Farrier shoeing horse drinking water from trough near open stable doors, rear view
Rabelo boats and Dom Luis I bridge in Douro river, PortoDom Luis I bridge and rabelo boats from Vila Nova de Gaia
WeldingA welder at work on the construction of the liner Queen Mary at Clydebank
Dom LuAis I Bridge in Porto, PortugalDom LuAis I Bridge in Porto from a boat in Douro river
Steel Foundry19th January 1978: The steel foundry at Corby. (Photo by Colin Davey/Evening Standard/Getty Images)
Steel making - Bessemer processAntique illustration of a Bessemer process which was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel from molten pig iron
Old Forgecirca 1857: A blacksmith at work on an anvil outside his forge. William Grundys English Views (Photo by William Grundy/London Stereoscopic Company/Getty Images)
Street in the souk of blacksmiths in Marrakech
Dom Luis I bridge and rabelo boats in PortoDom Luis I bridge over Douro river from Vila Nova de Gaia side and rabelo boats. Dom LuAis I Bridge in Porto from Vila Nova de Gaia
beautiful art deco iron work in budapestbeautiful iron work of a fence in budapest, hungary dating from the early 20th century; art deco style
Steel Works18th October 1966: A row of houses with steelworks in the background at Ebbw Vale, Wales. (Photo by Gerry Cranham/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Krupp Factory1912: The Krupp steelworks and arms factory in Essen. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Factory smokestacksUNITED STATES - CIRCA 1930s: Steel industry, factory smokestacks, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. (Photo by H. Armstrong Roberts/Retrofile/Getty Images)
Steel Mill1st May 1955: Men working at the furnaces of a Sheffield steel mill. Original Publication: Picture Post - 8067 - Importance Of Yorkshire - unpub. (Photo by Joseph McKeown/Picture Post/Getty Images)
Ore procession facility
19th Century MineVintage engraving of men sifting ore at a 19th Century Mine
Stamp millAntique illustration of a men using a Stamp mill at a 19th Century Mine
Steel millAntique illustration of a Steel mill
Roll millSheet metal working machine, Roll mill
Blast FurnaceVintage engraving of a Blast Furnace
Blast stovesAntique illustration of a Blast stoves
Metal melting factoryAntique illustration of a Metal melting factory
Preparation and separation of silverAntique illustration of a silver mining industry
Silver smeltingIllustration of a Silver smelting industry
Machines for making metal letters used for printingIllustration of A machines for making metal letters used for printing
Complete casting machine from Kustermann & CoIllustration of a complete casting machine from Kustermann & Co. in Berlin
Cross section illustration of extracting aluminium from bauxite using Bayer process and electrolysis
Dom LuAis I Bridge and a Rabelo boat in Porto from Vila Nova de Gaia village
Porto, Portugal. View of Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar in Vila Nova de GaiaMosteiro da Serra do Pilar (Monastery of Serra do Pilar) is located at the top of the Pilar Serra, in the city and county of Vila Nova de Gaia, district of Porto, in Portugal
Ancient Bronze Foundry, Acropolis of Athens, GreeceView of the ancient Bronze foundry at the Acropolis of Athens
Abandoned industrial steel plant. Part of the blast furnace
Armaments PlantBlast furnaces at the Krupp steelworks in Essen, the chief arms supplier of the German Empire. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Armaments Factorycirca 1914: Interior of the moulding works at the Krupp steelworks in Essen, the chief arms supplier of the German Empire. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Steel cables, shackles, material to transport cargo, Neunfelder Maschinenfabrik, NMF, Hamburg, Germany
Man welding outdoors
Armament PlantInterior of the Krupp steelworks in Essen, the chief arms supplier of the German Empire. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Army Forge1st February 1901: Shoeing smiths at work in a cavalry camp during the Boer War. (Photo by Reinhold Thiele/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Don LuAis I bridge and Muralha Fernandina in PortoDon LuAis I bridge and Muralha Fernandina (Fernandina Wall)
Dom LuAis I Bridge in Porto from a boat in Douro river
Toledo, An old frontdoorSpain, Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo. An old wood frontdoor with a small window and rusty nails on it
Metal WorkerA worker pouring white hot metal into moulds
Metal WeldingAn iron welder at work
Steam HammerJames Naysmiths invention, the steam hammer, in operation at an iron foundry. Original Artwork: From a painting by Naysmith himself. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)