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Monk Collection

Background imageMonk Collection: Penance of King Henry II

Penance of King Henry II
Vintage engraving of the Penance of King Henry II before the shrine of Thomas a Becket

Background imageMonk Collection: Canterbury Tales - The Parson

Canterbury Tales - The Parson
The Parson, a character in " The Canterbury Tales"

Background imageMonk Collection: Tomb of Cappucin Monks

Tomb of Cappucin Monks
Tomb of Cappucin monks in the Rome catacombs

Background imageMonk Collection: Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel
(Original Caption) Portrait of Austrian botanist Gregor J. Mendel (1822-1884) as prelate. Photograph circa 1880

Background imageMonk Collection: Monk with Buddhist Statues

Monk with Buddhist Statues
A Buddhist monk sits in front of a trio of Buddhist statues carved out of living rock

Background imageMonk Collection: Monks Examining Polaroid Photo

Monks Examining Polaroid Photo
Monks at Jokhang Temple examining an instant Polaroid picture. To these holy people most cut off from the Western world, it is an amazing thing

Background imageMonk Collection: The Departure of John and Sebastian Cabot from Bristol by Ernest Board

The Departure of John and Sebastian Cabot from Bristol by Ernest Board
1497-Bristol, England-ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: The departure of John and Sebastian Cabot from Bristol, on their first voyage of discovery in 1497

Background imageMonk Collection: Ladakhi Monastery Entrance; Monks On Ste

Ladakhi Monastery Entrance; Monks On Ste
(Original Caption) Ladakhi, Tibet: The entrance to the Ladakhi monastery. Monks wear red caps and toga-like robes and carry prayer cylinders. On the walls are paintings of Chinese janitor demons

Background imageMonk Collection: Los Caprichos No. 48: Squealers by Francisco Goya

Los Caprichos No. 48: Squealers by Francisco Goya
Besieged by squealing witches, terrified monks cover their ears in vain, trying to quiet the evil sounds. A winged warlock rides on a cat while blowing vile information at the clergy

Background imageMonk Collection: Gregori Rasputin Pulling at his Beard

Gregori Rasputin Pulling at his Beard
Russian mystic Grigori Efimovich (1872-1916), known as Rasputin, was a monk known for his debauchery and ignorance

Background imageMonk Collection: Republican Rebel Fighter Father Dominic Taken into Custody

Republican Rebel Fighter Father Dominic Taken into Custody
(Original Caption) The Four Courts Battle in Dublin

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monks Teaching Law from Palm Leaf Manuscripts

Buddhist Monks Teaching Law from Palm Leaf Manuscripts
(Original Caption) C. 1925-1930. Burma, India: Life in Burma Today. Poongyees, or Buddhist priests teaching the law from ancient palm leaf manuscripts in Burma. BPA 2 #4103

Background imageMonk Collection: Monk At Monte Cassino Abbey

Monk At Monte Cassino Abbey
(Original Caption) 11/26/1948- Monte Cassino, Italy: Monte Cassino rises again. One of the 25 Benedictine Monks now living at the Abbey walks to the main entrance of the Monastery

Background imageMonk Collection: Dalai Lama Wearing State Crown

Dalai Lama Wearing State Crown
(Original Caption) Natives of East Tibet have rebelled against Communist Chinese occupation forces reports reaching India's border said on 9/18

Background imageMonk Collection: Tibetan Mystic with Drum

Tibetan Mystic with Drum
A Tibetan monk and mystic holds his drum and its drumstick, a thighbone. The sound of the drum dispels evil spirits

Background imageMonk Collection: Tibetan Monks Looking At Polaroids

Tibetan Monks Looking At Polaroids
(Original Caption) 1983-Lhasa, Tibet-: Monks at Jokhand Temple look with cuiosity at instant Polaroid pictures, an amazing thing to these holy people who are mostly cut off from the Western world

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration of Monks Plowing a Field

Illustration of Monks Plowing a Field
ORIGINAL CAPTION READS: Cisteacian monks plowing a field near the monastery. Undated illustration

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration Of Saint Cuthbert

Illustration Of Saint Cuthbert
(Original Caption) Picture shows the statue of St. Cuthbert - (635? - 687) English Monk. (From one of the external canopies of the middle tower of Durham.) Undated illustration

Background imageMonk Collection: Lithograph of the Embarkation and Departure of Columbus from the Port of Palos after a painting by Ricardo Balaca

Lithograph of the Embarkation and Departure of Columbus from the Port of Palos after a painting by Ricardo Balaca
(Original Caption) Illustration titled "Embarkation and Departure of Columbus from the Port of Palos", On His First Voyage of Discovery, On The 3rd of August, 1492

Background imageMonk Collection: Monk Studying Book In Library

Monk Studying Book In Library
(Original Caption) 11/24/1950-Russia: In the extensive monastery library, one of the monks studies an ancient volume printed in Russian in the 16th century. It is bound with leather and wooden boards

Background imageMonk Collection: Monks Praying And Eating Midday Meal

Monks Praying And Eating Midday Meal
(Original Caption) 11/24/50: While a member of the order chants prayers from the lectern at right, the others sit at their midday meal in the monastery

Background imageMonk Collection: Monastery Printing Shop

Monastery Printing Shop
(Original Caption) 11/24/1950-Russia: Printing is one of the oldest pursuits of the order and one of the major of the monks. Here in the monastery print shop many modern machines are in use

Background imageMonk Collection: U Ba Swe Enters Temporary Monkhood

U Ba Swe Enters Temporary Monkhood
(Original Caption) 1952-Tavoy, Burma: Socialist leader U Ba Swe, foreground, one-time Prime Minister and for many years

Background imageMonk Collection: The Punishment of Simonists

The Punishment of Simonists
" The Punishment of Simonists, a scene from Dantes inferno. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."

Background imageMonk Collection: The true cross

The true cross by Gustave Dore (1832 aa 1883)The Crusaders are roused by the sight of the true cross

Background imageMonk Collection: Canterbury Tales - The Monk and his Greyhounds

Canterbury Tales - The Monk and his Greyhounds
The Monk (with his greyhounds), a character in " The Canterbury Tales"

Background imageMonk Collection: Sariyuth and Mugalan Thero

Sariyuth and Mugalan Thero
Sariyuth and Mugalan become Buddhas Chief Disciples, Painting of Gadaladeniya Temple, Kandy, Central, Sri Lanka, Indian Sub-Continent, Asia

Background imageMonk Collection: Monks Looking at Painting

Monks Looking at Painting
(Original Caption) Since the question of life in the hereafter is one that naturally occupies much of their attention, two monks take particular of their attention

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monks Marching in a Protest

Buddhist Monks Marching in a Protest
(Original Caption) Part of 500 unmarried Buddhist monks march through Seoul's city streets to protest against the married monks in the temples

Background imageMonk Collection: Yul Brynner as King Mongkut in The King And I

Yul Brynner as King Mongkut in The King And I
(Original Caption) Yul Brynner (1915-1985) as the King in a scene from the 1956 film "The King and I."

Background imageMonk Collection: Tibetan Monks Surrender

Tibetan Monks Surrender
Tibetan Buddhist monks surrender to PLA troops after an armed insurrection. Lhasa, April 7, 1959

Background imageMonk Collection: Laotian Leaders Acknowledging Monks

Laotian Leaders Acknowledging Monks
(Original Caption) Vientiane: Laotian Lent. Laotian Premier Souvanna Phouma, (second from left), Vice-Premier Phoumi Nosavan and Mrs

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monks Protesting President Diem

Buddhist Monks Protesting President Diem
(Original Caption) Buddhist monks hold signs protesting religious policies of President Ngo Dinh Diem August 18, in memorial services at main Xa Loi Pagoda here

Background imageMonk Collection: Large Crowd Inside Temple Square

Large Crowd Inside Temple Square
(Original Caption) Rangoon, Burma: Burmese Buddhists Held Mass Rally

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Committing Ritual Suicide

Buddhist Monk Committing Ritual Suicide
A Buddhist monk commits ritual suicide in protest of government anti-Buddhist policies

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Performs Ritual Suicide

Buddhist Monk Performs Ritual Suicide
As a protest against the Ngo Dinh Diem government's anti-Buddhist policies, a young Buddhist monk performs a ritual suicide, by self immolation, in the central market square of Saigon

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Committing Ritual Suicide

Buddhist Monk Committing Ritual Suicide
As a protest against the Ngo Dinh Diem government's anti-Buddhist policies, a young Buddhist monk performs a ritual suicide, by self immolation, in the central market square of Saigon

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Committing Suicide by Fire

Buddhist Monk Committing Suicide by Fire
As a protest against the Ngo Dinh Diem government's anti-Buddhist policies, a young Buddhist monk performs a ritual suicide, by self immolation, in the central market square of Saigon

Background imageMonk Collection: Graduate Teaches English to Tibetan Monks

Graduate Teaches English to Tibetan Monks
Harvard Magna Cum Laude graduate, Paul Jeffery Hopkins, teaches English to three young men at a Tibetan Buddhist monastery recently built by Americans and Tibetan refugees

Background imageMonk Collection: Americans Study With Tibetan Monks

Americans Study With Tibetan Monks
Harvard Magna Cum Laude graduate, Paul Jeffery Hopkins, sits with a typewriter as Lama Geshe Wangyal translates ancient Tibetan Buddhist scrolls he brought to the U.S

Background imageMonk Collection: Impostor Ferdinand W. Demara Jr

Impostor Ferdinand W. Demara Jr
(Original Caption) Man of Many Parts. Wien, Missouri: Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr. The Great Impostor, is pictured in his current role as resident of an interfaith monastery near Wien

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monks at Protest

Buddhist Monks at Protest
Buddhist monks sit in a Vung Tau street during a protest against the South Vietnamese government and the United States during the Vietnam War

Background imageMonk Collection: Tibetan Trainee

Tibetan Trainee
A Tibetan trainee prints religious books in the Tibetan language in a monastery at Lebong, where a self-help community has been established for Tibetan refugees

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Praying

Buddhist Monk Praying
(Original Caption) Buddhist monks pray outside the National Palace in effort to express disapproval of the war

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Talking to Thich Tri Quang

Buddhist Monk Talking to Thich Tri Quang
(Original Caption) Buddhist monk, Thich Tri Quang outside the National Palace in Saigon where he staged a sit-in with other Buddhist monks

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Talking to Thich Tri Quang

Buddhist Monk Talking to Thich Tri Quang
(Original Caption) Buddhist monk, Thich Tri Quang outside the National Palace in Saigon where he staged a sit-in with other Buddhist monks

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monks Celebrating Cambodian Independence Day

Buddhist Monks Celebrating Cambodian Independence Day
(Original Caption) Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Buddhist Monks, their heads close-shaven, sit in their temple in the capitol of this south-east Asian country during recent Independence Day ceremonies

Background imageMonk Collection: Policemen Wield Clubs In Confrontation

Policemen Wield Clubs In Confrontation
(Original Caption) SAIGON

Background imageMonk Collection: Demonstration Of Monks, Cleric, Laymen

Demonstration Of Monks, Cleric, Laymen
(Original Caption) SAIGON, S. VIETNAM: South Vietnam's most powerful Buddhist leader, Thich Tri Quang (L) arose out of three years of obscurity 3/31 to demand the ouster of President Thieu

Background imageMonk Collection: Thic Tri Quang Leading Demonstration

Thic Tri Quang Leading Demonstration
(Original Caption) South Vietnam's most powerful Buddhist leader, Thic Tri Quang (with loudspeaker), arose out of three years of obscurity 3/31 to demand the ouster of President Thieu

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Seated at Jokhang Temple

Buddhist Monk Seated at Jokhang Temple
(Original Caption) 1983-Lhasa, Tibet-: A Buddhist monk sits against a wall of Jokhang Temple, the most holy site in Tibet. Before the abortive 1959 uprising, there were 110, 000 monks in Tibet

Background imageMonk Collection: Monk Sits Before Brass Bell Tower

Monk Sits Before Brass Bell Tower
(Original Caption) 1983-Lhasa, Tibet-: A monk sits in front of a huge, ornately decorated copper bell at the Jokhang Temple, the most holy site in Tibet

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Looking Through Camera

Buddhist Monk Looking Through Camera
(Original Caption) 1983- Lhasa, Tibet- : A monk at Jokhang Temple looks with curiosity through the view-finder of a TV mini-camera

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monks Holding Polaroid Photos

Buddhist Monks Holding Polaroid Photos
(Original Caption) 1983-Lhasa, Tibet-: Two Buddhist monks hold up Polaroid photos of themselves. The monks were amazed by the instant photos since they are mostly cut off from the Western world

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Holds Polaroid Photo

Buddhist Monk Holds Polaroid Photo
(Original Caption) 1983-Lhasa, Tibet-: A Buddhist monk outside the Jokhang Temple holds a Polaroid picture of himself, an amazing thing to these holy people mostly cut off from the Western world

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk in Tibet

Buddhist Monk in Tibet
(Original Caption) 1983- Lhasa, Tibet- Headshot of a Buddhist monk on the street of Lhasa, Tibet

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monks Standing Outside Temple

Buddhist Monks Standing Outside Temple
(Original Caption) 1983- Lhasa, Tibet- : A group of Buddhist monks stand outside of the Jokhang Temple, the most important Buddhist site in Tibet

Background imageMonk Collection: Buddhist Monk Sitting in Temple Doorway

Buddhist Monk Sitting in Temple Doorway
A Buddhist monk sits in a doorway of the Jokhang Temple, Tibet's most holy site

Background imageMonk Collection: Praying monk in his would-be cell

Praying monk in his would-be cell
1900s, 19th-century, 2 people, arts, belief, believer, believers, bible stories, biblical, christian, depiction, depictions, devout, digital, digitally, faith, faithful, genus, guy, historic

Background imageMonk Collection: The mourners for Durandarte

The mourners for Durandarte, a scene from Don Quixote. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker

Background imageMonk Collection: The Pentecost

The Pentecost

Background imageMonk Collection: Girl Cuddles Monkey

Girl Cuddles Monkey
circa 1930: A little girl with a ribbon in her hair cuddles a monkey. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)

Background imageMonk Collection: Saint Anthony

Saint Anthony
Vintage engraving by Albrech Durer, showing Saint Anthony, 1519

Background imageMonk Collection: Beautiful candle light from buddhists are moving around big Buddha statue in evening

Beautiful candle light from buddhists are moving around big Buddha statue in evening
ansahabucha, asian, background, big, buddhist, light, makhabucha, monk, , bhutan, 861090092

Background imageMonk Collection: Cartoon of Griogri Rasputin, Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra

Cartoon of Griogri Rasputin, Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra

Background imageMonk Collection: World heritage Kamphaeng Phet historical park in Thailand

World heritage Kamphaeng Phet historical park in Thailand
Phra Borom That Temple, Nakhon Chum, Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand

Background imageMonk Collection: Victorian satirical cartoon the greedy monk

Victorian satirical cartoon the greedy monk
Vintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon the greedy monk. 19th Century. The Lord is my shepherd - I shall not want

Background imageMonk Collection: Crusaders, lithograph, published in 1890

Crusaders, lithograph, published in 1890
Crusaders. Lithograph, published in 1890

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration of Charlemagne, King of the Franks crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III

Illustration of Charlemagne, King of the Franks crowned Emperor of the Romans by Pope Leo III

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration of Eilmer (Elmer) of Malmesbury

Illustration of Eilmer (Elmer) of Malmesbury, 11th century Benedictine monk, attempting to fly

Background imageMonk Collection: Head of Buddha statue in the tree roots

Head of Buddha statue in the tree roots at Wat Mahathat temple, Ayutthaya Province, Thailand

Background imageMonk Collection: Orange Sunrise at Angkor Wat, Siem reap, Cambodia

Orange Sunrise at Angkor Wat, Siem reap, Cambodia

Background imageMonk Collection: Victorian satire, the old pilgrim left behind

Victorian satire, the old pilgrim left behind
Vintage engraving of Victorian satire, the old pilgrim left behind. What ho! Good people, wait for me; Shew deference to the CHurch, The World moves now so fast, alack - it leaves me in the lurch

Background imageMonk Collection: Victorian satirical cartoon, on faith and the itch

Victorian satirical cartoon, on faith and the itch
Vintage engraving of a Victorian satirical cartoon, on faith and the itch, 19th Century

Background imageMonk Collection: The bad are oft amoung the good

The bad are oft amoung the good
Vintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon The bad are oft amoung the good, All are ot monks who wear a hood. 19th Century

Background imageMonk Collection: Victorian satirical cartoon on Religion and attaining power

Victorian satirical cartoon on Religion and attaining power
Vintage engraving of a victorian satirical cartoon, 19th Century. The Satires of Cynicus. The Cross, to oft, istead of guilding to the skies. Is made the means of scrambling after dignities

Background imageMonk Collection: Supoj Buranaprapapong Travel Photography

Supoj Buranaprapapong Travel Photography
Fine Art Storehouse Travel: Supoj Buranaprapapong Travel Photography

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration of King Edward I and monks

Illustration of King Edward I and monks

Background imageMonk Collection: Dragon Entrance

Dragon Entrance
A pair of dragons guard the entrance to a temple at the wat phra singh complex in chiang mai, Thailand

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration of Zen Buddhist monks kneeling in courtyard outside temple

Illustration of Zen Buddhist monks kneeling in courtyard outside temple

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration of two monks creating illuminated writing

Illustration of two monks creating illuminated writing

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration of Spanish monk sat at desk writing with quill on paper

Illustration of Spanish monk sat at desk writing with quill on paper

Background imageMonk Collection: Illustration of monk

Illustration of monk

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