PietA (St. Peters Basilica, Vatican) by Michelangelo, published in 1878PietA. The famous artwork shows the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion. Wood engraving after the sculpture (c. 1498 - 1499) by Michelangelo Buonarroti in the St
MICHAEL ANGELO (1474-1564) xxxlPortrait of Michael Angelo (Michelangelo) by Anna Johnson and published by Elmar Hess in 1894
Michelangelo, Ten Commandments" Michelangelo, Ten Commandments, Illustration and Painting, Moses, I, Michelangelo (1475 1564), 182857284
Virgin Mary with child by Michelangelo
Michelangelos Sibilla Delfica
The prophet Daniel by michelangeloThe Prophet Daniel from the frescoes by Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel.engraved
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), wood engraving, published in 1876Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475 - 1564), Italian painter, sculptor, architect and poet. He is considered one of the most important artists of the Italian Renaissance
The Prophet Moses by Michelangelo, published in 1878The Prophet Moses. The Horns of Moses is based on a translation error of the Vulgate. Wood engraving after the famous sculpture (c)
Michelangelo - Italian ArtistEngraving from 1894 showing the Italian artist, Michelangelo
Michelangelos The Creation of Light
Michelangelos Sibilla Eritrea
MichelangeloVintage engraving of Michelangelo
The Duomo (Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore) Rising Above the City at NightFlorence, Italy
JeremiahJeremiath, from the frescoes (1542-1545) by Michael Angelo (1475-1564), in the Sistine Chapel
Michelangelos Sacred Family
Indoor view of Sistine Chapel, Vatican, published in 1878Indoor view of Sistine Chapel, Vatican with the famous frescoes by Michelangelo Buonarroti. Wood engraving, published in 1878
Michelangelo Buonarroti (Italian universal artist), published in 1878Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (1475 - 1564), Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer of the High Renaissance
Michelangelo. Tomb of Giuliano de Medici, EngravingMichelangelo. Tomb of Giuliano de Medici (detail). A> DuskA
The Holy Family by MichelangeloVintage engraving of The Holy Family by Michelangelo
Michelangelos Prophet Gioele
Prophet Daniel (Sistine Chapel, Vatican), published in 1878The Prophet Daniel. Wood engraving after a detail from the famous frescoes (c. 1542 - 1545) by Michelangelo Buonarroti in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican, published in 1878
The Libyan Sibyl (Sistine Chapel, Vatican), published in 1878The Libyan Sibyl. Wood engraving after a detail from the famous frescoes by Michelangelo Buonarroti in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican, published in 1878
Artist Michelangelo Buonarotti engraving from 1877
Piaza della SignoraAt sunset for the hills behind