Early Purple Orchid (Orchis mascula), Burren, County Clare, Ireland, Europe
Heath Spotted Orchid or Moorland Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata), Burren, Ireland, Europe
Heath spotted orchid, Moorland spotted orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata)
Yellow Ladys Slipper Orchids (Cypripedium calceolus) in a forest
close up of orchid
Western marsh orchid (Dactylorhiza majalis) in front of Schlern mountain, Seiser Alm, South Tyrol, Italy, Europe
Red Vanilla Orchid (Nigritella rubra)
Fragrant Orchid (Gymnadenia conopsea) in front of Plattkofel and Langkofel Mountains, Seiser Alm, Dolomites, Alto Adige, Italy, Europe
Black Vanilla Orchid (Nigritella nigra)
Broad-leaved Helleborine (Epipactis helleborine)
Lesser Butterfly-orchid (Platanthera bifolia), single flower
White Helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium), Swabian Alb, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, Europe
European Common Twayblade (Listera ovata), single flowers
White variety of Early purple orchid (Orchis mascula), Burren, County Clare, Ireland, Europe
European Common Twayblade (Listera ovata), orchid, Burren, Ireland, Europe
Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera), Isar river flood plains, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany, Europe
White Helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium), Bavaria, Germany, Europe