Golden Orioles -Oriolus oriolus-, adult male feeding chicks in the nest with a grasshopper, in an acacia tree, Bulgaria
Nursery-web Spider -Pisaura mirabilis- with an egg sac, Schmellwitz, Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany
Ringed Plover -Charadrius dubius- perched on nest, Burgenland, Austria
European Green Woodpecker -Picus viridis- feeding young at nest in tree hole, Germany
Honey bees -Apis mellifera-, worker bees on the drone brood cells
Honey bees -Apis mellifera-, worker bees caring for the brood, on brood cells, larvae, circa 8 days, in honeycomb cells
Nazca Booby -Sula granti- with an egg and a chick, Isla Genovesa, Galapagos Islands
Nazca Booby -Sula granti- on a nest with a chick, Isla Genovesa, Galapagos Islands
Nazca Booby -Sula granti- with a chick, Isla Genovesa, Galapagos Islands
Little Grebe -Tachybaptus ruficollis- perched on the nest, Burgenland, Austria
Starling -Sturnus vulgaris- feeding its chick in the nest, Middle Franconia, Bavaria, Germany
Breeding Black-legged Kittiwake-Rissa tridactyla-, Mykines, Faroe Islands, Denmark
Penduline Tit -Remiz pendulinus-, approaching the nest to supply feed for young, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany
Common Kestrel -Falco tinnunculus- with captured mouse, Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany
Common Kestrel -Falco tinnunculus- passes mouse to young birds, Emsland, Lower Saxony, Germany
Icterine Warbler -Hippolais icterina-, adult bird at the nest shortly before taking over a pack of feces from the young
Lesser Gray Shrike -Lanius minor- adult feeding young in the nest, Hortobagy, Hungary, Europe
Barn Owl -Tyto alba- passing a mouse to a young bird
Barn Owl -Tyto alba- shortly after delivering a shrew to a young bird
Golden Oriole -Oriolus oriolus-, adult female incubating eggs in the nest, in a walnut tree, Bulgaria
Golden Oriole -Oriolus oriolus-, adult male, watching over the nest, in a walnut tree, Bulgaria
Great Crested Grebe -Podiceps cristatus-, adult bird with chicks on its back on a lake, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany
South Russian Tarantula -Lycosa singoriensis- carrying spiderlings on the back, Bulgaria