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Pain Collection

Background imagePain Collection: Depressed Sad Moody Woman Leaning Head Onto Arm Slouched Lean Back Of Chair Seated Depression Stress

Depressed Sad Moody Woman Leaning Head Onto Arm Slouched Lean Back Of Chair Seated Depression Stress
UNITED STATES - Circa 1960s: Depressed Sad Moody Woman Leaning Head Onto Arm Slouched Lean Back Of Chair Seated Depression Stress

Background imagePain Collection: Egyptian Souvenir Papyrus

Egyptian Souvenir Papyrus
Goddess Isis and Nefertiti

Background imagePain Collection: Cartoon of senior woman in nightdress and slippers standing on one leg in pain from paraesthesia

Cartoon of senior woman in nightdress and slippers standing on one leg in pain from paraesthesia, or pins and needles, in raised foot

Background imagePain Collection: Alcibiades killed by assassins

Alcibiades killed by assassins
Illustration of a Alcibiades killed by assassins (probably Spartans)

Background imagePain Collection: Woman sitting in chair, rubbing her feet

Woman sitting in chair, rubbing her feet
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1950s: Woman sitting in chair, rubbing her feet

Background imagePain Collection: Back pain

Back pain
A posterior view of a male torso revealing the skeletal and nerve structures of the back

Background imagePain Collection: Engraving Jesus Christ with crown of thorns from 1870

Engraving Jesus Christ with crown of thorns from 1870
Engraved Image, 18th Century Style, Image Created 18th Century, Woodcut, Illustration and Painting, Pencil Drawing, Painted Image, History, Steel Engraving, Black And White, Fine Art Portrait

Background imagePain Collection: Woman sitting, holding back of hand up to forehead

Woman sitting, holding back of hand up to forehead
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1930s: Woman sitting, holding back of hand up to forehead

Background imagePain Collection: Giant eating people (Victorian cartoon)

Giant eating people (Victorian cartoon)
A fierce-looking giant enjoying a meal of people, most of whom are trying to get away by various means. His dog looks on, hoping for the occasional limb or head

Background imagePain Collection: Male doctor taking blood pressure of male patient

Male doctor taking blood pressure of male patient
UNITED STATES - CIRCA 1930s: Male doctor taking blood pressure of male patient

Background imagePain Collection: Physicians and Patient During Early Blood Transfusion

Physicians and Patient During Early Blood Transfusion
(Original Caption) Blood Transfusion: After Scultetus, 1667

Background imagePain Collection: Drawing Depicting Midwife Assisting a Mother to Be

Drawing Depicting Midwife Assisting a Mother to Be
(Original Caption) 16th Century Birth Scene: Midwife preparing to start her work while another looks on

Background imagePain Collection: Restrained Prisoner Being Visited in Cell

Restrained Prisoner Being Visited in Cell
(Original Caption) Prisoner handshackled in medieval dungeon. Woodcut 15th century

Background imagePain Collection: Man Being Tortured

Man Being Tortured
A group of men shrouded in cloaks persecute a man suspected of heresy by tying him to a torture chamber

Background imagePain Collection: Woman Pulling Tooth in Yard

Woman Pulling Tooth in Yard
(Original Caption) Woman pulls tooth in yard of primitive Negro cottage, mountain district of Virginia

Background imagePain Collection: Alexander Graham Bell Trying to Locate Bullet in President Garfield

Alexander Graham Bell Trying to Locate Bullet in President Garfield

Background imagePain Collection: Doctor Tending to James Garfield After Shooting

Doctor Tending to James Garfield After Shooting
(Original Caption) Garfield assassination: The upper room in Union Station in Washington immediately after the shooting. Sketch by W. R. Rogers 1881

Background imagePain Collection: Cartoon on Landlord Taking Money from Faction

Cartoon on Landlord Taking Money from Faction
(Original Caption) Judge. An Appeal To A Country Without A Soul Above. Non-Resident Irish Landlord---"O More Squeeze!"

Background imagePain Collection: Dentist Working on Patient

Dentist Working on Patient
(Original Caption) Dentistry: Chinese dentist in his makeshift office extracting a tooth. Patient writhing with pain

Background imagePain Collection: Injured Player Lying on the Field

Injured Player Lying on the Field
(Original Caption) Football injury-Out of the Game. Engraving by W.A. Rogers, 1891

Background imagePain Collection: Mother Pulling Out Son's Bad Tooth

Mother Pulling Out Son's Bad Tooth
(Original Caption) Mother pulling out her son's bad tooth. Photograph, 1897. BPA2 #853

Background imagePain Collection: Cartoon On Painless Extraction;Dentistry

Cartoon On Painless Extraction;Dentistry
(Original Caption) Dentistry: a cartoon on painless extraction. Postal card ca. 1905.BPA2# 1030

Background imagePain Collection: Gulliver Tied Down by Lilliputians

Gulliver Tied Down by Lilliputians
(Original Caption) Gulliver in Lilliput, Exhibiting at the Crystal Palace

Background imagePain Collection: Policeman Whipping Jew

Policeman Whipping Jew
(Original Caption) Progrome in Russia: Jew being whipped by Czarist policeman

Background imagePain Collection: Disfigured Result of Chinese Foot Binding

Disfigured Result of Chinese Foot Binding
(Original Caption) Disfigured feet of a Chinese woman. Cruel custom of bandaging feet of women of the aristocracy from infancy was still practiced around 1900

Background imagePain Collection: Jackie Robinson Examining Arm and Umpire Pointing at Catcher

Jackie Robinson Examining Arm and Umpire Pointing at Catcher
(Original Caption) Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers, is shown again examining his arm after he was hit by a ball pitched by Giant Gregg, while umpire Ballanfant turns on Giant catcher Yvars

Background imagePain Collection: Jackie Robinson Crouching Down Holding Arm

Jackie Robinson Crouching Down Holding Arm
(Original Caption) With umpire Ballanfant looking

Background imagePain Collection: Soldiers Rioting at the Alamo

Soldiers Rioting at the Alamo
(Original Caption) The Mexican assault on the Alamo

Background imagePain Collection: Man Hitting Another with Axe

Man Hitting Another with Axe
(Original Caption) Irishmen with axes

Background imagePain Collection: Child with Smallpox Crying

Child with Smallpox Crying
(Original Caption) Smallpox scabs being collected in a village for laboratory analysis

Background imagePain Collection: Dentist Working on Patient

Dentist Working on Patient
(Original Caption) The Surgeon-Dentist from a painting by Lucas Van Leyden, (1494-1533)

Background imagePain Collection: Sufferers in Purgatory

Sufferers in Purgatory
(Original Caption) Scene From Purgatory. Detail showing the saving of the Souls. Painting by Hans Friez, Swiss master, 15th Century

Background imagePain Collection: Painting of an Early Operation

Painting of an Early Operation
(Original Caption) Earliest Operation for the Stone. Performed in the presence of King Louis XI by Germain Colot in the Cemetery of St. Severin, January 4, 1974

Background imagePain Collection: Patient Having Teeth Pulled

Patient Having Teeth Pulled
(Original Caption) Dentist pulling patient's tooth. Lithograph by Charles Jacques

Background imagePain Collection: Chinese Villager Displaying Bullet Wound

Chinese Villager Displaying Bullet Wound
A Chinese villager displays the bullet wound she received from a Vietnamese sniper. | Location: Pengmeng, China

Background imagePain Collection: Engraving After A Surgeon Attending to a Man's Arm by Cornelius Dusart

Engraving After A Surgeon Attending to a Man's Arm by Cornelius Dusart
Blood-letting by a Dutch barber surgeon. Copper Engraving by Cornelius Dusart

Background imagePain Collection: A Man's Head Based on a Detail of An Allegory With Venus and Cupid by Bronzino

A Man's Head Based on a Detail of An Allegory With Venus and Cupid by Bronzino
(1502-1572) Pain. Sculpture by Bronzino. Undated. BPA 2 #3532

Background imagePain Collection: A Dentist Performing Oral Surgery

A Dentist Performing Oral Surgery
A Gerard van Honthorst painting of a dentist in the middle of surgery which was on display at the Pierre Lichtenstien Gallery in Vienna

Background imagePain Collection: Criminal Being Punished

Criminal Being Punished
(Original Caption) Chinese Punishment: Whipping a lawbreaker. Even the theft of a few pennies brought about this severe reprisal

Background imagePain Collection: Mucius Before Lars Porsena

Mucius Before Lars Porsena
Mucius showing Lars Porsena, the King of the Etruscans, his resistance to torture by holding his hand over an open flame. A murdered man lays before them

Background imagePain Collection: 19Th Century Rural Dentist Engraving

19Th Century Rural Dentist Engraving
(Original Caption) Picture shows a rural dentist about to hook a painful tooth. In the background shows a sign saying "Tooth Pulling 1 Mark." Undated woodcut Circa 1840. BPA2# 1031

Background imagePain Collection: Wounded French Soldier Drinking Water from Canteen

Wounded French Soldier Drinking Water from Canteen
(Original Caption) Wracked by pain, this wounded French soldier finds succor at the hands of two countrymen

Background imagePain Collection: Dempsey Pummeling Jess Willard In Ring

Dempsey Pummeling Jess Willard In Ring
Jack Dempsey fights Jess Willard to eventually win the heavyweight title

Background imagePain Collection: Rudolph Valentino in Blood and Sand

Rudolph Valentino in Blood and Sand
(Original Caption) Rudolph Valentino as a bull fighter sitting on the ground, wounded, after having slain the bull. "Rudolph Valentino in Blood and Sand (1922), a Paramount Picture. Photograph

Background imagePain Collection: Jack Herman Knocked Out by Luiz Angelo Firpo

Jack Herman Knocked Out by Luiz Angelo Firpo
(Original Caption) Firpo Puts Out Herman in Fifth

Background imagePain Collection: George Clasa Wrestling Marina Plestina

George Clasa Wrestling Marina Plestina
(Original Caption) Not Artists Models but Wrestlers. George Clasa lifts an opponent with ease, using a head and crotch hold to turn the trick

Background imagePain Collection: Wounded Soldiers from the War

Wounded Soldiers from the War
(Original Caption) The Factionary War in China. Wounded but happy members of the victorious Wu Pei Fu Army, which routed the forces of General Chang Tso Lin

Background imagePain Collection: Boy After Skin Grafting Operation

Boy After Skin Grafting Operation
(Original Caption) Eleven Give Skin and Save Boy's Life. Like a crazy quilt does the body of 9-year-old Ralph Orcutt look after his remarkable skin grafting operation

Background imagePain Collection: Spectators Watching Man Extract Tooth from Colleague

Spectators Watching Man Extract Tooth from Colleague
(Original Caption) Camp Life Fine, But a Bad Tooth Must Be Pulled. Camp life after all is not all it's cracked up to be, for toothaches bob up there just as they would anywhere else

Background imagePain Collection: Man With Nail in Tongue

Man With Nail in Tongue
(Original Caption) Vienna...Here is pictured the man without any feeling a human who has nails hammered through his tongue

Background imagePain Collection: Boy Who Has Fallen Off Bicycle

Boy Who Has Fallen Off Bicycle
(Original Caption) Photo shows a boy who's fallen off of his velocipede (tricycle), holding his shin and knee. Model: Michael Coale. Ca. 1950s

Background imagePain Collection: Wounded Soldiers Lying on Stretchers

Wounded Soldiers Lying on Stretchers
(Original Caption) Wounded Soldiers. Human Wreckage of China's Civil War

Background imagePain Collection: Removing Bullet from Eye with Giant Magnet

Removing Bullet from Eye with Giant Magnet
(Original Caption) Extracting a Bullet from an Eye

Background imagePain Collection: Gutzon Borglum Standing with His Son

Gutzon Borglum Standing with His Son
(Original Caption) Hurt in Fall While Working on Mountain Memorial. Gutzon Borglum shown at Kansas City, Mo

Background imagePain Collection: Jack Sherry Performing Leg Twist

Jack Sherry Performing Leg Twist
(Original Caption) Look Who's Making Faces. Although Jack Sherry is applying the leg twist on a training mate, he mistakes his grimaces for both parties

Background imagePain Collection: Wrestler Performing Toe Hold Move

Wrestler Performing Toe Hold Move
(Original Caption) Leggo My Toe

Background imagePain Collection: Lillyan Tashman Resting in Hospital Bed

Lillyan Tashman Resting in Hospital Bed
(Original Caption) Convalescent Star

Background imagePain Collection: Count Roman Ostoja Lying on Bed of Spikes

Count Roman Ostoja Lying on Bed of Spikes
(Original Caption) In a ticklish position...More astounding than any feats of legerdemain are the accomplishments of Count Roman Ostoja, a Polish nobleman

Background imagePain Collection: Count Roman Ostoja Piercing His Tongue

Count Roman Ostoja Piercing His Tongue
(Original Caption) In a ticklish position...More astounding than any feats of legerdemain are the accomplishments of Count Roman Ostoja, a Polish nobleman

Background imagePain Collection: Police Officer Slapping Man in Face

Police Officer Slapping Man in Face
(Original Caption) He Who Gets Slapped

Background imagePain Collection: Dentist Extracting Molars

Dentist Extracting Molars
(Original Caption) From Mat to Molar A pulling profession seems to be fated for Dr. Fred Meyers of Indiana, who is a peaceful dentist in the summertime, and a fearsome wrestler in the winter. Dr

Background imagePain Collection: Fritzi Ridgeway Falling Off Bicycle

Fritzi Ridgeway Falling Off Bicycle
(Original Caption) An Unhappy Landing

Background imagePain Collection: Strangler Lewis and Jim Browning

Strangler Lewis and Jim Browning
(Original Caption) Ouch! Leggo My Toe! When better, (or worse), faces are made the wrestlers will make em

Background imagePain Collection: Bill Terry Falling to the Ground

Bill Terry Falling to the Ground
(Original Caption) Down...and Out For a Month

Background imagePain Collection: Man Injured by Glass Bottle

Man Injured by Glass Bottle
August 17, 1933. New York James Reagan is having his head sewed up after another hobo hit him with a bottle

Background imagePain Collection: Joe Louis Fighting Max Baer

Joe Louis Fighting Max Baer
(Original Caption) Baer Down. Two Down for Louis with Baer as Victim. Bronx, New York: The second knockdown of Max Baer in that hectic third round of his scheduled 15-round battle with Joe Louis

Background imagePain Collection: Marcel Thil Being Attended to by Seconds

Marcel Thil Being Attended to by Seconds
(Original Caption) Seconds of Marcel Thil, world's middleweight champion

Background imagePain Collection: Max Schmeling And Joe Louis In Boxing Match

Max Schmeling And Joe Louis In Boxing Match
(Original Caption) 6/19/1936-Max Schmeling lands a left to the face of Joe Louis in their boxing match

Background imagePain Collection: R.A. Kling and Joe Jacobson Smiling

R.A. Kling and Joe Jacobson Smiling
(Original Caption) Two Accidents Mar Air Race Program. R.A

Background imagePain Collection: Clara Mortensen and Mildred Burke Wrestling

Clara Mortensen and Mildred Burke Wrestling
(Original Caption) Chattanooga, Tennessee, staged a wrestling championship for women at the Memorial Auditorium recently. Champion Clara Mortensen, of Gendale, Ca

Background imagePain Collection: Jack Sharkey Falling to the Ground

Jack Sharkey Falling to the Ground
(Original Caption) Sharkey Finds it Was Loaded. New York: Some experts said that the Brown Bomber might prove a dud. Here, Jack Sharkey finds that it was loaded

Background imagePain Collection: Trainers Checking Joe Louis Hands

Trainers Checking Joe Louis Hands
(Original Caption) Joe Louis trainers testing his hands after his fifteen round bout with Tommy Farr at the Yankee Stadium, New York, August 30th

Background imagePain Collection: Man Performing with a Saw

Man Performing with a Saw
(Original Caption) This is the End. Abner is almost finished with his number and it looks like the thought of it all being over has eased the pain somewhat

Background imagePain Collection: Mildred Burke and Leona Gordon Mud Wrestling

Mildred Burke and Leona Gordon Mud Wrestling
(Original Caption) Mildred (Cyclone) Burke, claimant to the world's women's wrestling championship, and Leona (Babe) Gordon

Background imagePain Collection: Barber Charles de Zemler Brushing Man's Hair

Barber Charles de Zemler Brushing Man's Hair
(Original Caption) 2/16/38-New York: Presenting Charles de Zemler, the world's most famous barber, and his shop, the most luxurious tonsorial parlor in the world

Background imagePain Collection: Mickey Rooney Falling

Mickey Rooney Falling
(Original Caption) Hollywood: Mickey Rooney (left), Metro Goldwyn-Mayer Star, and Sabu, East Indian youngster star of the current motion picture Drums

Background imagePain Collection: Mickey Rooney Holding His Ankle

Mickey Rooney Holding His Ankle
Encino, Calif.: MGM player Mickey Rooney is shown here holding his ankle while on his five-acre ranch

Background imagePain Collection: Referee and Others Examining John Henry Lewis Head

Referee and Others Examining John Henry Lewis Head
(Original Caption) The End Has Come-for John Henry

Background imagePain Collection: Torture Devices

Torture Devices
(Original Caption) Political Prisoners Had Been Tortured in Red Barcelona

Background imagePain Collection: Joe DiMaggio in Bed with an Injured Knee

Joe DiMaggio in Bed with an Injured Knee
(Original Caption) Joe DiMaggio tries to grin despite his pain as he nurses the torn muscles of his right leg in his room at the Hotel New Yorker, April 30th

Background imagePain Collection: Woman Sneezing

Woman Sneezing
(Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)

Background imagePain Collection: Hand Pouring Aspirin from Bottle

Hand Pouring Aspirin from Bottle
Hand pouring tablets of aspirin from a bottle against a black background. Undated photograph

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