DounreayThe bottom half of the worlds first electricity-producing fast breeder reactor at Dounreay Nuclear Power Development Establishment in Scotland, 14th July 1956
Atomic Medical Reactor(Original Caption) Atomic Medical Reactor
Senate Joint Committee On Atomic Energy(Original Caption) Shown as they gathered at the Bureau of Standards to listen to some of the scientists who developed the Atomic Bomb
Aerial View- Nuclear Plant Construction(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- The Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station is located on a 4, 050-acre site about 55 miles west of Phoenix
Turbine Of Indian Point Nuclear Power(Original Caption) The 265, 000-kilowatt (net capacity) steam electric turbine generator at Con Edison's nuclear powered Indian Point station. Undated Photograph
Foundation Of Cooling Tower At Reactor(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- A cooling tower under construction at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, where work began in June 1976
Steam Generators Of Nuclear Reactor(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- There are two steam generators per reactor. The generators act as heat exchangers, extracting heat from the water heated in the reactor that is pumped through them
Nuclear Technician Reviews Book(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- When Palo Verde is operational there will be 24 operators for each of the three control rooms
Palo Verde Nuclear ReactorPalo Verde is Arizona's first nuclear power plant, and will be the nation's largest generating station when construction is completed
View Of Steel Reinforcement In Reactor(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Six million cubic yards of earth have been excavated to build the Palo Verde Nuclear Reactor, with approximately 694
Pipes Bring Water For Cooling To Reactor(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ-The cooling water system is unique to Palo Verde. The system uses sewage effluent piped 36 miles from Phoenix
Lattice Of Steel Girders In Construction(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Six million cubic yards of earth have been excavated to build the Palo Verde Nuclear Reactor, with approximately 694
Cranes Silhouetted By Mid-Day Sun(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Looking up through an unfinished containment building
Nuclear Reactor Reflected In Pond(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Since 1957, when the nation's first nuclear generating station began commercial operation, to 1978
Engineers Study Plans Near Reactor(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Since 1957, when the nation's first nuclear generating station began commercial operation, to 1978
Nuclear Plant Silhouetted Against Sunset(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, under construction, at twilight--as seen from across a pond which stores some of the water for the plant. Undated color slide
Replica Of Control Room Of Nuclear Plant(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Every switch, indicator light and instrument in the control room simulator here is identical to the control room in each of the Palo Verde's three plants
Pipes Feed Water To Nuclear Reactor(Original Caption) Palo Verde, AZ- Demineralized well water is used in the reactor and steam generator
Uranium Graphite Nuclear Reactor(Original Caption) 11/22/1950-Modified Reactor
Top Of Heavy Water And Uranium Reactor11/22/1950-Chicago
Cross Section of Nuclear Reactor(Original Caption) 11/22/1950- MODIFIED REACTOR. This is a view of the Argonne National Laboratory's Uranium Graphite Nuclear Reactor- showing a view of the east (left side) and north faces
Stagg Field Nuclear Reactor(Original Caption) 11/22/1950- Chicago, IL: General view of the Stagg Field Nuclear Reactor at the University of Chicago
Homogeneous Reactor at Los Alamos, New Mexico(Original Caption) 11/24/1950-Los Alamos
Laboratory Technicians on Reactor CatwalkThe United States Atomic Energy Commission has approved declassification of the west face of the recently completed Atomic Pile at Brookhaven National Laboratory at Upton
Technician Loading Uranium Fuel Rods into Nuclear ReactorA workman places an Aluminum-jacketed uranium slug in a fuel channel opening on the loading face of one of the graphite reactors that comprises the Oak Ridge Atomic Pile
Man In Control Room Of Nuclear Reactor(Original Caption) 2/14/1952-Oak Ridge, TN: As part of a program to speed the training of technical personnel
Technicians Replacing a Reactor's Shield Plug(Original Caption) Lemont, Illinois: The AEC's newest research reactor which was recently placed in operation at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, Ill. is shown above
Controls of a Nuclear Generator(Original Caption) 5/22/1957-Pleasanton, CA: The instrument panel for General Electric's boiling water power reactor, part of the company's Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory
Interior of a French Breeder-Reactor(Original Caption) 1958- The Marcoule Plutonium Production Center - the first French industrial-scale atomic center. Its essential mission is the production of plutonium
View Of Polish Nuclear Reactor(Original Caption) 4/29/1958-Swierk, Poland: The first Polish nuclear reactor will soon be put in operation at Swierk, near Warsaw. Technicians are shown here atop the nearly-completed reactor
Overview of Britain's First Nuclear Power StationSteam escapes from the reactor towers at Britain's first nuclear power station which is also the first in the world to produce electricity on a full commercial scale. Calder Hall, England
China's First Nuclear ReactorChina's first experimental nuclear reactor at a power plant in Peking, formally inaugurated September 27, 1958
Nuclear Reactor(Original Caption) St.Laurent des Eaux, France:A new Nuclear center is to commence operation before the end of the year in this village between Orleans and Blois
Reactor Number One at Three Mile IslandTop portion of reactor Number One at Three Mile Island on the day the Three Mile Island accident occurred
Woman Reading Newspaper W/Child On Lap(Original Caption) 3/31/1979-Hershey, PA: Gwen Majette, 4, of Middletown, Pennsylvania
Youth Wearing 3 Mile Island T-Shirt(Original Caption) 4/5/1979-Middletown, PA: A youngster shows off a new T-shirt near the site of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant
Nuclear Workers Running In Front/Towers(Original Caption) 10/11/1979-Sacramento, CA: A band of joggers staged a 35-mile run from the Rancho Seco Nuclear Plant to the California capitol (10/11)
Construction Of Nuclear Reactor Parts(Original Caption) 2/1981: Photo shows construction of inner parts for the nuclear plant in Paks, Hungary
architecture, black and white, cloud, cooling tower, copy space, dark, day, dramatic, energy, engineering, environment, five objects, fuel and power generation, industry, low angle view
Illustration of nuclear fission reactor showing the water pressuriser, control rod mechanism, core, coolant pump, steam generator
Cross section illustration of nuclear reactor
Atomic ExhibitThe core of a pool reactor emits an eery blue glow in the American exhibit at the International Commercial Exhibition, at the Palais des Exhibitions