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New Haven Collection

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Yale Football Team Portrait

Yale Football Team Portrait
The Yale University football team poses for their portrait

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Yale Men Sitting On The Fence

Yale Men Sitting On The Fence
(Original Caption) Yale men sitting on the "The Fence." Class of 1870 photograph

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Yale Students Posing by Building

Yale Students Posing by Building
(Original Caption) Students lounging in front of building at Yale University ca. 1900

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Colonists Listening to Man Speaking

Colonists Listening to Man Speaking
(Original Caption) The first Sunday at New Haven

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Yale University Athletic Team

Yale University Athletic Team
(Original Caption) Portrait of a Yale athletic team (tug of war?), circa 1890

Background imageNew Haven Collection: 2 Women Point To Man Moving Clock Hands

2 Women Point To Man Moving Clock Hands
(Original Caption) Boston, Massachusetts- The Misses Margaret L. Dowling (l) and Jean Baker, of Roslindale, get a preview of how the clocks in South Station at Boston will appear after 2 a.m

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Early Christian Sculpture

Early Christian Sculpture
(Original Caption) Oldest Christian Art Exhibited for First Time. New Haven, Connecticut: This bas-relief, dated 51A.D

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Bachelor Dinner at the Yale Club

Bachelor Dinner at the Yale Club
(Original Caption) 1904- New Haven, CT: Bachelor Dinner at the Yale Club. Nine men making a toast. Photograph by Byron, 1904. BPA2# 5419

Background imageNew Haven Collection: J.P. Morgan, Jr. at Yale-Harvard Boat Race

J.P. Morgan, Jr. at Yale-Harvard Boat Race
(Original Caption) New London, CT: Photograph of J. P. Morgan, Jr. at Yale-Harvard boat race at New London. Undated. BPA2# 1043

Background imageNew Haven Collection: D.F. Potter After Winning Meet

D.F. Potter After Winning Meet
(Original Caption) D.F. Potter, University of Cornell, winner of the Intercollegiate Cross Country Championship, at New Haven, Connecticut, November 21, 1914

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Man Wearing a Stork Costume

Man Wearing a Stork Costume
(Original Caption) Look at Doctor Stork, Will You! New Haven, Connecticut: The Yale art students whose Ball Masque was a roaring success in New Haven boasted of some unusual costumes

Background imageNew Haven Collection: 1924 Yale University Crew Team

1924 Yale University Crew Team
(Original Caption) Yale crew 1924 at Gales Ferry- Seated Alfred Lindley, Alfred Wilson, Captain, James Rockefeller, Lester Miller, Frederich Sheffield, Leonard Carpenter

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Michigan Football Players Smoking Cigars

Michigan Football Players Smoking Cigars
The longest pass in the history was made when hurry-up Yost. Coach of the University of Michigan football team, tossed the pigskin to Tad Jones coach of the Yale eleven

Background imageNew Haven Collection: View of Crowd Attending Yale Bowl

View of Crowd Attending Yale Bowl
(Original Caption) New Haven...Photo shows general view of the huge crowd that packed Yale Bowl to watch Eli battle the Army Mule on the gridiron here today

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Huge Crowd Watching Yale Defeat Army at Bowl Game

Huge Crowd Watching Yale Defeat Army at Bowl Game
(Original Caption) The West Point Cadets, considered invincible since they conquered Notre Dame, were in turn severely trounced October 31st, at the Yale Bowl by a score of 28-7

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Harkness Memorial Building on Yale Campus

Harkness Memorial Building on Yale Campus
1928- New Haven, CT: Yale campus with Harkness Memorial Buiding. Undated Photograph

Background imageNew Haven Collection: William Wallace Campbell and H. Bryant Bigelow

William Wallace Campbell and H. Bryant Bigelow
(Original Caption) 11/17/1931-New Haven, CT- William Wallace Campbell, Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences, presents medals to Miss Annie J. Cannon and Professor H

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Football Players Practicing Kicking

Football Players Practicing Kicking
(Original Caption) Yale Opens Football Season. Photo Shows: Four backfield candidates who are expected to shine this fall, shown as they attended practice at New Haven, Conn

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Football Players Running at Practice

Football Players Running at Practice
(Original Caption) Yale Opens Football Season. Photo Shows: Four backfield candidates who are expected to shine this fall, shown as they attended practice at New Haven, Conn

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Yale University Football Players During Workout

Yale University Football Players During Workout
(Original Caption) Connecticut: Yale Opens Grid Season. Photo Shows--A pair of backfield candidates seen in action during dummy practice at the first practice session of the Fall season Sept

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Bob Lassiter Exercising

Bob Lassiter Exercising
(Original Caption) Connecticut: Yale Opens Grid Season. Photo Shows--Bob Lassiter, backfield candidate, as he attended practice of the Yale football squad at New Haven, Connecticut, Sept. 15

Background imageNew Haven Collection: James P. Mccaffrey and Richard Kimball

James P. Mccaffrey and Richard Kimball
(Original Caption) 6/20/1933-New Haven, CT- With hundreds of Alumni, back for their class reunions, looking on, Yale University defeated Harvard 5 to 3 at baseball. Opposing captains James P

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Alonzo Stagg Returning to His Alma Mater

Alonzo Stagg Returning to His Alma Mater
(Original Caption) 6/20/1933-New Haven, CT- Alonzo Stagg(left), famous football coach, who graduated from Yale University in 1893, and Philip Pond, one of his clasemates

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Robert Wagner with Son

Robert Wagner with Son
(Original Caption) Senator at Son's Graduation. Senator Robert Wagner of New York and his son, Robert Jr

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Hockey Players Posing for Camera

Hockey Players Posing for Camera
(Original Caption) Connecticut: Yale Hockey Players Start Practice. The Yale Hockey team when it started practice for the winter season at New Haven, Connecticut the other day

Background imageNew Haven Collection: James and Grace Madden Ice Skating

James and Grace Madden Ice Skating
(Original Caption) James and Grace Madden, brother and sister of Boston, Mass

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Maribel Vinson Ice Skating

Maribel Vinson Ice Skating
(Original Caption) Maribel Vinson of Boston, seven times figure skating champion of the United States who is out to regain her crown at the New Haven Figure Skating Championships

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Larry Kelley as New Yale Grid Captain

Larry Kelley as New Yale Grid Captain
Larry Kelley as the star end and forward pass receiver for the Yale Football team. In 1936, he was elected captain of the Yale University football team and won the Heisman Trophy

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Clint Frank in Football Action

Clint Frank in Football Action
(Original Caption) Clint Frank, the best of the Yale University backfield stars

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Amarone Family

Amarone Family
(Original Caption) 4/22/1938-New Haven, Connecticutt-Mussolini would welcome Mr. and Mrs

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Group Portrait of Yale Honorary Degree Recipients

Group Portrait of Yale Honorary Degree Recipients
(Original Caption) Recipients of honorary degrees at Yale's commencement exercises are pictured grouped about Charles Seymour, the university president

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Marjorie Ochs and Glenn Miller Rehearsing I Sustain the Wings

Marjorie Ochs and Glenn Miller Rehearsing I Sustain the Wings
Marjorie Ochs, the only female in the radio program I Sustain the Wingsgoes over the script with bandleader Captain Glenn Miller on June 16, 1943

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Captain Glenn Miller Reading a Script

Captain Glenn Miller Reading a Script
(Original Caption) 6/16/1943-New Haven, CT: Marjorie Ochs, the only girl in the show, "I sustain The Wings"

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Gun Factory

Gun Factory
(Original Caption) A section of the assembly line of caliber 22, model 67 rifles, popular with American junior shooters

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Walter Regan with Frankie Carbo

Walter Regan with Frankie Carbo
(Original Caption) Frankie Carbo, ex-con and underworld character, who has been sought for questioning in the New York County grand jury's investigation into the boxing racket

Background imageNew Haven Collection: George Bush Presents Citation to Babe Ruth

George Bush Presents Citation to Babe Ruth
(Original Caption) 1948-New Haven, CT- George Bush (R) welcomes Babe Ruth (L) at a pre-game ceremony in 1948 at the Yale University field

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Nobel Prize Winner Hartmut Michel

Nobel Prize Winner Hartmut Michel
Michel Hartmut talks to reporters at Yale University Medical School after learning he is a co-winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry. New Haven, Connecticut

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Joe Wood with Sons at Baseball Game

Joe Wood with Sons at Baseball Game
"Smokey" Joe Wood stands with his three sons who play for various college teams

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Yale Rowing Team in Action

Yale Rowing Team in Action
(Original Caption) Eli crew season begins...Yale Wet is rowing shells today in formal opening of outdoor rowing season, and shown above is the way the varsity crew manned the sweeps in trial spin

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of Yale University Honorary Degree Recipients

Portrait of Yale University Honorary Degree Recipients
(Original Caption) Citations and honorary degrees awarded at Yale University's commencement exercises on June 21, were conferred by President Charles Seymour (in center of group)

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Honorary Degree Recipients at Yale

Honorary Degree Recipients at Yale
(Original Caption) President Charles Seymour, of Yale University, who retires on June 30 after 13 years as head of Yale

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Anne Morrisy Holding a Pair of Binoculars

Anne Morrisy Holding a Pair of Binoculars
(Original Caption) Anne Morrisy, 21, sports editor of The Cornell Daily Sun and the first woman to hold the job in the newspaper's 75 year history

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Dinosaur Bone Excavation

Dinosaur Bone Excavation
(Original Caption) Professor Joseph T

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Bob Brink Running With the Football

Bob Brink Running With the Football
(Original Caption) Quarterback Bob Brink (right)

Background imageNew Haven Collection: West Point Cadets Appearing at Yale-Army Game

West Point Cadets Appearing at Yale-Army Game
(Original Caption) Faye Loyd Covers the Army-Yale Game Outside the Yale Press Box

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Ralph Vaughan Williams Signing Guest Book

Ralph Vaughan Williams Signing Guest Book
(Original Caption) Cites need for bad composers...British composer Ralph Vaughan Williams, 82, signs the guest book at Yale University, December 1st

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Football Players Leaping for a Pass

Football Players Leaping for a Pass
(Original Caption) Army Pass Incomplete

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Football Flies Over Ted Kennedy's Head

Football Flies Over Ted Kennedy's Head
(Original Caption) Ted Kennedy (88), Harvard end, grimaces in despair as the Ball sails past, too high, in the Yale end zone

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Rex Aubrey and Sandy Gionesse

Rex Aubrey and Sandy Gionesse
(Original Caption) Rex Aubrey, Yale junior (left) from New South Wales, Australia, and Sandy Gionesse (right), Yale senior from Highland Park, N.J

Background imageNew Haven Collection: George Breen and Ford Konno Shaking Hands

George Breen and Ford Konno Shaking Hands
(Original Caption) George Breen, AAU and NCAA 1, 500-meter champion, and Ford Konno (right), defending champion in the 440-yard free-style

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of Rex Aubrey With Colleagues

Portrait of Rex Aubrey With Colleagues
(Original Caption) Smiling for the camera after the 100 yard butterfly event in the national AAU swimming championships at Yale University are, left to right: Japanese swimming star Jiro Nagasawa

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of Margaret Sullavan

Portrait of Margaret Sullavan
(Original Caption) Margaret Sullavan, one of the greatest actresses of the American stage, was dead on arrival January 1 at Grace-New Haven Hospital. She is shown here in photo made in 1954

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Richard Nixon Campaigns from Top of Car

Richard Nixon Campaigns from Top of Car
(Original Caption) 10/17/1960-New Haven, CT- Republican presidential candidate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon, greets an enthusiastic crowd from the top of a car

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Estelle Griswold and Dr. C. Lee Buxton After Being Arrested

Estelle Griswold and Dr. C. Lee Buxton After Being Arrested
(Original Caption) Dr. C. Lee Buxton, 57, (center), the Medical Director of the Planned Parenthood Center, and Mrs

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Estelle Griswold and Dr. C. Lee Buxton with Coat Going to Hearing

Estelle Griswold and Dr. C. Lee Buxton with Coat Going to Hearing
(Original Caption) Mrs. Estelle Griswold, Executive Director of New Haven's Planned Parenthood Center chats with Dr. C

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Man Pickets Outside New Haven Planned Parenthood

Man Pickets Outside New Haven Planned Parenthood
James Morris of West Haven, Connecticut, long an opponent of efforts to repeal Connecticut's birth control statute

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Women's Rights Defenders Celebrating

Women's Rights Defenders Celebrating
Mrs. Estelle Griswold (L), medical advisor and Executive director of the Planned Parenthood Clinic in New Haven, and Mrs. Ernest Jahncke, President of Parenthood League of Connecticut, INC

Background imageNew Haven Collection: John Kerry with Vice President Hubert Humphrey

John Kerry with Vice President Hubert Humphrey
Yale student John Kerry converses with Vice President Hubert Humphrey at a reception for the Vice President at Yale's Art and Architecture Building

Background imageNew Haven Collection: View of Tribute to Randall Jarrell

View of Tribute to Randall Jarrell
(Original Caption) Five Pulitzer Prize Winners among those who honored the late Randall Jarrell, February 28, chat with Mrs. Mary Jarrell before the tribute at Yale University

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of Adrienne Rich

Portrait of Adrienne Rich
(Original Caption) Closeups of Adrienne Rich, poet and author of A Change of World and The Diamond Cutters, at Yale University February 28

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of Robert Penn Warren

Portrait of Robert Penn Warren
(Original Caption) Closeups of Pulitzer Prize winning poet and novelist Robert Penn Warren, at Yale University February 28 with other literary figures to pay tribute to the late Randall Jarrell

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of John Hollander

Portrait of John Hollander
(Original Caption) Closeup of John Hollander, poet, associate professor of English at Yale, and poetry editor of Partisan Review, at Yale University, February 28. Mr

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of John Berryman

Portrait of John Berryman
(Original Caption) Closeups of John Berryman, poet, critic, and author of short stories, and professor of English at the University of Minnesota, at Yale University, February 28. Mr

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of William Meredith

Portrait of William Meredith
(Original Caption) William Meredith, poet, professor of English at Connecticut College and presently visiting professor of English at Princeton University at Yale University, February 28th. Mr

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Portrait of Stanley Kunitz

Portrait of Stanley Kunitz
(Original Caption) Closeup of Stanley Kunitz, poet-editor and lecturer in English at Columbia University, at Yale University here February 28. Mr

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Pulitzer Prize Winners and Mary Jarrell

Pulitzer Prize Winners and Mary Jarrell
(Original Caption) 3/1/1966-New Haven, Connecticutt- Five Pulitzer prize winners, among those who honored the late Randall Jarrell, chat with Mrs. Mary Jarrell before the tribute at Yale University

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Richard Wilbur

Richard Wilbur
(Original Caption) Closeups of Richard Wilbur, poet, translator and professor of English at Wesleyan University

Background imageNew Haven Collection: View of Tribute to Randall Jarrell

View of Tribute to Randall Jarrell
(Original Caption) General views of the literary figures who gathered in New Haven to pay tribute at Yale University, February 28, to Randall Jarrell

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Ronald and Nancy Reagan at Yale University

Ronald and Nancy Reagan at Yale University
(Original Caption) 12/4/1967-New Haven, CT- Governor and Mrs. Ronald Reagan of California are escourted by Dr

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Observers at University Watching Television

Observers at University Watching Television
(Original Caption) Instant replay on television helps a Yale University sociology class study itself

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Arthur Miller and William Coffin Jr. Leading a Peace March

Arthur Miller and William Coffin Jr. Leading a Peace March
(Original Caption) Lead Peace March. New Haven, Connecticut: Playwright Arthur Miller (left) and Yale chaplain William Sloan Coffin Jr

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Joe Namath Throwing Pass

Joe Namath Throwing Pass
(Original Caption) 8/17/1969-New Haven, CT-Jets quarterback Joe Namath passing, in an exhibition game against the New York Giants

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Joe Namath Throwing Football

Joe Namath Throwing Football
New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath throws the football during a game against the Giants in New Haven

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Jets Quarterback Joe Namath Throwing Pass During Football Game

Jets Quarterback Joe Namath Throwing Pass During Football Game
(Original Caption) 8/17/1969-New Haven, CT: Excellent passing action on Joe Namath, NY Jets Quarter back during Jets-Giant game at New Haven

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Joe Namath Hands Off To Bill Mathis

Joe Namath Hands Off To Bill Mathis
(Original Caption) 8/17/1969-New Haven, CT-Jets quarterback Joe Namath (#12) hands off to Bill Mathis during the first quarter of action at Yale Bowl. The Jets demolished the Giants 37-14

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Protesters Carry Signs Outside Courthous

Protesters Carry Signs Outside Courthous
(Original Caption) 4/21/1970-New Haven, CT: Demonstrators march on the steps of New Haven's Superior Court, 4/21

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Members of Yale Strike Steering Committee

Members of Yale Strike Steering Committee
(Original Caption) Members of the Yale Strike Steering Committee (left to right) Ann Flax; Bill Farley

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Law Student Displaying Armband

Law Student Displaying Armband
(Original Caption) New Have

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Abbie Hoffman at May Day Rally

Abbie Hoffman at May Day Rally
(Original Caption) New Haven, Conn.: Abbie Hoffman raises clenched fist as members of the Chicago Conspiracy opened the May Day rally, May 1st, with speeches in the Center Church on the Town Green

Background imageNew Haven Collection: David Dellinger Opening May Day Rally

David Dellinger Opening May Day Rally
(Original Caption) New Have, Conn.: David Dellinger speaks as members of the Chicago Conspiracy opened the May Day Rally with speeches in the Center Church on the Town Green

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Overview Youthful Crowd at Rally in Square

Overview Youthful Crowd at Rally in Square
(Original Caption) 5/1/1970-New Haven

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Cathy Rigby Performing on Balance Beam

Cathy Rigby Performing on Balance Beam
(Original Caption) New Hanven, Connecticut. Cathy Rigby, United States gymnast, shown on the balance beam during tryouts for the Olympics here

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Gymnast Kathy Rigby on Balance Beam

Gymnast Kathy Rigby on Balance Beam
(Original Caption) New Haven, Conn.: Coach Bud Marquett corrected Cathy Rigby of long Beach, California, as she dismounts form the bar as the U. S

Background imageNew Haven Collection: Hunter S. Thompson at Press Conference

Hunter S. Thompson at Press Conference
This meeting at Yale University was held to discuss the influence of the press on the presidential election. From left of the picture are Charles Wheeler, chief correspondent for U.S

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