Iron Miner5th June 1948: A miner pauses in a tunnel before starting a shift in Britains most modern iron ore mine, at Irthlinborough in Northamptonshire
Special Geology EngravingEngraved Illustrations of Special Geology Engraving from Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art, Published in 1851. Copyright has expired on this artwork. Digitally restored
Heliotrope, bloodstoneThe mineral aggregate heliotrope also known as bloodstone
aquamarine mineralIllustration of a aquamarine mineral
AmethystIllustration of a Amethyst, a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz
OpalIllustration of a Opal
Volcanic and Hurricane Charts; Craters; and Antarctica EngravingEngraved Illustrations of Volcanic and Hurricane Charts; Craters; and Antarctica from Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art, Published in 1851
Stratification in Mountains and Basins; Fissures and Craters EngravingEngraved Illustrations of Stratification in Mountains and Basins; Fissures and Craters from Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art, Published in 1851
Volcanoes and Volcanic Formations and Stratification EngravingEngraved Illustrations of Volcanoes and Volcanic Formations and Stratification from Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art, Published in 1851. Copyright has expired on this artwork
Part of a Freiberg ore mine: sulphur, quartz, gneissIllustration of a Freiberg ore mine: sulphur, quartz, gneiss
Ore procession facility
19th Century MineVintage engraving of men sifting ore at a 19th Century Mine
Stamp millAntique illustration of a men using a Stamp mill at a 19th Century Mine
Ropeway feeding vessels and loadsIllustration of a forms of the feeding vessels and loads on a ropeway, series
Emerald is a bright green precious stone consisting of a chromium-rich variety of beryl
Mining of ore on Erzberg mountain, Eisenerz, Styrian Iron Trail, Upper Styria, Styria, Austria, Europe, PublicGround
Erzberg mountain, deposits of ferrous material, Eisenerz, Styria, Austria