Ancient and Modern Jerusalem Map EngravingEngraved illustration of Ancient and Modern Jerusalem Map Engraving from The Popular Pictorial Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Published in 1862. Copyright has expired on this artwork
Travels of The Apostle Paul Map EngravingEngraved illustration of the Travels of The Apostle Paul Map Engraving from The Popular Pictorial Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Published in 1862
Jesus Praying in the GardenVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Praying in the Garden
Wanderings of the Israelites Map EngravingEngraved illustration of Wanderings of the Israelites Map Engraving from The Popular Pictorial Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments, Published in 1862. Copyright has expired on this artwork
Jesus Walks on WaterEngraving by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (March 26, 1794 - May 24, 1872)
Illustration of a bible scene, John 1, Jesus chooses 12 disciples
The Last SupperAntique illustration of The Last Supper Engraving
Illustration in black and white of the Last Supper[url=
Joseph and Marys Flight into EgyptVintage colour lithograph from 1882 Joseph and Mary fleeing to Egypt with the baby Jesus
Jesus blessing the Little ChildrenVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus blessing the Little Children
Jesus knocks on the door, lithograph, published in 1883Listen! I am standing at the door and knocking! Lithograph, publisched in 1883
Jesus before Pontius PilateVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus before Pontius Pilate
The Nativity of Jesus ChristThis vintage image by Lorenzo Lotto shows the Nativity scene. Created and published in 1523, it is now in the public domain
Jesus in the Garden of GethsemaneVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
The crucified Jesus, wood engraving, published c. 1880The crucified Jesus. Woodcut engraving, published ca. 1880
Bible manuscript, Codex Sinaiticus, facsimile, published in 1882Sample of Greek Bible manuscript, Codex Sinaiticus, Hebrew 13, 9. Facsimile, published in 1882
Jesus casts out a devil[url=
The NativityVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing the nativity scene of the baby jesus in his cradle
Nativity adoration of the shepherdsAntique, Baby, Bethlehem - Israel, Bible, Biblical Character, Celebration Event, Christianity, Christmas, Color Image, Engraved Image, Event, Herder, Holiday, Illustration and Painting, Israel
Jesus calls Peter and Andrew (Mark 1, 16-18)As he went along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew, Simons brother, casting a net into the sea (for they were fishermen)
Satan Tempts JesusEngraving by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (March 26, 1794 - May 24, 1872)
Transfiguration of Jesus, wood engraving, published in 1877Transfiguration of Jesus. Woodcut engraving after a drawing by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (German painter, 1794 - 1872), published in 1877
Christmas, wood engraving, published in 1877The visit of the shepherds. Woodcut engraving after a drawing by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (German painter, 1794 - 1872), published in 1877
Jesus and the little childrenVintage engraving of showing a scene from the New Testament, Jesus and the little children. 1846
Resurrection of JesusVintage engraving of showing a scene from the New Testament, Resurrection of Jesus. 1846
Jesus teaches from a boat to the people, published c. 1880Jesus teaches from a boat to the people. Woodcut engraving, published c. 1880
Palm SundayEngraving by Gustave Dore (1832 - 1883)
Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus (John 20), published 1877Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus (John, Chapter 20). Woodcut engraving after a drawing by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (German painter, 1794 - 1872), published in 1877
Jesus Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), published in 1860Jesus Sermon on the Mount. Wood engraving by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (German painter, 1794 - 1872), published in 1860
Jesus and the Raising of LazarusVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of Jesus and the Raising of Lazarus
Jesus in Gethsemane, steel engraving, published c. 1840Jesus in Gethsemane. Steel engraving after a painting by Charles Le Brun (French painter, 1619 - 1690), published c. 1840
Miraculous fishing (Luke 5, 1-11) by Raphael, published 1878Miraculous catch of fish (Luke 5, 1-11)
Jesus Drives Out a DemonEngraving by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (March 26, 1794 - May 24, 1872)
The Holy Family on the Flight into Egypt, published 1877The Holy Family on the Flight into Egypt. Woodcut engraving after a drawing by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld (German painter, 1794 - 1872), published 1877
Jesus Healing the LunaticVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Healing the Lunatic
Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, wood engraving, published 1873The Last Supper. Woodcut engraving after the famous fresco (1494-98) by Leonardo da Vinci (Italian painter, 1452 - 1519) in Milian, published in 1873
Jesus Christ blessing the Little ChildrenVintage colour lithograph from 1880 of Jesus Christ blessing the Little Children
The AscensionVintage colour lithograph from 1882 of The Ascension of Jesus
Old Testament MapVintage biblical map from 1879 showing the gentile countries and nations of the Old Testament
Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, GermanyEcce Homo, c.1435 (tempera & oil on panel) (Photo by Art Images via Getty Images)
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, AustriaMadonna and Child with Two Angels, 1770-73 (oil on panel) (Photo by Art Images via Getty Images)
National Gallery, London, UKMadonna and Child with SS. Dominic and Aurea, detail of the Madonna and Child, c.1315 (tempera on panel) (Photo by Art Images via Getty Images)
Musee d'Unterlinden, Colmar, FranceThe Marriage at Cana, c.1500 (oil on panel) (Photo by Art Images via Getty Images)
Musee des Beaux-Arts, Dijon, FranceSt. John the Baptist and St. Peter, from the Altarpiece of Pierre Rup, c.1450 (oil on panel) (Photo by Art Images via Getty Images)
Jesus Christ disputing in the TempleVintage colour lithograph from 1880 of Jesus Christ disputing with the elders in the temple
The Transfiguration[url=
Sermon on the Mount[url=
Jesus in the synagogue[url=
The baptism of Jesus[url=
Jesus and the Disciples going to EmmausVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus and the Disciples going to Emmaus
The Dead ChristVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ dead after being taken down from the Cross
Jesus and the Woman taken in AdulteryVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus and the Woman taken in Adultery
Jesus falling with the CrossVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ falling with the Cross
The new Jerusalem[url=
Black and white depiction of the Annunciation[url=
Paul preaches[url=
Jesus with the DoctorsVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ as a young boy talking with the doctors
Saul’s conversion[url=
John the Baptist PreachingVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness
Conversion of Saint Paul" Conversion of Saint Paul, a scene from the bible. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."
Saint Peter in the House of CorneliusVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Saint Peter in the House of Cornelius
Jesus in the garden[url=
Render unto Cæsar[url=][img][/img][/url] Jesus talks of the tribute money
Saint Stephen" The martydom of Saint Stephen. Engraving from 1870. Engraving by Gustave Dore, Photo by D Walker."
Saint Paul preaching to the ThessaloniansVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Saint Paul preaching to the Thessalonians
The Death of Jesus ChristVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing The Death of Jesus Christ
Peter at Cornelius’house[url=
Jesus preaches from a ship[url=
The Transfiguration of Jesus ChristVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ
Prodigal son in his fathers armsVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Prodigal son in his fathers arms
vision of a woman[url=
Saint Peter denying ChristVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Saint Peter denying Christ
The AnnunciationVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing the Annunciation
The Last JudgementVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing The Last Judgement
Jonah saved from the whale[url=
Peter and John at the Beautiful GateVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Saint Peter and Saint John at the Beautiful Gate
Jesus Sermon on the MountVintage engraving from the 1870 of a scene from the New Testament by Gustave Dore showing Jesus Christ giving the sermon on the Mount
Zechariah’s vision[url=
The Pentecost[url=
The Prodigal Son[url=
The books are burned at Ephesus[url=][img][/img][/url] Pagan books are burned at Ephesus