Camel herder under beautiful milky way in Mongolian Gobi desertanimals, astronomical, at night, camelids, desolate, droughts, even-toed ungulates, galaxies, gobi, mammalia, mammalian, mammals, mongol, mongolia, mongolian, mood, natural sciences
Solomon Islandercirca 1927: An inhabitant of the Solomon Islands in the south-western Pacific Ocean, decked in jewellery and with a bone through his nose. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
City Gypsiescirca 1930: Gypsies in Bucharest, they live in tents pitched in the middle of the street. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Scruffy Kidscirca 1930: Two scruffy Romany boys chat to a well turned out young girl. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Hold Tightcirca 1930: Gypsy children around their caravan. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Antique map of Syria
Antique map of Scythiam and Sericam with vignettes
Tuareg in the Libyan Desert, Sahara, Libya, North Africa, Africa
Tinker TinkeringEngraving shows a member of the minority Irish Traveller or Tinker group as he pursues the groups traditional occupation of tinsmithing