picture shows President Eisenhower holding up a pin that says, "Don't Ask What I Shot." he is standing outside with a golf club in his hand. Undated photo circa 1950s
Woodrow Wilson Campaign PosterA campaign poster for Woodrow Wilson proclaims: "American First, Wilson That's All!"
Teddy Roosevelt Campaign Buttons(Original Caption) Teddy Roosevelt campaign of 1904, showing candidate as roughrider; Humorous metal pin based on Teddy's pince-nez, and a hand of cards showing the candidate's basic aims
Protesters Demonstrating to Save the West VillageA crowd gathers on a New York street to demonstrate in protest of urban renewal plans, wearing pins that read "Save the West Village"
Campaign Buttons for Roosevelt(Original Caption) Roosevelt campaign buttons, 1904. On top, button propounding racial equality, an issue never shown in a campaign button up to this time. Photograph
Herbert Hoover Campaign Button(Original Caption) Herbert Hoover campaign button. Undated. BPA2# 1403
Franklin D. Roosevelt Vice Presidential Campaign ButtonFranklin Delano Roosevelt's portrait appears on a rare campaign pin used in the 1920 election when he and James M. Cox ran unsuccessfully against Harding. (Photo by VCG Wilson/Bettmann Archive)
Truman Campaign Buttons(Original Caption) Buttons used in the Harry Truman campaign of 1948. Slogans read: "DON'T TARRY VOTE HARRY, " AND "ELECT TRUMAN NO NEW MAN." Undated photograph
Woman Wearing Many Campaign ButtonsBarbara Grand-Bergh wears dozens of campaign buttons for Republican candidates Harold Stassen and Dwight Eisenhower. The buttons are pinned to her bathing suit
Sam Walton, founder of the Wal-Mart chain of discount stores
Woman Holding George Bush Campaign ButtonsLauren Snipes, from Kannapolis, North Carolina, holds two George Bush buttons over her eyes. Snipes is at the Republican Convention in New Orleans, on August 13, 1988
Calvin Coolidge Campaign Buttons(Original Caption) Campaign buttons for Coolidge and Dawes. Undated photograph
Abraham Lincoln Campaign Badges(Original Caption) Two rare metal campaign badges from the Lincoln campaign of 1864
Cheering Brooklyn Dodgers Fans(Original Caption) 10/8/1949-New York, NY: These Brooklyn rooters get an early start cheering the Dodgers on to victory, so they hope
Baker's Deliveryman with "Ike" ButtonDeliveryman Jean Rommier displays an "I Like Ike" button on his bicycle basket during Dwight Eisenhower's 1952 campaign for president of the United States
Women and Children Wearing "Ike" HatsFemale supporters of Republican presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower baby-sit a group of children
Baby Wearing Political Button(Original Caption) 5/22/52-Gratz, Pennsylvania: Tiny Stephen Bresler, a one-year-old Eisenhower booster in Gratz, PA. sports a king-sized "I Like Ike" button on his shoulder
Political Buttons(Original Caption) Miss M.A. Geraghty points to the array of buttons all produced by one company and seems to say "May the best Man win!"
Eleanor Roosevelt and GrandchildrenEleanor Roosevelt holds a donations sign for the March of Dimes while her grandchildren Nina and Haven contribute, in 1953. The year before both children had polio, but recovered fully
Karl Mundt and Colleagues Displaying "Ike" Buttons(Original Caption) Large "Ike in 1956" buttons are prominently displayed by Sen. Karl Mundt (R-SD); Rep. Leslie Arends (R-Ill.); and Sen
Campaign Button for Adlai Stevenson(Original Caption) 3/16/1956- Hollywood, CA- Recalling the famous 1952 campaign picture of the hole in Adlai Stevenson's show
Model Showing Variety of Campaign ButtonsModel Irene Simonaitis wears dozens of campaign buttons from the 1960 presidential election
Hairstyles Named After Nixon and Kennedy(Original Caption) 10/23/1960-New York, NY: Politically influenced hair styles; "The Dick Dip" and "The Jack Flip" seen on the two models at the Hotel St. Moritz
Beatles Fans Cheering at Washington ColiseumTeenage girls scream with enthusiasm as they watch their heroes, The Beatles, perform at the Washington, DC Coliseum
Ethel and Robert Kennedy With Their SonNew York Democrats nominate Robert Kennedy to run for the U.S. Senate in 1964. With him are his wife Ethel and their nine year old son, David
William Buckley W/Mayor Campaign Badge(Original Caption) 6/24/1965-New York, New York-William F. Buckley, Jr
Welcome Kiss for O.J. Simpson from WifeWearing a button reading "Kiss Me, I'm Irish, " University of Southern California football hero O.J. Simpson gets a welcome home kiss from his wife Marguerite
Writer Betty Friedan at Annual NOW Convention(Original Caption) Chicago: Betty Friedan, president of the National Organization for Women (NOW)
Betty Friedan Talking to JournalistsBetty Friedan talks to journalists about the 1972 presidential election at a women's liberation demonstration
Woman and Child at Puerto Rican Day Parade(Original Caption) New York: The child's button makes plain the sentiments of many of the marchers and spectators at New York's 13th annual Puerto Rican Day Parade
Whip Inflation Now Button11/19/1974-New York, NY-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Close-up of WIN (Whip Inflation Now) button, President Ford's symbol of the fight against inflation
First Lady Betty Ford Wearing ERA Button(Original Caption) Lauderhill, Florida: First Lady Betty Ford shows off the "ERA" button given her while her husband plays golf, February 26. Mrs
Enthusiastic Voter with Election ButtonHoward Jarvis, co-sponsor of Proposition 13, the property tax limitation initiative, holds a "Yes on 13" message pin as he leaves a polling station after voting in the California primary
Gloria Steinem at a Press ConferenceGloria Steinem at a press conference joins civil rights groups, unions and women's group in denouncing Ronald Reagan and the Republican Party platform during the 1980 presidential election