Diadem spider, Cross spider, European garden spider -Araneus diadematus-, habitat Europe
European garden spider or cross spider -Araneus diadematus-, female on her web on a house wall, Untergroeningen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
European garden spider -Araneus diadematus-, spider of the year 2010
Orb-web spider, grass cross spider -Argiope catenulata- perched in the center of its circular web with a zig-zag pattern of white spider silk or stabilimentum, Tambopata Nature Reserve
Orb-weaving Spider -Argiope bruennichi-, Burgenland, Austria
Orb Web Spider (Araneidae) weaving spiral through web frame erected between tree branches
Common orb-weaving spider -Araneus sp.- on its web, Konstanz, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
European Garden Spider, Diadem Spider or Cross Orbweaver -Araneus diadematus- in a web, Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Orb Weaver -Araneus circe-, female, Mount Olympus, Litochoro, Central Macedonia, Greece
Cucumber Green Orb Spider -Araniella cucurbitina-, female, Untergroningen, Abtsgmuend, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Cucumber Green Spider -Araniella cucurbitina-, young animal on a Bearded Iris -Iris germanica-, macro shot, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Small house spider -Araneus diadematus-, 10mm, crawling on wallpaper
Orb web spider on its web
Orb-web weaver spider on its web
Orb Web Spider (Araneidae) weaving outer frame of web between tree branches
Orb Web Spider (Araneidae) beginning to weave web frame between tree branches
Araneus orb-weaving spider (Araneus) in its web
Wasp spider (Argiope bruennichi)
Wasp Spider (Argiope bruennichi) on web, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
Bolas spider -Encyosaccus sexmaculatus-, orb-web spider, Tiputini rain forest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Orb-weaver spider -Araneidae- in warning coloration sitting in the center of a web, Tiputini, rainforest, Yasuni National Park, Ecuador, South America
Wasp Spider -Argiope bruennichi- in a net, Limburg, Hesse, Germany, Europe
Four-spot orb-weaver -Araneus quadratus-, Lake Federsee region, Upper Swabia, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
European Garden Spider or Cross Orbweaver -Araneus diadematus- with prey in its web, Hesse, Germany, Europe, PublicGround
Garden Spider or Cross Orbweaver -Araneus diadematus- sitting on a net with morning dew, Duvenstedter Brook nature reserve, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Common orb-web spider -Araneus sp.- on its web, Konstanz, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
Orb-web Spider species -probably Cyclosa spec.-, building spider dummies with several legs from plant debris and dead insects to deflect from enemy attacks, Tambopata Nature Reserve
Cricket-bat Orb-weaver Spider -Mangora acalypha- on an Ox-eye Daisy -Leucanthemum vulgare-, Hesse, Germany
Long-jawed Spider -Tetragnatha extensa-, Versoix, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
Wasp Spider or Zebra Spider -Argiope bruennichi-, female sitting in a web, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Wasp Spider -Argiope bruennichi-, on web, Neunkirchen, Siegerland, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, Europe
Hentz?s orbweaverr -Neoscona crucifera-, Tambopata National Reserve, Madre de Dios region, Peru
Wasp Spider or Orb-weaving Spider -Argiope bruennichi- on a spiders web, Burgenland, Austria
Orb weaver -Eriophora ravilla-, Tambopata Nature Reserve, Madre de Dios region, Peru
Wasp Spider or Orb-weaving Spider -Argiope bruennichi-, spinning a cocoon, Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany
Wasp Spider -Argiope bruennichi- on a spiders web, Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany
Cobweb of an Orb Weaver -Araneus sp. - covered in morning dew, Allgau, Bavaria, GermanyCobweb of an Orb Weaver -Araneus sp.- covered in morning dew, Allgau, Bavaria, Germany
Orb web of a Garden Cross Spider -Araneus diadematus- with dew drops, Bavaria, Germany
Spider web with European Garden Spider -Araneus diadematus- between young spruces, Allgau, Bavaria, Germany