Illustration of Milk, Mule, Suffolk, Welsh Mountain, and Jacob Sheep
Milky Monkey23rd March 1959: Congo, a chimpanzee at London Zoo, likes his milk and whenever possible upturns a bottle and drains it dry. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Cheese on wooden board with milk and eggs in background
Trading Card Advertisement for Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk(Original Caption) 1887:Early Borden advertisement of their condensed milk, showing the benefit of their product to infant upbringing. Lithograph
Baby Boy on Bear Rug Sucking on Milk Bottle(Original Caption) 1892-Baby boy on bear rug contently sucks his milk ("Ten Minutes for Lunch"). Photo by H. Randall, Ann Arbor
Milk Farmer Dumping Milk From Truck(Original Caption) Oxford, NJ-Farmers Boycott: Dairy farmer dumps milk, Oxford, NJ. Ca. 1950s
Kitten Sits W/Bottle Of Milk And Straw(Original Caption) A baby kitten sits beside a large bottle of milk. A drop of the liquid has fallen from a straw onto the table in front of him. Undated photograph
Milkman Leaving Milk Bottle on Doorstep(Original Caption) The milkman leaving milk on the doorstep. Model: W.T. Donnelly. Undated photograph
Woman Placing Milk In Old Refrigerator(Original Caption) Woman placing milk bottle in modern refrigerator. Undated photograph
Shredded Wheat with Milk or Cream Cereal Print
Strauss Milk Women and Their Babies(Original Caption) 5/13/1916A group of Strauss Milk Station Babies. In the center (L-R) Mrs. A.Nason, Superintendent of Strauss Milk Station and Mrs. Nathan Strauss
Milk Man Delivering Milk
Immigration Worker Giving Milk to Woman and ChildrenMilk is passed out, by an Immigration and Naturalization Services employee, to immigrant women and children await deportation for various reasons at Ellis Island, New York
Patients Drinking Milk Outdoors(Original Caption) 1/3/27: Four of the patients (boys) of the hospital drinking their milk outdoors
Dairy Product Stand Shaped Like Milk Can(Original Caption) 9/27/1927-California: Southern California may not be addicted to ice cream and candy any more then any other section of the world, but the shops or stands
Ice Cream Stand in Shape of Woman(Original Caption) 9/27/1927- Los Angeles, CA- Southern California may not be addicted to ice cream and candy any more than any other section of the world, -but the shops or stands
Milk Being Sold to Poor at 11 Cents Per Quart
Farmers Handing Milk Cans to Delivery Driver(Original Caption) In 1929, this Ashe County, North Carolina farmer brought his milk up to the highway to have it picked up and delivered to the dairy for processing
Milk Bottle Manufacturing(Original Caption) 8/23/31-Los Angeles, CA- There are all kinds of detectives in the world, the kind who track criminals, the correspondence school typ, etc
Construction Workers Drinking MilkFour Boston College football players drink bottles of milk during a break in the construction of the University's new stadium, which they're helping to build
Kitten Licking Milk from a Bottle(Original Caption) 6/20/1933- Picture shows a kitten licking milk from a bottle outside on a front step of a house
Cat Drinking from Milk Delivery Bottle(Original Caption) 6/20/1933-New York, New York- Picture shows a cat drinking from a milk delivery bottle on a step
Dairy Farmers on Strike Spill Milk(Original Caption) 9/16/1933-Striking dairy famrers of the Chicago district spilling milk from one of the non-striker's trucks near Harvard, IL, where they are operationg an effective blockade
Striking Milk Workers Break Bottles of Milk(Original Caption) 1/6/1934-WI-FEAR MILK FAMINE AS PICKETERS BAR HIGHWAYS
Baby Leroy and Shirely Temple Drink Milk(Original Caption) 9/24/1934-Los Angeles, CA: Aha! The scandal columnists have spotted them. Baby Leroy is arm and arming it with Shirley Temple
Irish Boy Driving a Milk Cart(Original Caption) Lad with milk cart on road to Tipperary County in Ireland
Joe Louis Pouring Milk for Girl(Original Caption) Joe's fighting will provide a lot of milk...Joe Louis, Detroit's Negro heavyweight who fights Primo Carnera June 25th, for the benefit of the Milk Funds
Female Milk Dealer on Motorbike with Sidecar(Original Caption) 4/1938-Pewsey, England- So busy is a woman milk dealer of Pewsey, Wiltshire, England, that she has converted her motorcycle and sidecar into a milk float
Boy Wearing PajamasA boy wearing pajamas smiles as he eats cake and drinks milk
Woman Drinks Milk from Glass at Table(Original Caption) J. MacDonald drinking milk while seated at a kitchen table. Ca. 1940-1960
Girl Drinking Glass of Milk(Original Caption) A young girl drinks a glass of milk. Undated photograph, circa 1940's
Girl Holding a Glass of Milk(Original Caption) Photo shows a young girl holding a glass of milk. She has on a smocked dress, has two braids and is smiling. She is shown frm the waist up. Model: Elizabeth Hinnes. Ca. 1940s
Girls Drinking Chocolate Milk(Original Caption) Sally Ogilvie and Jean Quinn sip chocolate milk at school cafeteria. They are shown seated and sitting on the same side of the table and both girls are in dresses. Ca 1940s
Jimmy Demaret and Ben Hogan Sharing a Glass of MilkJimmy Demaret and Ben Hogan share a glass of milk in Augusta, Georgia during the Masters Golf Tournament
Gathering Protesters During Milk Strike(Original Caption) Milk, that peaceful product of the peaceful cow, is the cause of war in Michigan where farmers are striking for a higher price for that nourishing fluid
Soldiers Drinking Coconut Milk(Original Caption) 12/2/43-Tarawa Island: Pharmacists Matos J.R. Griffen, 18, of Mulberry, Arkansas, and E.E
Milkman Delivering Milk to a House(Original Caption) Were it not for our far selling ancestors who came to America in the early days of colonization, America might not be consuming its thirty million bottles of milk per day, in fact
Meadow Gold Milk Delivery In Bloomington(Original Caption) Bloomington, IL: Meadow Gold milk delivery wagon in Bloomington, IL. Photograph, 1945
Four Teens Pose With Glasses Of Milk(Original Caption) 12/5/1945-Chicago, IL: Eleanor Chapman, 17, Centerberg, OH: Louise Hale, 17, Randlett, OK: John H
Woman Uses Apparatus To Draw Breast Milk(Original Caption) 10/17/1946-Paris, France- A milk doner uses a special apparuts, sterilized each time it is used, to draw her milk at the Milk Donation Center
Mechanical Hands Pouring Milk From a Bottle(Original Caption) Just as milk is poured out of a bottle here, mechanical hands can mix chemicals in experiments that have to be performed in radioactive areas
Janet Leigh, June Allyson and Elizabeth Taylor(Original Caption) 9/10/1948- Wearing their nightgowns to lunch at the studio commissary are, left to right, actresses Janet Leigh, June Allyson and Elizabeth Taylor
Refrigerated Service To Your Door(Original Caption) Refrigerated service to your door: The Wieland delivery truck is a welcome daily visitor to residents of Kildare. Undated photo
The Milkmaid by Jan VermeerMedium: Oil on canvas|Dimensions: 45.5 x 41 cm|Creation date: circa 1658|Located in: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Woman Pouring Milk into Pot in KitchenWoman standing at a stove in kitchen, pouring milk into a pot to be heated up. Circa 1940s
Line Of Poor Buying Milk From Truck(Original Caption) New York, NY: Milk sold to poor at 11 cents per quart in Queens, New York. Photograph
Dairy Barn Farm With Man Carrying Milk(Original Caption) Tarrytown, NY: Dairy farm barn with helper carrying milk, Tarrytown, New York. Photograph
Girl Holding Two Bottles Of MilkNew York, NY: Young girl leaving the station on Madison Street, New York, with two bottles of milk she has bought
Beginnings Of The Container Era Of Milk(Original Caption) Beginnings of the container era in milk packaging. Sheffield Farms start delivery of milk in sealed wax containers
New Milk Packaging Plant(Original Caption) New milk packaging at Sheffield Farms. Containers replace bottles. Machine which hermetically seals container and stamps date on it. Sheffield Plant, Webster Ave. New York
Boys Delivering Milk In A Lauterbrunner(Original Caption) Picture shows boys delivering milk in Lauterbrunner. It is being pulled by a German Shepard on a street with a country landscape in the background. Undated photo circa 1930s
Quart Bottle of Milk(Original Caption) Quart bottle of milk. Undated photo
Smiling Boy with a Glass of Milk(Original Caption) Walter Kelly, smiling boy with a glass of milk
Man Working In Dairy Farm(Original Caption) Photo shows a man working in a dairy farm. Model: Howard O. Shedrick Ca. 1940s
Print of Exterior View of the Borden Condensed Milk Factory(Original Caption) Exterior view of the factory of the Borden Condensed Milk Company at Brewster Station, New York, 1879
Illustration of Diseased Cow Being MilkedIllustration from Frank Leslie's Illustrated News of a diseased cow, unable to stand on its own, pulled up to be milked by an unscrupulous owner
Print of Gail Borden Explaining the Method of Condensing Milk(Original Caption) Illustration shows Gail Borden as he demonstrates the condensation of milk. He received a patent in 1856 which started the Borden Company
Trading Card Advertisement for Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk(Original Caption) 1887-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS; An early Borden advertisement with four babies seated around a table with a can of condensed milk
Illustration of a Pan Room at Borden's Factory(Original Caption) Pan-room used for condensing milk at the Borden's Factory at Brewster Station, New York
Two Women Milking A Cow(Original Caption) Illustration depicting two women milking a cow. One sits on the milking stool beneath the cow; while the other stands ready with two buckets at her shoulder
Air Force Soldiers Loading Fresh Milk(Original Caption) 4/14/1949-Frankfurt, Germany- Fresh milk for babies in Berlin is loaded aboard a C-49 plane at Rhein Main Air Force Base here
Vintage photograph showing milkman at work(Original Caption) 4/22/1949-Comes the dawn and also the milkman. He may bring you wakeful moments but he brings milk, cream, butter, eggs or cheese, too
Girl And Kitten Drinking MilkA girl and her kitten drink milk from straws
Girl and Cat Drinking Glasses of MilkBarbara Baiena holds a glass of milk for her kitten, who is trying to figure out how to use the straw
Containers of Ammonia, Milk of Magnesia, and Lye(Original Caption) 8/23/1949-Photo shows a bottle of ammonia, a bottle of Milk of Magnesia and a can of lye. Undated
Siamese Kittens Drinking From Baby Bottle(Original Caption) Chien, a 4-month-old Siamese kitten looks on hungrily but patiently while her twin brother, Ming Toy, hoists a doll's flask for a swig of his favorite beverage
Woman Bathing With Milk And Soap(Original Caption) 12/16/1949-New York, NY: With faucets shut and the milk bottle running, this young lady helps the city with water conservation and herself with an old beauty formula
Boy in Pajamas Eating Cake and Milk(Original Caption) Young Michael Mathews is seen here in striped pajamas eating cake and milk. Photo circa 1950
Baby Drinks Milk From Cat Dish(Original Caption) 9/25/1950-London, England: You can see the gears go around in te young mind of 15 months old Desnee Sampson here as she watches her cat
Mickey Stevens and His Cat(Original Caption) Milk Price War. Mickey Stevens (11) and his cat Maggie are in a grocery store with milk selling at 10 1/2 cents a quart
Elephant Walking On Milk Bottles(Original Caption) 12/7/1952-Ascot, England: Sadu, a young elephant, is what you might call a bottle baby with unusual talents
John Herley Inserting Coin(Original Caption) Mechanical milkman. John Herley, 13, inserts coin for milk container delivery. New Machine, installed in Clinton Hill apartment project at 201 Clinton St
Customers at Market Buying Milk(Original Caption) 3/7/1953-New York, NY- Large crowds are shown here at the Capitol Market, 325 Eighth Avenue, grabbing up the big milk bargain
Farm in ZooPhoto shows James Shaw, Susan, 22 months. the other man is farmer Nelson Miller. Baby drinks bottle and hands it to the farmer as he milks
Mother and Son Watching McCarthy Hearings on TVHousewife Marie Breetveld holds her son while watching the televised McCarthy-Army hearings on April 22, 1954
Fighters Toast Each Other with Milk(Original Caption) 11/16/1954-New York
Olivia De Havilland and Pierre Galante Toasting Each Other(Original Caption) Actress Olivia De Havilland and her fiance, French magazine editor Pierre Galante, toast each other, she with wine, and he with milk
Mother with two children (3-4 years) paying milkman in doorway(Original Caption) 1955- ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Little Laura, 4, (left) with her mother, Mrs
Richard Nixon Samples Coconut Milk(Original Caption) 3/4/55-Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic: Vice-President Richard Nixon samples some coconut milk from its original perma-seal, never-leak container
Fashion Model Dovima(Photo by Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)
J. Paul Getty Drinking A Glass Of Milk(Original Caption) Multi-millionaire, J. Paul Getty, drinks a glass of milk, his favorite beverage, during a trip to London. Photograph 1957
Woman Leading Cow Across Street(Original Caption) 5/24/1957-New York, NY: Milkmaid Princess Kay (Barbara Jean Bossus) leads 400-pound prize heifer across 40th St. and Vanderbilt Ave
Althea Gibson with ParentsRaising her glass of milk in a toast, Althea Gibson, the new women's Wimbledon singles champion, shows she's glad to be home, as her proud parents, Annie and Daniel Gibson
Marilyn Monroe and Boy Drinking Milk from StrawsMarilyn Monroe drinks milk with young William Metzler. He is a beneficiary of the Milk Fund