Race At St Moritz1908: Skeleton competitors with their toboggans at the start of the Cresta Run, St Moritz. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Bluebird16th May 1963: Donald Campbells racing car Bluebird in which he eventually won the land speed record. The car is silhouetted against the sun on the salt flats of Lake Eyre in Australia
Khyber Passcirca 1934: The road through the Khyber Pass on the north-west frontier of India (later Pakistan). (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Khyber Passcirca 1934: The Khyber Pass through the mountains of the Safed Koh range on the north-west frontier of India (later Pakistan) and Afghanistan. Afghanistan is in the background
Fosse WayJuly 1937: A car on the ancient Fosse Way in the Cotswolds. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
DerwentwaterMay 1956: Lake District, Cumberland with Derwentwater seen from a hilltop. (Photo by S. Jones/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Winter CountrysideMarch 1962: Snow covered countryside at Vatnahalsen, Norway (Photo by George Freston/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Great White Wonder1909: The Southern party of Shackletons Antarctic expedition, which came within a record-breaking 156 km of the south pole on January 9, 1909
Chinese Countrysidecirca 1950: A Chinese peasant looks out across the countryside towards the walled villages of Kam Tin in the distance. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Scottish Highlandscirca 1955: Gruinard Bay from Achgarve in Ross and Cromarty in the Highland and Western Isles region of Scotland. (Photo by Noel Habgood/Keystone/Getty Images)
Tourist Traffic26th April 1955: A small car with a GB plate on the Champs-en-Americans (Avenue of Trees) straight country road in France lined with poplar trees. (Photo by George W. Hales/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Lebanese Village10th January 1955: A small village in the White Mountains en-route to the cedars of Lebanon. (Photo by Evans/Three Lions/Getty Images)
National Parkcirca 1930: A rider on horseback in Waterton Lakes National Park, British Columbia. (Photo by W. J. Oliver/Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Palikars1830: Albanian palikars in pursuit of an enemy wear long-haired sheepskin jackets and carry long barelled rifles as they climb through mountainous country. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Castle In Languedoccirca 1960: The castle of Foix in Languedoc. In early medieval times such castles were the seats of counts who were vassals of the Count of Toulouse. (Photo by Three Lions/Getty Images)
Mounted Policecirca 1935: Protection of the desert by the Palestinian Police on camels. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
No Trenchcirca 1916: German troops with machine guns lying in wait for the enemy. (Photo by General Photographic Agency/Getty Images)
Killarney Lakes1858: The lakes of Killarney in County Kerry. (Photo by William England/London Stereoscopic Company/Getty Images)
Glasgow To PerthJune 1906: Cars starting up Rest-And-Be-Thankful on the first day of the Glasgow to Perth stretch of the Scottish Reliability Trial. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Ski-JumpJanuary 1924: A contestant in the ski-jump at the winter sports at St Moritz. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Top WithinsMarch 1955: Top Withins, on the North Yorkshire moors near Haworth, the setting for Emily Brontes romantic novel Wuthering Heights. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Ski JumpingFebruary 1923: Ski jumper Accola Rene in action during the ski championships at Grindelwald, Switzerland. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Ski Trekking1923: Cross-country ski trekkers climbing to Faulhorn in Switzerland. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Scottish Mountains1935: A valley in the Scottish mountains. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Davos PlatzFebruary 1908: Davos Platz, a health resort and winter sports centre, in the mountain valley of the Landwasser. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Burns Countryside27th July 1946: The picturesque landscape of Ayrshire where Robert Burns used to wander. Robert Burns was born in Alloway, Ayrshire, the son of a farmer
Asbestos Mines19th October 1946: Asbestos mines at Amiandos in the Troodos mountains in Cyprus. Original Publication: Picture Post - 4202 - Cyprus A Challenge To British Rule - pub
Haystacks4th September 1948: Stooks of wheat stand drying in a field at Stockbridge, Hampshire
Saudi DesertSand dunes in the desert region of Saudi Arabia known as the Empty Quarter, 1959. (Photo by Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)