Strix aluco, Tawny Owl perched on tree branch
Snowy Owl, Arctic Owl, Great White Owl, Harfang (Bubo scandiacus) (Nyctea scandiaca), calling
Small-spotted Genet, Richtersveld, South AfricaSmall-spotted Genet (Genetta genetta)
ave, avian, captive animals, gold coloured, nobody, nocturnal, plain background, predatorBarn owl (Tyto alba) in studio
Black-headed ground snake (Rhynchocalamus melanocephalus). This is a small harmless snake, which is endemic to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East. It belongs to the Colubridae family
ave, avian, bubo virginianus, captive animals, ear tuft, grey background, nobodyGreat horned owl (Bubo virginianus), head shot, captive
Illustration of Giant Triton (Charonia tritonis), predatory sea snail feeding on Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci)
Dormouse -Glis glis-, looking out from like the nest of a dipper, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Bobcat (Felis rufus) head-shot
Distant view of a Leopard (Panthera Pardus) laying on a hillOkonjima Lodge and Africat Foundation, Namibia
animal, bird, bubo virginianus, buttercups, day, feathers, field, flowers, great horned owl, lawn, nobody, nocturnal, outdoor, portrait, wild, wildlife, Hemera, 87469850
ave, avian, bubo bubo, captive animalsEurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo), head shot in studio, captive
ave, avian, brown owl, captive animals, grey background, nobody, nocturnal, predatorTawny owl (Strix aluco), captive
asio otus, avian, captive animals, ear tuft, nobody, nocturnal, northern long-eared owlNorthern long-eared owl (Asio otus) perched on a log, captive
Flying moth
Siberian Tiger, Panthera tigris altaica, front view
Tarsier, Tarsius sp. on tree trunk, front view
Felis concolor, Puma on the prowl
Bats flying against full moon over gothic house
Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca)
Raccoon, Assateague Island, Marylandoung Raccoon (Procyon lotor) walking in grass
Eurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo)
A stick insect -Phasmida- sloughing its skin, Tandayapa region, Andean cloud forest, rainforest, Ecuador, South America
Stick insect -Phasmida- perched on a leaf, Tandayapa region, Andean cloud forest, rainforest, Ecuador, South America
Fishing spider -Dolomedes sp.-, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Wolf spider -Lycosidae spec.-, aposematism, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Wandering spider -Ctenidae spec.-, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Female Bush-cricket -Tettigoniidae spec.- with an ovipositor, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Giant lobster cricket -Panoploscelis specularis-, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Bush-cricket, Katydid -Tettigoniidae-, camouflage, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Short-horned grasshopper -Caelifera spec.-, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
True katydid -Pseudophyllinae-, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Katydid, bush-cricket -Tettigoniidae- sloughing its skin, Tiputini rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Young hedgehog -Erinaceus europaeus- with red apple, Bavaria, Germany
Barn Owl -Tyto alba- in flight in a barn
Toad migration, Common Toad -Bufo bufo- on the street in front of a car
Common toad -Bufo bufo-, yearling at nocturnal foraging, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany