Ruins of the Colossus of Memnon
Detail of Third Gold Coffin of TutankhamenDetail showing upper part of the third, or innermost coffin, of King Tutankhamun. | Detail of: Third Gold Coffin of Tutankhamen
Funeral Mask of TutankhamunTreasure of Tutankhamen. Golden Funeral mask of the king, true portrait directly put on his face. Gold with jewelry and glass-paste, 1342 B.C.E
Funeral Mask of King Tutankhamen(Original Caption) Cairo, Egypt: Tut-ankh-amen, fl. ca. 1355 B.C. King of Ancient Egypt, XVIIIth dynasty. Mask of gold showing him at time of his death at the age of 18. Cairo Mueseum
Stone Sculpture of Queen Hatshepsut(Original Caption) Stone sculpture of Hatshepsut, Queen of Ancient Egypt (18th Dynasty), in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Statue of Sekhmet, Egyptian Lion Goddess(Original Caption) Sekmet, the lion Goddess. She was considered carrier of plague, and patron of surgery (priest of Sekmet seems to have been synonymous with surgeon). From temple of Karnak
Temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel(Original Caption) One of the prices being paid for the Aswan High Dam is the loss of irreplaceable archeological treasures which will be swallowed up by the floodwaters of the project